Sept. 16, 2020- Palestinians warn of Third Intifada while Saudi Journalist Calls to Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites



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  Palestinians’ Call to Reconsider Ties with Arab League

Hamas leader and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader meet in Beirut

Palestinians warn of Third Intifada

The Palestinian Authority on Monday called on its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, to “reconsider” Ramallah’s ties with Arab League in that wake of what it called the pan-Arab forum’s “impotence” vis-à-vis the growing momentum for regional peace independent of the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian factions have criticized the Persian Gulf states of Bahrain and United Arab Emirates for seeking rapprochement with Israel before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved, decrying the two nations’ recognition of Israel as a “stab in the back.” The Arab League has remained mum over the peace deals, sparking both fury and concern among the Palestinian leadership, which fears the winds of change blowing through the region will marginalize the Palestinian issue. “The Arab League has become a symbol of Arab weakness,” P.A. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh stated on Monday.
Sept. 16, 2020

 Gazans launch rocket attack as Israel signs peace agreements, 6 injured

 Israeli aircraft strike in Gaza, more rockets hit southern Israel

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended a ceremony on Tuesday at the White House to sign peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, terror factions in Gaza launched two rockets into southern Israel, injuring several civilians. Following the strike, the Israeli military announced that air defenses intercepted one of the projectiles. The attack on Tuesday coincided with a historic ceremony at the White House to sign the “Abraham Accords” between Israel and two new Arab allies, the UAE and Bahrain. Both the PA and Hamas condemned the Gulf states for establishing official diplomatic relations with Israel, claiming it was a betrayal of the Palestinian cause. Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft attacked targets in the Gaza Strip early on Wednesday morning, the IDF spokesperson’s unit said, as another barrage of rockets from the coastal enclave landed in southern Israel. The IDF said on Wednesday morning that IAF aircraft attacked ten Hamas targets, including a training base and a munitions factory. The airstrikes came in retaliation after 13 rocket launches from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory were identified earlier in the morning, eight of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Sept. 16, 2020

 Hosting Netanyahu, Trump says 5-6 more countries ready to make peace with Israel

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said five or six more countries are ready to make peace with Israel. Hosting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, shortly before the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Trump said, “We’re very far down the road with about five additional countries… Frankly, I think we could have had them here today.” Answering questions about what Israel gets from the new deals, Trump said, “We’ll be signing up [other] nations… These are very strong agreements. This is serious peace… What Israel gets, the most important thing Israel gets, is peace.” He said he’d spoken with the king of Saudi Arabia, and “positive things will happen… This is peace in the Middle East without blood all over the sand.” The Palestinians, he said, “will be a member at the right time… We are talking to the Palestinians. At the right time, they’ll be joining too.” Asked about Netanyahu’s West Bank annexation plans, Trump said, “We don’t want to talk about that right now. That’s working out very fair — for the people who are coming in… and for Israel.” Hours after saying some five or six countries were on the path to peace with Israel, Trump on Tuesday afternoon revised that number to up to nine nations.
Sept. 16, 2020

Iraqi Politician Calls for Normalization of Ties with Israel

Iraqi Sunni politician and the leader of Ummah Party, Mithal al-Alusi, has called for the normalization of ties between Iraq and Israel after two Gulf states made the move in the past few weeks. Alusi, who is known for his pro-West political views, told al-Shafaq News on Saturday that he supports the UAE and Bahrain for their decision to open a new chapter with Israel and normalize their ties. He explained that the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been exploited by some countries for their own interests and not for the good of the people of Palestine. “There are nearly 700,000 Iraqi jews who currently live in Israel. Why should we enter a war with them for the sake of Gaza or for the sake of the bank accounts of the Palestinian groups,” Alusi said. He also pointed out that the top Iraqi political leaders have had meetings with Israelis, “but they are afraid of the Iranians because Iran is the policymaker in Iraq”.
Sept. 12, 2020

  Saudi Journalist Calls to Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites

Muslim Clerics: Fatwa Issued By Grand Mufti Of Palestine Prohibiting Emiratis From Visiting Al-Aqsa Has No Basis In Shari’a

Following the agreement to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel, Saudi journalist Fahed Ibrahim Al-Dughaither published an article in the ‘Okaz daily in which he advocated placing the holy sites in Jerusalem under international oversight. The Arab calls to liberate Al-Aqsa are meaningless, he said, because, even if the Muslims recapture East Jerusalem, they will have to grant freedom of worship to the members of all faiths. He therefore suggested forming an international body comprising representatives of the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Vatican, and Israel, to maintain and administer the holy places in Jerusalem. Al-Dughaither added that the only conditions the Arabs must set for peace and normalization with Israel, in addition to the establishment of bilateral relations, are access to the holy places in Jerusalem and the freedom of worship in them. All other issues, especially those related to land, are not the concern of the Arabs but are an exclusively Palestinian issue, he said.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Egyptian FM in Greece for talks on border tensions with Turkey

Cyprus ready for dialogue with Turkey on Mediterranean issues, but ‘not under threats’

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Tuesday arrived in the Greek capital Athens for an official visit amid heightened tensions over Turkish maritime border claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ongoing territorial dispute was expected to be among the top regional and international issues up for discussion during several days of talks aimed at further strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two countries. As well as meeting with the Greek president, prime minister, and his ministerial counterpart, Shoukry was also due to take part in the 24th annual roundtable conference, organized by The Economist group, at which European and Eastern Mediterranean matters would be on the agenda.
Sept. 16, 2020

Rocket Fired At US Embassy Baghdad Marks 4th Attack On Western Targets In 48 Hours

On Thursday sirens range out in Baghdad’s Green Zone alerting personnel at the US embassy of an inbound rocket attack after a series of similar attacks on Western targets in the Iraqi capital over the last 48 hours. “Iraqi Security Media Cell has confirmed a Katyusha rocket fell inside the Green Zone, specifically near a residential apartment,” an official US military coalition statement said. “Outlaw groups continue to target Iraqis,” it added. The day prior, on Tuesday, AFP reported that “three separate attacks in 24 hours have targeted Western diplomatic or military installations in Iraq, security and diplomatic sources said Tuesday, hinting at a new escalation between authorities and rogue groups.” Previously this week two two Katyusha rockets targeted the U.S. Embassy, however, no one has been hurt in any of the attacks which left only light damage. It remains unclear exactly which group or groups are behind the attacks, but the State Department has in the past pointed the finger consistently at Iran-backed Iraqi Shia militia groups.
Sept. 16, 2020


   Iran says UAE, Bahrain will bear ‘consequences’ of Israel deals

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will be responsible for any “consequences” resulting from their normalization of relations with Israel. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Rouhani said that Israel is “committing more crimes in Palestine every day.” “Some of the region’s countries, their people are pious Muslims but their rulers neither understand religion nor (their) debt … to the nation of Palestine, to their brothers speaking their language,” he said in televised remarks.
Sept. 16, 2020

Peace Talks Have Begun in Afghanistan, Major Pitfalls Await

In Qatar on Saturday, Taliban leaders and a delegation representing the Afghan government and civil society began negotiating over the future of Afghanistan. This is the first time they have convened for peace talks since the United States’ entry into the war in Afghanistan nineteen years ago. As part of the U.S. bargain with the Taliban, the Afghan government was forced to release five thousand Taliban prisoners—including a major narcotics trafficker and terrorists responsible for the deaths of Australian, French, and U.S. nationals. The Taliban, in turn, released one thousand government prisoners. In addition, the Taliban has refrained from killing U.S. troops, although it is believed to be responsible for rockets that were fired at U.S. bases this summer without inflicting any casualties.
Sept. 15, 2020

IS militants, including foreign fighters, killed in Libya, Hifter army claims

Libya’s east-based army claims its troops killed at least seven Islamic State militants, including foreign fighters, in a raid on their hideout in the country’s south. The statement from the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces said a six-hour firefight with the militants took place in a neighbourhood of the city of Sabha, 650 kilometres south of the capital, Tripoli into the early hours of Tuesday. In the years after the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Moammar Gadhafi, IS and other extremists had managed to gain a foothold in the country, benefiting from Libya’s remote stretches near the borders with Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Niger and Tunisia. Hifter, who was instrumental in pushing back IS and who is aligned with the east-based administration, attempted a power grab last year, with a military offensive launched in April 2019 aimed at capturing Tripoli. But the west-based Libyan forces and militias allied with the UN-supported government in Tripoli defeated that offensive with Turkey’s military help and Hifter’s campaign collapsed in June.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Unrest over fatal police shooting in Lancaster results in 8 arrests, 4 from outside county

Seattle BLM Takes Over Grocery Store To Protest “Lack Of Access To Grocery Stores”

BLM Co-Founder and Pro-Communist China Group Are Partnering Up

Anarchist Groups Tied to Riots in 4 US Cities

Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Charging Violent Protesters With Sedition

Police in Lancaster, Pa., arrested eight people early Monday on charges tied to the unrest that erupted following the fatal police shooting of Ricardo Munoz. The fatal shooting prompted more than 100 protesters to descend on the streets outside the police station. Demonstrators threw various items at officers and caused damage to the building, a parked vehicle and a nearby post office, according to authorities. Authorities said four of the suspects were from outside Lancaster County and two were armed with handguns during the protests that turned into destructive riots. Charges filed against the eight included arson, institutional vandalism, carrying a firearm without a license, riot, disorderly conduct, defiant trespass and obstructing highways and other public passages.
Sept. 16, 2020


 The Bahamas will launch a digital central bank ‘Sand Dollar’ in October

Major German Tech Firm Backs Call For Accelerated EU Digital Currency

The Bahamas is gunning to become the first country in the world to roll out a state-backed virtual currency nationwide, and has announced it will launch a central bank-issued cryptocurrency in October. The assistant manager of eSolutions at the Central Bank of The Bahamas, Chaozhen Chen, told Bloomberg that the digital currency, dubbed “Sand Dollars,” is intended to drive greater financial inclusion among the remote islands within the archipelago nation. New digital dollars will be created as demand grows, with the CBDC exclusively issued alongside the retirement of Bahamian dollars to mitigate potential impacts on monetary supply.
Sept. 16, 2020


  58 Killed in Jihadi Attacks on Christian-Majority Region of DRC

At least 58 people were killed and 17 kidnapped when Muslim militants attacked two villages in the mainly-Christian north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in early September. Twenty-three people were murdered on Sept. 8 and another 35 were killed two days later in the heavily forested Tshabi area of southern Ituri province. Large numbers of the population have since fled.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Chinese Virologist Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab

University of Pittsburgh scientists discover antibody that ‘neutralizes’ virus that causes COVID-19

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Considering Bill That Would Make Not Wearing A Mask A Misdemeanor

Judge: Pennsylvania’s pandemic restrictions unconstitutional

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated “the smallest biological molecule” that “completely and specifically neutralizes” SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The antibody component is 10 times smaller than a full-sized antibody, and has been used to create the drug Ab8, shared in the report published by the researchers in the journal Cell on Monday. The drug is seen as a potential preventative against SARS-CoV-2. According to the report, the drug has been “highly effective in preventing and treating” the SARS-CoV-2 infections in mice and hamsters during tests. The drug also reportedly does not bind to human cells, which suggests it will not have negative side effects in people.
Sept. 15, 2020


August 25, 2020- 500 sheep killed by lightning in Nepal. Link

Aug. 27, 2020- Dead dolphins are washing onshore in Mauritius. Link 

September 12, 2020- Hundreds of cattle dying from Mosquitoes swarms in Louisiana, America. Link

Sept. 14, 2020- Unprecedented numbers of birds are mysteriously dropping dead from the sky in New Mexico. Link

September 15, 2020- Dead turtles and sea lions wash up on coast of Mexico. Link

September 16, 2020- Millions of birds drop dead from sky, ‘unprecedented’ in New Mexico, America. Link


  Hurricane Sally careens into Alabama’s Gulf Coast, bringing heavy rains

Hurricane Sally made landfall on Alabama’s Gulf Coast on Wednesday morning as a Category 2 hurricane, spreading strong winds inland across the region, the latest in what has been a busy season of dangerous storms in the United States. The hurricane caused extensive flooding throughout the region, including several feet in downtown Pensacola, Florida, according to images shared by the National Weather Service on Twitter. Some parts of the Gulf Coast could see 3 feet (90 cm) of rain, as it is moving at a glacial 3 mile-per-hour (6 km-per-hour) pace. Upon landfall at Gulf Shores, Alabama, winds were clocked at 105 mph (165 kph), able to cause extensive damage, according to the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale. The storm poses the risk of life-threatening flooding along portions of the coast, the National Hurricane Center said in an advisory around 8 a.m. CDT (1300 GMT).
Sept. 16, 2020

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