Oct. 19, 2020- Iran’s regime celebrates end of UN arms embargo



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 Palestinians accuse Gulf visitors of ‘desecrating’ Al-Aqsa Mosque

Abbas’s Fatah warns Jerusalem Arabs against UAE funding

A recent visit by Gulf Arabs to al-Aqsa Mosque has sparked outrage among east Jerusalem residents and the Palestinian ruling Fatah faction, who accused the visitors of promoting normalization with Israel and “desecrating” the holy site. Palestinians initially claimed that the visitors were from Oman. Later, however, they said the delegation members who prayed at the mosque were from the United Arab Emirates. Eyewitnesses said the Emirati delegation entered al-Aqsa compound “under Israeli police protection.” The delegation consisted of nine men and one woman, they said, adding that the Wakf Department was not notified in advance of the visit. Shadi Mtour, a Fatah leader from east Jerusalem, accused the Gulf visitors of “storming al-Aqsa Mosque,” a phrase regularly used by Palestinians to describe tours by Jews to the Temple Mount. During the visit, the police detained three Muslim worshipers who chanted slogans denouncing the Emirati visitors: As’ad Ajjaj, Amjad al-Sumari and Ahmed Sublaban.
Oct. 18, 2020


Islamic State tells supporters to target Saudi Arabia over Israel ties

An Islamic State spokesman called on the militant group’s supporters to target oil pipelines and economic infrastructure in Saudi Arabia over the Gulf state’s ties with Israel. “Targets are plenty … Start by hitting and destroying oil pipelines, factories and facilities which are the source (of income) of the tyrant government,” the spokesman, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, said in a recorded speech on the militant group’s official telegram channel. He said the kingdom had supported normalization with Israel by opening its airspace for Israeli flights to neighbouring Gulf states. The threats surfaced as Bahrain has followed the United Arab Emirates in agreeing last month to normalize ties with Israel.
Oct. 18, 2020

SDF Begins Mass Release of ISIS Members & Sympathizers in Syria

Russia May Deploy Conventional Forces to Syria

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has begun large-scale releases of ISIS detainees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), including ISIS sympathizers and the families of ISIS members. The SDF declared a general amnesty for detained criminals and ISIS fighters on October 15 and ISIS sympathizers in the al Hawl IDP camp on October 14. The SDF clarified that the amnesty does not apply to ISIS members found guilty of killing Syrians, an effort to mitigate public backlash. However, the SDF cannot consistently apply that standard, as it does not have the ability to investigate and prosecute all of its detainees or IDPs. The SDF does not have a process to deradicalize or reintegrate released ISIS sympathizers. The SDF released 631 detainees from Alaya Prison near Qamishli on October 15 and 289 IDPs from al Hawl on October 13. More releases will likely follow in coming days. ISIS will benefit from the injection of new fighters into its insurgency and will likely intimidate and recruit vulnerable civilian returnees. Meanwhile, Russia may deploy conventional ground forces to Syria to gain leverage in negotiations with Turkey and possibly participate in a pro-Assad regime offensive. Russia and Turkey are pressing one another for concessions in negotiations concerning opposition-held Idlib Province. A Russian conventional military deployment remains unlikely, but various indicators have tripped in the past few weeks suggesting that Moscow could be preparing for one. Such a deployment would mark an inflection in Russia’s participation in Syria and an escalation in the conflict between Russia and Turkey. 
***See Turkey below
Oct. 17, 2020


  Turkey withdraws from base in northwest Syria, sources say

Turkey is withdrawing troops from a military post in northwest Syria that was surrounded by Syrian government forces last year, but is consolidating its presence elsewhere in the region, sources familiar with the operation said on Monday. The observation post at Morek was one of a dozen set up by Turkish soldiers in 2018 under an ill-fated deal to calm fighting between Syrian government troops and Turkey-backed rebels controlling the northwestern Idlib region. Turkey has backed rebels who sought to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. But the Syrian president, supported by Russia and Iran, has driven back the rebel fighters who once threatened to encircle Damascus and are now confined to their small pocket in the northwest of the county.
Oct. 19, 2020

Iran’s regime celebrates end of UN arms embargo

Iran’s regime is celebrating the end of an arms embargo. Despite US pressure and calls for it to be extended, Iran believes it has defeated Washington and sees the end of the embargo as a good omen. UN Security Council arms restrictions against Tehran have ended, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said, adding: “As of today, all restrictions on the transfer of arms… are all automatically terminated.” Iran has boasted in recent months that it does not need to import arms and is looking to export its drones, missiles and other technology. US reports have indicated that Iran and North Korea have renewed cooperation on ballistic missiles.
Oct. 18, 2020

New fighting over Karabakh despite ceasefire

Russia Seeks Monitoring Accord to Make Armenia-Azeri Truce Stick

Turkey’s interest in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict motivated by control over Caucasus oil & gas supply, says Armenian president

A new ceasefire agreed between Armenia and Azerbaijan to halt fighting over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh was again failing to hold on Monday as both sides accused each other of fresh attacks. The truce, backed by international mediators to put a stop to three weeks of fighting that has left hundreds dead, was supposed to have come into force at midnight (2000 GMT Saturday) but both sides immediately accused each other of violating the deal. But it has never been recognised by any other state, including Armenia, while Azerbaijan has always made clear its desire to regain control in one of the most combustible conflicts left after the fall of the USSR. The Azerbaijani defence ministry said Monday that Armenian armed forces had shelled areas in four districts inside the country overnight. Meanwhile, the local authorities in Karabakh said Azerbaijani artillery fire continued overnight, with the Karabakh army taking “proportionate actions” in response.
Oct. 19, 2020


Free speech rally marred by violence as counterprotesters storm event, beat pro-Trump demonstrators

Anti-Cop Protesters Harass Residents of Portland Neighborhood in Late-Night March

Opposing Boston protest groups go head-to-head, with some burning flags

A rally called to promote free speech and denounce big tech censorship turned ugly Saturday in San Francisco, when hundreds of alleged Antifa counterprotesters showed up and berated and attacked demonstrators.  The conservative group Team Save America organized the event to protest Twitter, which it argues censors free speech. They planned to rally at United Nations Plaza before moving the protest to Twitter’s headquarters a few blocks away. But the event quickly devolved into a shouting match and violence as hundreds of counterprotesters stormed the scene. The San Francisco Police Department did not respond to a request for comment. Meanwhile, Opposing groups of protesters went head-to-head in Boston, where they were largely peaceful despite some tense moments, including when demonstrators burned flags and one man poured “blood” on himself, according to photographs and local reports.
Oct. 19, 2020

Police in Belarus detained 280 people at protests on Sunday

Belarus: More Human Rights Violations

Police in Belarus detained 280 people at mass nationwide protests on Sunday, including 215 in the capital Minsk, the Interior Ministry said. Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of Minsk on Sunday to demand the resignation of veteran president Alexander Lukashenko, despite a threat by officials to use firearms against protesters. Crowds of demonstrators waving red-and-white opposition flags descended on a gritty industrial neighbourhood in southeast Minsk for a march along Partisan Prospect, a key transport artery and home to a number of factories. Protesters took to the streets despite threats by police this week to use lethal force from now on “if necessary”. Some protesters chanted “Strike!” and “You and your riot police get out!” Belarusian authorities deployed military trucks and water cannon but police largely refrained from using riot control equipment on Sunday. Belarusian interior ministry spokeswoman Olga Chemodanova told AFP that members of law enforcement fired off rubber bullets as a warning to protesters who threw stones at police.
Octo. 19, 2020

Kyrgyzstan acting president seeks constitution change to run for full term

Kyrgyzstan’s new acting president Sadyr Japarov, who came to power last week in a popular uprising, said on Monday he plans to run for a full term if the country amends its constitution to allow it. Japarov’s new ambitions could put him at odds with some of the political parties that helped bring him to power, which had backed him only as an interim leader to chart a path out of a political crisis which followed a disputed election. The constitution bars caretaker presidents from running in elections they oversee. Japarov, 51, took over as acting president last week after unrest toppled his predecessor Sooronbai Jeenbekov’s government. “Parliament is currently preparing amendments to laws governing presidential and parliamentary elections,” Japarov told the Russia 24 news channel in an interview. “If I am able to run as a result of those amendments, I will do so.”
Oct. 19, 2020

Thai Students Defy Protest Ban

Thailand’s government vows to protect the monarchy after weekend of unrest

 Thailand’s government has vowed to protect the monarchy after tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters rallied in Bangkok and other cities over the weekend, as calls for a new constitution and curbing the King’s powers continue to grow. Demonstrators again defied an emergency decree banning public gatherings of more than five people and hit the streets en masse for a fifth straight day on Sunday, with about 10,000 people surrounding Bangkok’s Victory Monument in the heart of the capital and blocking traffic around one of the city’s main business centers. Speaking to reporters at Government House on Monday, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said he supports the idea of parliament holding an emergency session to find a way out of the current political crisis, but said the government must “protect the monarchy.”
Oct. 19, 2020

Death toll climbs as Nigeria protests spiral

Osun governor escapes ‘assassination attempt’

Crowds took to the streets again in Nigeria’s largest cities on Monday as the death toll rose in snowballing protests sparked by police brutality. Amnesty International said five people had died since the start of the weekend, taking the overall number of fatalities to 15 since demonstrations against abuses erupted this month. In Lagos, home to 20 million people, thousands of people took to the streets again on Monday, bringing the economic hub to a standstill. The huge outpouring of anger over brutality by Nigeria police’s notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) forced the government to scrap the unit a week ago and promise reforms. But the crowds of mainly young protesters have continued to swell, in the streets and online, as long-standing frustrations over bad governance in Africa’s largest economy have burst to the surface.
Oct. 19, 2020

Chile protests turn violent

Churches Set Ablaze Amid Protests in Chile’s Capital

Demonstrations in Chile against inequality have turned violent as vandals burned two churches, virtually destroying one of them. A police headquarters was also firebombed and shops were looted in the protests, which started peacefully. The protests were marking a year since the start of a mass protest movement that rocked Chile for two months. Demonstrators also urged people to vote in favour of a new constitution in a referendum next weekend. Protesters have taken issue with Chile’s constitution, which dates back to the years of military rule after Gen Augusto Pinochet seized power in 1973. Police said 18 officers were injured on Sunday, while Interior Minister Victor Perez called on people to make themselves heard in the referendum. Masked protesters attacked churches in the capital, Santiago, setting a spire alight at one. Police fired tear gas and water cannons during clashes. Protests first erupted in Chile in October last year and were held almost daily, but largely subsided as coronavirus spread. The protests were originally triggered by a rise in the price of metro tickets in Santiago, but soon became a much wider movement denouncing inequality in Chile, the high costs of healthcare and poor funding of education.
Oct. 19, 2020


  China Warns U.S. It May Detain Americans in Response to Prosecutions of Chinese Scholars

After federal agents this summer moved to detain and charge multiple visiting Chinese academics for their undisclosed links to the People’s Liberation Army while at US research universities or laboratories (often involving outright deception to federal agencies), Beijing has escalated things with its own unprecedented warning. A WSJ exclusive published Saturday cites several sources to say Chinese government officials are threatening to arrest American nationals working or residing in China in response to the DOJ prosecutions of Chinese military-linked researchers. The report cites a series of warnings communicated via “multiple channels” since the summer, including directly to the US Embassy in Beijing.Though the threats up until now have not been detailed to the public, the warnings via diplomatic backchannels began this summer, according to the report, which characterized the communications as a “blunt message”.
Oct. 17, 2020

Taiwanese, Chinese Staffers Injured After Clash in Fiji

A distracted US is dangerous for Taiwan

China and Taiwan traded accusations Monday over a violent altercation that broke out between Chinese diplomats and Taiwan government employees at a recent Taiwan National Day reception in Fiji. Both China and Taiwan confirmed the Oct. 8 incident but each disputed the other’s claim of what precipitated the fight, which resulted in one Taiwanese staffer being sent to a hospital with a head injury. One of the Chinese diplomats also was injured. The confrontation, an extreme example of the tensions between the rival governments, erupted when Taiwanese at the gathering tried to stop Chinese diplomats from taking photos of guests at the reception marking Taiwan’s national day, a Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman, Joanne Ou, said in a written statement. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the Chinese embassy in Fiji’s staff‘s actions which severely violates rule of law and norms of civilized behavior,” said Ou. She said Taiwan had made a formal protest to the Fiji government.
***Please see:
Taiwan should fortify itself against future Chinese invasion -White House
Oct. 19, 2020


  The Great Financial Reset: IMF Managing Director Calls for a ‘New Bretton Woods Moment’

On Thursday, October 15, the IMF published a speech written by the IMF’s Washington, DC managing director, Kristalina Georgieva called “A New Bretton Woods Moment.” The article has caused sound money and free-market advocates to grow concerned that a big change is coming and possibly a great financial reset. Economists, analysts, and bitcoiners have been discussing the IMF managing director’s speech since it was published on the IMF website on Thursday. A few days later on October 18, macro strategist Raoul Pal said Georgieva’s article alludes to a “huge” change coming to the global financial system. “If you don’t think Central Bank Digital Currencies are coming, you are missing the big and important picture,” Raoul Pal tweeted on Sunday morning. “This is going to be the biggest overhaul of the global financial system since Bretton Woods. This IMF article alludes to a huge change coming, but lacks real clarity outside of allowing much more fiscal stimulus via monetary mechanisms. And tomorrow, the IMF holds a conference on digital currencies and cross-border payment systems…”
Oct. 18, 2020


 China bans copying of hymns, punishes Christians who print religious materials

China has been tightening restrictions on the distribution of religious materials in recent months by threatening fines, the closure of printing shops, or even imprisonment for selling Christian books or allowing customers to photocopy hymns. Bitter Winter, a publication that monitors religious liberty violations in China, reports that this month, Chinese Communist Party officials in Luoyang, a prefecture-level city in the central province of Henan, searched a local printing house for banned religious materials. “Any religious content makes the issue political, not religious. Although banners on the streets say people are allowed religious beliefs, the only faith they can practice freely is that in the Communist Party,” a store manager told Bitter Winter. China is ranked as one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to the persecution of Christians, according to Open Doors USA’s World Watch List. The communist regime’s crackdown on religious freedom has also led the U.S. State Department to label it as a “country of particular concern” for “continuing to engage in particularly severe violations of religious freedom.” In a recent interview with The Christian Post, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo said it is “certainly the case that the Chinese Communist Party [engages in] efforts to stamp out religious freedom every place that they find.”
Oct. 17, 2020


  10 newly-discovered asteroids within 1 lunar distance in 10 days

10 newly-discovered asteroids with a close approach within 1 lunar distance (<1LD asteroid) were discovered from October 12 to 18, 2020, marking a significant increase in detection and flybys of asteroids within 1 lunar distance in such a short period of time.  9 newly-discovered asteroid flybys were detected from October 15 to 18. Over the next 3 days (October 18 – 21), 5 newly-discovered asteroids will fly past Earth within 1 lunar distance. From October 1 to 18, our sky surveys have detected 12 <1LD asteroids, tying the month with September 12 days before the end of the month. There are now 84 known asteroids to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year, including 2020 SO on December 1. 2020 now has now surpassed 2019 by 7 <1LD asteroids and holds the record for the closest asteroid flyby.
Oct. 18, 2020

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