August 16, 2020 Last days teacher’s message to his views



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 12 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~We just joined MeWe~


I wanted to take this time and share with my viewers how they are helping me get the word out concerning the last days signs. In yesterdays post I asked you not to watch my newest video at my YouTube site because YouTube is censoring videos.  I asked you to go over to my channel at the site.  I saw today that some of you have helped my ministry by going over to the brighteon site. Below you will see the stats on how many views I have. As you can see from the information below I need 284 more video views before brighteon will allow me to post 100 videos.  Because I am new at brighteon I can at this time only post 50 videos however, with those who have been following my work and are now going over to the brighteon site I am sure I will reach the 284 mark shortly. The 80% you see below is telling me my allotment of 50 videos is 80% filled. This is why I need your help.  If you missed my newest video on the new Israel UAE peace deal yesterday scroll down and see how easy it is to go over to the brighteon site and watch that video. Again, thank you to all who are supporting my work by watching my video at that new channel.


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I just made a new prophecy video that I have put up for you which you will see below.  However, before you watch the video here at my site can I ask you for help.  No I do not want any money!  Can I ask you to go to the following Brighteon site to watch my video.   Go to this link  When your at the link go to the search bar in the upper right hand corner of the site and put in theprophecyman . That will take you directly to my newest video. I am getting away from posting on YouTube so if you want to keep following my videos please go to

Youtube has been censoring videos which are not in line with their leftest views.  Many videos put up by people of faith have been taken down and you are missing some good information about events in these last days.

I am asking you to watch my video at  the  site because I am new at this Brighteon video site and, I need so many people watching my videos before I can be up graded so I can post more than 50 videos. At this time I currently have 374 views. I only need to get 282 more people to watch my videos and I will move up the ladder at Brighteon and therefore be able to keep you informed by making more videos that never get censored.  I know it would be easy just to click on the video below but that will not help me get my message out if I get censored by YouTube.  In the near future I will not be posting anything on YouTube so if you like what I am doing for the Lord please watch the video at   Thank you for your support.  Frank DiMora

Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Headline: Protesters clash in Stone Mountain

8/15/20 – Stone Mountain, GA – Protesters and counterprotesters face off in the city of Stone Mountain after Stone Mountain Park was closed. Several far-right groups, including militias and white supremacists, were planning to rally Saturday at Stone Mountain, and a broad coalition of leftist anti-racist groups are organizing a counter-demonstration. Local authorities, who have been closely monitoring online chatter about the rally, are bracing for possible conflict. (Photo: Jenni Girtman for The Atlanta Journal-

Headline: Left VS Right Shocking moment right-wing Proud Boys group and Antifa protesters brawl during ugly clash in Michigan

Headline: Rioters Tear Down George Washington Statue at L.A. City Hall…

Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Headline: More Americans Go Hungry Amid Coronavirus Pandemic,

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