August 13, 2020- Millions Of Acres Of Crops In The Central U.S. Have Been Destroyed



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   Israel, UAE reach agreement on full diplomatic ties

The United Arab Emirates will launch full diplomatic ties with Israel in an agreement that will see Jerusalem halt its plans for annexation of West Bank land, the leaders of Israel, the UAE and U.S. said Thursday. The agreement makes the UAE the first Gulf Arab state to do so and only the third Arab nation to have active diplomatic ties to Israel. Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the day-to-day ruler of the UAE, confirmed Thursday that the Gulf state had reached an agreement that would end Israel’s annexation plans. “Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economics will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation and forging closer people-to-people relations,” said the statement by U.S. President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Al Nahyan.
Aug. 13, 2020

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to balloon attacks

Israel halts fuel shipments to Gaza over fire balloon launches

Israeli military on Thursday struck several Hamas militant sites in the Gaza Strip, including a military compound belonging to Hamas’ naval force, underground infrastructure and observation posts belonging to the organization. According to the IDF Spokesperson Unit, the IDF’s attack came as retaliation for the continued incendiary balloon attacks on Israeli territory.
Aug. 13, 2020


    US prepares sanctions for Hizballah’s Lebanese allies

US threatening to veto UN peacekeeper mandate in southern Lebanon — report

The Trump administration plans to step into the turbulence in Lebanon to loosen Hizballah’s grip on Beirut by anti-corruption sanctions for its allies, US sources reveal. Since the Diyab government resigned under mounting popular fury in the aftermath of deadly explosions at Beirut port, a power struggle is evolving to fill the gap. Washington sees its chance to strip Iran’s surrogate of the allies and power which made Hizballah the military and political boss of Lebanon for the past decade. US sanctions against Hizballah’s friends will send a message to Lebanon that the massive influx of international aid for building Beirut anew will not be forthcoming if Hizballah steps back into its former potent role in the regime. Washington is still drawing up a blacklist of individuals whose assets would be frozen.
Aug. 13, 2020

US commander: Islamic State threat in west Syria growing

Elements of the Islamic State group are working to rebuild in western Syria, where the U.S. has little visibility or presence, the top U.S. commander for the Middle East warned on Wednesday. In the region west of the Euphrates River where the Syrian regime is in control “conditions are as bad or worse” than they were leading up to the rise of the Islamic State, said Gen. Frank McKenzie. “We should all be concerned about that.” McKenzie said insurgents are operating with some degree of freedom, and he said the U.S. and its allies have little hope the Syrian regime will do anything to tamp down the group there. McKenzie said that unless political leaders find a way to deradicalize and repatriate the displaced people in the camps, there will be another IS resurgence in the future. “As young people grow up, we’re going to see them again unless we can turn them in a way to make them productive members of society,” he said. “We can either deal with this problem now or deal with it exponentially worse a few years down the road.”
Aug. 13, 2020

Iraq fumes against Turkey over deadly drone strike

Turkey says operations against Kurdish militants in Iraq to continue

Iraq cancelled a ministerial visit and summoned Turkey’s ambassador as it blamed Ankara for a drone strike that killed two high-ranking Iraqi officers on Tuesday. Iraqi officials labelled the strike a “blatant Turkish drone attack” in the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq, where Ankara has for weeks been raiding militant positions. Two border guard battalion commanders and the driver of their vehicle were killed, the army said in a statement, marking the first Iraqi troop deaths since Turkey launched the cross-border operation in mid-June against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) rebels. Iraq’s foreign ministry — which had already summoned the Turkish envoy twice over the military action on its soil — said the ambassador would this time be given “a letter of protest with strong words” rejecting such aggression. The ministry also confirmed the Turkish defence minister would no longer be welcomed on Thursday.
Aug. 13, 2020


 Seattle City Council approves plan to defund police department, slashes jobs and salaries

Police fire tear gas at Portland protesters as they return to Downtown on the 77th night of demonstrations as neighbors complain of violent riots in the suburbs

Bend, Oregon activists block ICE bus, prompting federal agents’ response

Has America Entered A New Era Of Permanent Civil Unrest?

This Is Amerika: Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and Militarism Go Hand In Hand

The Seattle City Council voted Monday to move forward with a controversial proposal that would begin the process of defunding the police department. The 7-1 vote comes despite objections from the city’s police chief, mayor and the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild. The plan would ultimately slash funding to the department but not the 50% some had sought. Seattle currently has around 1,400 police officers, and the current plan would see about 100 cut. It was also cut the police department’s $400 million budget by about $3 million, according to KOMO. Meanwhile, Federal agents in Bend, Ore., clashed with hundreds of protesters late Wednesday night after an hourslong standoff sparked by the arrest of two men by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, who said they were a “threat to the public.”
Aug. 13, 2020

2nd Belarus protester dies, 6,000 arrested after disputed election

Belarus on Wednesday confirmed the death of a jailed protester as demonstrators took to the streets for a fourth night of clashes with riot police over a disputed presidential election. Riot police have roughly detained thousands at street protests across the country after long-serving leader Alexander Lukashenko claimed a landslide victory in Sunday’s poll. Previously police said one protester died when an explosive device went off in his hand on Monday. The latest death came as opposition protesters took to the streets to condemn police violence. On Wednesday evening, Minsk saw scattered protests in suburbs, with flag-waving opposition supporters blocking roads. A tight police cordon surrounded the city center while metro stations were closed. Riot police used rubber bullets and stun grenades to break up protests. They also patrolled residential areas, firing at vehicles and grabbing people hiding inside the entrances of blocks of flats, local media reported.
Aug. 13, 2020


  Millions Of Acres Of Crops In The Central U.S. Have Been Destroyed By A Series Of Historic Natural Disasters

A nightmarish drought, horrific flooding along the Mississippi River and a giant “derecho” that just hit the farm belt have combined to make this one of the toughest years for farmers ever.  And this comes at a particularly bad time, because the stress that the COVID-19 pandemic has put on food distribution systems has already created periodic shortages of certain items around the nation.  We definitely could have used an uneventful growing season this year, and unfortunately we didn’t get it. On Monday, an absolutely massive “derecho” roared through the Midwest.  According to USA Today, the storm had winds of up to 112 miles per hour… Most hurricanes don’t have winds that high once they finally reach shore, and I have personally never experienced wind speeds of such magnitude. Needless to say, this very unusual storm caused immense devastation.  According to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, approximately 10 million acres of crops were destroyed in Iowa alone.
Aug. 12, 2020


Wisconsin agency orders employees to wear masks on Zoom calls while home alone

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ordered employees to wear face-coverings during virtual meetings, even if they are home alone. Natural Resources Secretary Preston Cole told his employees in an email last month that they would all be required to wear a face-covering after Gov. Tony Ever’s statewide mask mandate went into effect. According to the email obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Cole took it a step further and demanded that employees wear masks while home by themselves. “Also, wear your mask, even if you are home, to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen — such as on Zoom or another video-conferencing platform — by non-DNR staff,” Cole wrote. “Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”
Aug. 12, 2020

Philippines Central Bank Joins Digital Currency Race

The CBDC race: Can the US take the lead?

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Philippines’ central bank, has created a committee to look at the feasibility and policy implications of issuing its own digital currency, governor Benjamin E. Diokno said on July 29. “We have to first look into the findings of the group before making any decisions,” Diokno said, quoted by the Manila Bulletin. “I expect the technical working group to submit their report next month,” he added. Although he doesn’t believe cryptocurrencies will ever replace banknotes or coins, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), on the other hand, could very well become the next form of fiat money. The Philippines is the latest country to join the CBDC race. The Bank of Thailand (BOT) announced on June 18 the project to develop the prototype of the payment system for businesses using a CBDC. The project will build upon the central bank’s existing blockchain initiative Project Inthanon. On July 15, BOT assistant governor Vachira Arromdee told reporters that the central bank had already been using the CBDC for transactions with some businesses. In September, BOT will begin using the CBDC for transactions with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, she added. In Japan, the Bank of Japan has been experimenting with a CBDC. The government said in July that the launch of a digital yen would be considered as part of this year’s legislative agenda. But it is China that has taken in the lead in this regard, having begun piloting its national digital currency project, the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP), earlier this year.
ug. 12, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

BLM Holds Pro-Looting Rally in Chicago: ‘That Is Reparations’

Members of Black Lives Matter Chicago held a solidarity rally Monday night in support of the 100 individuals who were arrested for looting and other crimes, with one organizer calling the looting “reparations.” “I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike, because that makes sure that that person eats. That makes sure that that person has clothes,” Black Lives Matter organizer Ariel Atkins said. “That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.”
Aug. 11, 2020


  Video: Doctor Recommends Children Wear Yellow Badges if They Haven’t Been Vaccinated

Major study finds kids ‘very minor players’ in COVID transmission

During an appearance on Monday’s edition of the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” television program on FOX News, a doctor and Fox news contributor suggested that children should wear yellow badges bearing the phrase “No Hugs Please” if they have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Aug. 11, 2020

***If this sounds familiar, here’s why: 

Yellow badges were first used on Jewish people beginning in the Umayyad Caliphate by Caliph Umar II in the early 8th century.  They were reintroduced in 1215 due to laws enacted by Pope Innocent III during the Fourth Lateran Council.  And once again in 1941 by Hitler….and the Nazi regime.


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