August 17, 2020- Firenadoes, Scorching Temperatures and new Middle East alliances



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Netanyahu: I have been talking to other Arab leaders apart from UAE

Netanyahu Interview: My efforts to counter Iran brought us closer to Arab countries

Rivlin Lauds ‘Brave Leadership,’ Formally Invites UAE Crown Prince to Jerusalem

Morocco said likely to be one of the next states to normalize ties with Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Fox News on Sunday that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal announced last week between the two countries. He stated that he spoke with political leaders in Oman and “other countries,” and that the key to such discussions is discretion. “We are making history, and we are changing history,” Netanyahu claimed. “It is good for the United States and it is good for Israel.” Meanwhile, Morocco is home to around 3,000 Jews –  the largest Jewish community of any Arab country. Morocco already has robust tourist and trade relations with Israel as well as intelligence cooperation. According to Israel’s KAN public broadcaster, Morocco is likely to ask for U.S. recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara territory, which it annexed in 1975, in exchange for normalizing ties with Israel.
Aug. 17, 2020

Israel strikes Gaza, closes fishing zone after fresh rocket fire

For 6th day straight, Israel strikes Gaza over balloon attacks

The Israeli army said Sunday it closed fishing zone off the Gaza coast and carried out fresh air strikes against Hamas positions in the enclave in response to a rocked fired at Israel’s south that landed near a residential home. The latest punitive measures came after two rockets had been fired into the city of Sderot, with one of them intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system. “In response, our Air Force just struck Hamas terror targets in Gaza, including a military compound used to store rocket ammunition,” it said. Defense Minister Benny Gantz also ordered to completely close the fishing zone off the Gaza coast after limiting the area last week. Hamas said in a statement following the IDF strikes that Israel “will bear full responsibility for the consequences of the escalation in the Gaza Strip.” The terror group said the rocket fire was in response to Israel’s targeting of the protesters on the border fence. “Israel’s deliberate attack on demonstrators in the eastern Gaza Strip and shooting of live ammunition is another crime in a long list being carried out against the Palestinian people.”
Aug. 17, 2020

U.S. won’t approve Israeli annexations for ‘some time’, Kushner says

Israel again denies itself sovereignty in its ancestral heartland- OpEd

The United States will not consent to Israeli annexations in the West Bank for “some time,” preferring to focus on the Israel-UAE normalization deal and wider regional peace efforts, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said on Monday. The United Arab Emirates has said that its move to formalize relations with Israel, announced on Thursday, put paid to an annexation plan that had angered Palestinians, who want the West Bank as part of a future state, and upset some world powers. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cast the annexation plan – already dogged by disagreements within his governing coalition on the proposed timing – as temporarily on hold. But Israeli officials have signaled they want approval from Israel’s main ally the United States first. “Israel has agreed with us that they will not move forward without our consent. We do not plan to give our consent for some time,” Kushner told reporters in a telephone briefing. “Right now the focus has to be on, you know, getting this new peace agreement implemented,” he said. Meanwhile, an op-ed piece declares “The Arabs have finally learned the secret: say nice words to the Jews and they will fall over themselves to give away their own heritage..”
Aug. 17, 2020

Rabbi Inspects Red Heifer in Secret Location in Israel for Use in 3rd Temple

Rabbi Azaria Ariel, traveled to an undisclosed ranch in Israel to lead the Temple Institute’s efforts to raise a red heifer for the performance of the commandment of producing the purifying ashes of the red heifer. He recently inspected the current red heifer candidates and shared their status. One of the two more mature candidates is still very viable, even though it has a few hairs which aren’t sufficiently red, as required by halacha (Jewish law). Two new candidates were born in the early months of 2020, and they are currently viable. This would eliminate one more stumbling block on the way to rebuilding the Holy Temple and renewing the Divine service.
Aug. 17, 2020


  Lebanese president hints at possibility of peace talks with Israel

Report: Hezbollah leader wants to torpedo probe of Beirut blast

Lebanese President Michel Aoun hinted at the possibility of peace talks with Israel on Saturday, two days after the United Arab Emirates and Israel agreed to normalize relations. Speaking with France’s BFM TV, Aoun declined to categorically rule out negotiations, stating “that depends” when asked about the possibility of ending the conflict with Lebanon’s longtime enemy. “We have problems with Israel and we have to resolve them first,” he told the French television network without specifying. Asked about that rapprochement, Aoun replied that the UAE was an “independent country” that could do as it liked — a stance contrasting to the Palestinians’ outrage over the deal, and a departure from the 2002 Arab League peace initiative, which ties normalization with Israel to a full withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza. Meanwhile, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah wants to torpedo the investigation of the catastrophic explosion at the Beirut port, the website Al-Janoubia, identified with the Lebanese opposition, claimed on Monday. According to the site, Nasrallah has reached an understanding with Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Gebran Basil of the Free Patriotic Movement than the investigation of the blast must be blocked, and that Israel must be blamed for the incident, which killed hundreds and left thousands wounded and hundreds of thousands homeless in the Lebanese capital.
Aug. 16, 2020

Two US helicopters attack Syrian army checkpoint in northeast Syria

Fears of new bloodbath in Idlib as Assad troops go on the offensive

Two U.S. helicopters on Monday attacked a Syrian army checkpoint in northeastern Syria near the Kurdish-held city of Qamishli, killing one soldier and injuring two others, state media said. The incident happened shortly after a U.S. patrol was prevented from passing by an army checkpoint in the area, state media said. Meanwhile, Bashar Assad has re-mobilized his forces in northwest Syria, raising fears of a new bloodbath in militant-controlled Idlib province. The move follows Russia’s suspension of joint military patrols with Turkish armed forces along the M4 highway in what is supposed to be a de-escalation zone. Since then, Assad regime forces have launched rocket attacks against Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Kansafra in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib.
Aug. 17, 2020


Israeli-Emirati Peace Deal Is A Major Blow To Turkey’s Ambitions

Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to break ties with Abu Dhabi

Israel is no longer the main priority for Arab Gulf states, and rather their geopolitical focus is towards countering what they claim are Iran’s ambitions to spread its Islamic Revolution in the Arab Peninsula and Turkey’s unwavering backing and support for the Muslim Brotherhood. There is already strong speculation that following the UAE’s peace deal with Israel, one between the world’s only Jewish state and Oman and Bahrain will soon follow. If, or more likely, when Oman and Bahrain sign a peace deal with Israel, it is likely that Saudi Arabia will eventually follow, leaving Qatar and Yemen as the only Arab Peninsula countries to not recognize Israel. This will quickly change the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East as Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have common enemies – Iran and Turkey, but have never been able to openly coordinate and cooperate with each other to achieve their regional goals and ambitions. This is a curious response by Turkey considering it was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel and to this day has a multibillion-dollar trade relation with the Jewish state. However, Erdoğan recognizes that the peace deal between the UAE and Israel is a major threat to Turkey’s ambitions to dominate the region, especially at a time when Ankara is becoming increasingly isolated while states opposing Turkish ambitions are consolidating and coordinating.
Aug. 15, 2020

UAE minister says UAE-Israel agreement not directed at Iran

Iran threatens to attack UAE over Israel deal

United Arab Emirate’s minister of state for foreign affairs Anwar Gargash said on Monday the UAE reaching an agreement to normalize ties with Israel was a “sovereign decision” that was not directed at Iran. The UAE summoned the Chargé d’Affairs at the Iranian embassy in Abu Dhabi on Sunday over threats made in response to a peace deal with Israel. The official was handed a “strongly worded memo” over threatening statements made by Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani regarding the UAE’s agreement with Israel to normalize relations, the state WAM news agency reported. The Emirates’ foreign ministry said Rouhani’s statements were echoed by Iranian officials and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and that it considered this rhetoric “unacceptable and provocative.”
Aug. 17, 2020

****on June 29, 2020 ETRM reported two stories:

Headline:  Outrage mounts over report Russia offered bounties to Afghanistan militants for killing US soldiers

Headline:  Republicans Want Answers From Trump’s White House About New Russia Claims

Today’s news: Iran Paid Taliban Fighters To Attack US Assets In Afghanistan

The Iranian government offered bounties to Taliban militants to target US and coalition troops in Afghanistan, two intelligence sources said to be familiar with the matter have told CNN. According to the network, the Haqqani Network, a Taliban offshoot led by Taliban deputy leader Sirajuddin Haqqani, may have received payments from Iran for at least half-a-dozen recent attacks on coalition forces, including an assault on Bagram Air Base in December 2019 which killed two civilians, and injured dozens of others, four US military personnel among them. CNN cited a Pentagon briefing on the Bagram attack, which pointed to “bounties” but did not directly name the government thought to have paid them. The network’s sources acknowledged that Haqqani Network militants don’t necessarily need payment to target US troops, with bounties merely said to “probably incentivize future high-profile attacks on US and Coalition forces.”
Aug. 17, 2020


  Portland protest turns violent, brutal assault caught on video

Seattle anti-police protests descend into riots as officers injured

Minneapolis protesters vandalize police precinct, target officers with fireworks

Violence erupted in Portland late Sunday just blocks from the federal courthouse after the driver of a pickup truck crashed, was reportedly pulled from the vehicle and then brutally beaten by a mob after a confrontation with protesters. Videos that emerged from the scene were chilling. The man identified as the driver could be seen getting punched, kicked and ordered not to leave in the middle of a city street. The man in the video, at one point, appeared dazed after the initial assault, but suffered the worst blow when he absorbed a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Portland police told Fox News in an email that officers responded to a report of an injured person at Southwest Broadway and Southwest Taylor Street at about 10:30 p.m. Sgt. Kevin Allen, a police spokesman, said reports indicate that protesters “were chasing the truck before it crashed, and they assaulted the driver after the crash.” He said responding officers “encountered a hostile crowd and a squad from the Rapid Response Team responded to help secure the scene while the investigation was underway.”
Aug. 17, 2020

Protesters pack Belarus capital, Russia says military help available

Belarus’s Lukashenko says he would rather be killed than agree to new elections

 Belarusians chanting “Step down!” filled the centre of the capital Minsk on Sunday in the biggest protest so far against what they said was the fraudulent re-election a week ago of longtime president Alexander Lukashenko. Russia said it would offer Lukashenko military help if necessary, but there was no visible police presence at the protest, which attracted around 200,000 people, a Reuters reporter estimated. At least two protesters have died and thousands have been detained in a crackdown since the vote. Under increasing pressure, and facing strikes at state-owned companies and mass street protests across Belarus, Lukashenko vowed Monday that he would have to be killed before he bent to demands for new elections
Aug. 17, 2020

Protests Grow in Thailand, Where Speaking Out Can Be Perilous

They gathered at a monument celebrating Thai democracy. They raised their hands in defiance below a giant image of the king dressed in coronation regalia. At least 10,000 protesters, many first-time participants in political rallies, gathered in Bangkok on Sunday, demanding change in a country where military tanks have tended to shape politics more than the ballot box has. Sunday’s protest took place at the Democracy Monument, which was built to commemorate the 1932 bloodless revolution that ended absolute monarchy in Thailand. The nearly eight-hour protest, which filled a broad avenue in the heart of the city with black-clad people, was the largest rally in Thailand since a coup in 2014, one of a dozen successful putsches in the country in the last nine decades.
Aug. 17, 2020


  World Economic Forum: It’s time to take central banks’ digital currencies seriously

Fed researches ‘hypothetical’ central bank digital currency

The decline of cash use in western economies has accelerated due to COVID-19. Meanwhile, central bank digital currencies are emerging, potentially upending the existing global economic hierarchy. Digital currencies could remove the cumbersome operational and security apparatus which surround conventional forms of money transmission. Reducing the ‘cost of friction’ can help financial inclusion of individuals, while also making global trade more efficient and less risky. Increasing transparency and traceability can protect against money laundering and other forms of financial crime. For central banks, the most important benefit is the ability to improve regulatory compliance and the effectiveness of monetary policy.
Aug. 17, 2020


  Disney “Makes History” By Introducing Its First Bisexual Cartoon Character

Disney’s series, “The Owl House”, is now the first official animated show to feature a bisexual main character. Both Variety and the Daily Mail described the introduction of the character as “making history”. The show’s 14 year old main character, Luz Noceda, is portrayed as a normal teenager who goes to another world to become a witch. On the show, she has shown both attraction to male characters and recently with a recurring female character named Amity.  It is revealed that Luz had intentions of asking the other female character to a prom-style event and the series shows the two of them sharing a dance together in an episode. The creator of the series, Dana Terrace, confirmed that the show was, in fact, alluding to an LGBTQ relationship. She wrote on Twitter: “In [development] I was very open about my intention to put queer kids in the main cast. I’m a horrible liar so sneaking it in would’ve been hard. When we were greenlit I was told by certain Disney leadership that I could not represent any form of bi or gay relationship on the channel.” She says that Disney, who once pushed back on the idea, is now offering its support.
Aug. 16, 2020


 Islamists Storm Christian Church in Nigeria, Killing Four Worshipers

The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria

 A band of armed jihadists stormed the Lion of Judah Christian church in Azikoro, southern Nigeria, last week, shooting four of the faithful dead. During their raid, the Islamists vandalized church property and also torched an automobile and a nearby building, according to a statement by state police spokesman Asinim Butswat. Mr. Butswat said that police currently believe that the attack may have been an act of retaliation for pressure on the Islamists by “Operation Puff Adder,” a special task force launched in 2019 to combat violent crimes in the country, especially banditry and kidnapping. “The agents of operation Puff Adder had previously traced the radicals to their hideouts in the bush, dislodging them and burning their camp,” he said in the statement. “It is believed to be a retaliatory attack by the presumed sectarians.”
Aug. 16, 2020


Scorching temperature in US’s Death Valley could be global high

A temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54.4 degrees Celsius) — recorded in California’s Death Valley on Sunday by the US National Weather Service — could be the hottest global temperature ever measured with modern instruments, officials say. The reading was registered by an automated observation system at 3:41 pm at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center in the US national park. The Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization said Monday it would start the process to verify the reading, which it said “would be the hottest global temperature officially recorded since 1931.” The US National Weather Service says it would be the highest temperature recorded since 1913. Worldwide, the five hottest years in history have occurred in the last five years, heightening fears about the impact of climate change and gas emissions.
Aug. 17, 2020


A ‘fire tornado’ warning? Weather service issues what could be a first at California blaze

Flame Tornado Threat Looms Over California – Video

The Reno office of the National Weather Service warned Northern California of a fiery tornado Saturday afternoon that had sprung up near a large, fast-moving wildfire in the Sierra. That’s right: A firenado. It is the first known issuance of a tornado warning for the climate phenomenon since it burst into California’s consciousness during the deadly Carr Fire in 2018. Wendell Hohmann, the NWS forecaster who penned the tornado warning said that it was the first time to his knowledge of a tornado warning of this nature. “It’s probably the first time it’s been issued outside of a thunderstorm environment,” Hohmann said.
Aug. 17, 2020

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