Oct. 30, 2020- US seizes Iranian missiles; 7.0 Quake hits Turkey



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  Iran vows to liberate Golan Heights from Israel

Iran’s judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, told Syria’s ambassador to Iran that it supports the “resistance” to retake the Golan Heights from Israel. He praised Syria and said that Iran and Syria must work together to accelerate the “demise of the fake Israeli regime” using what is called a “resistance strategy.” Iran says it wants to see “active resistance” against Israel, perhaps setting the stage or hinting at new operations. Iran says all the “occupied” areas must be “liberated.” The Syrian regime views the Golan as part of Syria, but the US recognized it as part of Israel. In the past week, Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Iran and its ally Hezbollah against entrenching near the Golan.
Oct. 28, 2020

US to allow ‘Israel’ on passports of people born in Jerusalem

The United States will permit ‘Israel’ to be listed on the passports of citizens born in Jerusalem, according to a report by Politico. The move, which was confirmed by a Trump Administration official, could be announced as soon as tomorrow. Until now, US passport holders born in Jerusalem could not list their country of birth as Israel even if they were born in western Jerusalem due to US policy that the status of Jerusalem was to be determined in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. The change in passport policy comes as the US officially dropped its opposition Wednesday to funding joint research projects in Israel which are conducted in Judea, Samaria, or the Golan Heights.
Oct. 28, 2020


  Russian President Putin Answers Questions about Nagorno-Karabakh and about Russia-Turkey relations

Concerning Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin stated that Armenia and Azerbaijan are both equal partners for Russia, adding the Moscow would like to develop full-scale relations with both Yerevan and Baku. Commenting on Russia-Turkey relations, Putin said that interaction between the two states is important for both Ankara and Moscow. When renowned Russian intellectual and moderator of the event, Fyodor Lukyanov, asked if Russia should fear what seems to be Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s policy of expanding his zone of influence to the borders of the former Ottoman Empire, Putin stated: “Russia is not afraid of anything. Thank goodness, we are not in a position where we should be afraid of anything. I do not know about President Erdoğan’s plans or his attitude towards the Ottoman legacy. You should ask him about it. But I know that our bilateral trade exceeds $20 billion.” Putin reminded listeners that Russia and Turkey are cooperating together in several fields. He stated that, despite foreign pressure, the TurkStream project was implemented rather quickly, and that Turkey had bought the Russia’s S-400 missile system. “[Erdoğan] said he would do it, and he bought it. Working with such a partner is not only pleasant but also safe,” Putin stressed. Commenting on the Ukraine-Turkey joint statement, issued following the October 16 meeting in Ankara between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and Erdoğan calling for the “de-occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as restoration of Ukraine’s control over certain areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine,”Putin said: “As for aspirations, regarding Crimea or anything else, I know nothing about them, and I do not care about them because the interests of Russia are reliably protected, take my word for it.”
Oct. 30, 2020

US seizes Iranian missiles, slaps Iran-related sanctions on 11 entities

A New Nuclear Deal with Iran?

The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela, in the Trump administration’s latest move to increase pressure on Tehran less than a week before Nov. 3 election. The unsealing of the forfeiture complaints, by the Justice Department, came at the same time that the Treasury Department and State Department jointly slapped sanctions on a combined 11 different entities and individuals for their involvement in the purchase and sale of Iranian petrochemicals. The Justice Department’s forfeiture civil cases involve alleged schemes by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to secretly ship weapons to Yemen and fuel to Venezuela. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division John Demers said on Thursday that the US government had sold and delivered 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel that had been destined for Venezuela, which it had seized earlier this year. According to the complaint, the fuel originated with firms tied to the IRGC, and shippers took steps to mask ownership. The two vessels carrying the fuel, the Liberia-flagged Euroforce and Singapore-flagged Maersk Progress, had struggled to discharge and shifted course multiple times over the past several weeks.
Oct. 29, 2020

Russia ‘Open’ to Return of Armenia-Held Land to Azerbaijan – Putin

Azerbaijan inflicts heavy losses on Armenian army, closes in on key town

Azerbaijani Defence Ministry Says Seized More Positions in Nagorno-Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing Oct. 30

Russia is open to Azerbaijan reclaiming seven areas surrounding the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh that Armenia has controlled for 26 years, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. “Our position is absolutely open about the possibility of handing over these five plus two districts to Azerbaijan, alongside the provision of a specific regime for the Karabakh zone and the securing of a connection with Armenia,” Putin said at an investment forum. “But we need to stop the fighting at the first stage, stop the loss of life and sit at the negotiating table,” he said. Putin raised the possibility of the transfer following three failed attempts at negotiating a ceasefire, the latest in a U.S.-brokered deal over the weekend. He spoke as Nagorno-Karabakh president Arayik Harutyunyan warned that Azeri forces were closing in on the unrecognized republic’s second-largest city of Shusha, which would mark a turning point in the month of fighting.
Oct. 30, 2020

note***Information to consider: this began with cartoon depictions

On Oct. 24- France withdrew its ambassador to Turkey

France has withdrawn its ambassador to Turkey for “consultations” after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insulted President Emmanuel Macron in television remarks over the treatment of Muslims in France. Macron has vowed to work against “Islamist separatism” in France after a Paris teacher was beheaded in a plot linked to anger over cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad used in a middle school class. “What is the problem of this person called Macron with Muslims and Islam?” Erdogan said in the central Turkish city of Kayseri on Saturday. “Macron needs treatment on a mental level. What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith?” Erdogan said. “First of all, have mental checks,” Erdogan taunted.

It quickly spread into an international incident as you can see, going so far as to spill over from the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict


France on “terror attack emergency.” Three killed at Nice, jihadist shot in Avignon

More Terrorist Attacks Looming as France at ‘War Against Islamist Ideology’, Interior Minister Warns

Malaysian ex-PM tweets that Muslims have ‘right’ to kill French people after deadly Nice attack

New York Mosques to Protest Macron’s “Blatant Disrespect of the Prophet”

Anti-France protests draw thousands in Asia, Middle East

Turkish Ultranationalist Group Linked to “Hunt For Armenians” in France

France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

French police named the knifeman detained after he killed three people at Notre Dame Church in central Nice on Thursday, Oct. 29 as “Brahim,” aged 25. He beheaded one of his victims, a woman, in the same way as another jihadist murdered a French teacher earlier this month. At least seven more people were injured. A short time later, another man with a knife was fatally shot by police officers in Avignon. He was shouting “Allahu Akbar” while attacking them.  In the southeastern French city of Lyon, another man armed with a long knife was arrested as he attempted to board a tram. He had been flagged by French intelligence. And in the Saudi town of Jeddah, a local man was arrested for stabbing a security guard outside the French consulate. As jihadist attacks gained in France – with two decapitations in a month – France went on the highest “terror attack emergency” level. A special cabinet meeting on the crisis is scheduled for Friday. President Emmanuel Macron arrived on the scene of the attack at the church in Nice, one of whose caretakers was among the three dead victims. France was still reeling from the beheading earlier this month of a French teacher Samuel Paty for using the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine’s Prophet cartoons in a class on freedom of expression. President Emmanuel’s outraged response to that latest atrocity was a vow to promote France’s traditional secularism and separation of religion and state. Solidarity marches brandishing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons have taken place since the teacher’s murder. (Five years ago, two Muslim brothers massacred 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine’s office for publishing cartoons.) In a backlash from the Muslim world, France and its president have been accused of an anti-Islam agenda.
Oct. 29, 2020


Walmart is removing guns and ammo from shelves and display cases in all stores as a precaution amid ‘civil unrest’
The ACLU Is Suing Police Across The Country For “Brutality” In Response To Riots And Looting This Summer
Philadelphia sees wave of ATM, vehicle thefts amid riots, looting: reports

Two arrested with explosives in van during Philadelphia protests

Walmart will remove guns and ammo from all sales floors and displays, Sarah Nassauer at The Wall Street Journal first reported, in a year of record gun sales. “We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers,” a Walmart spokesman told Business Insider. The retail giant made a similar decision this summer during unrest following the death of George Floyd by police, a move intended to dissuade any potential theft if stores were broken into during protests. Meanwhile, In addition to having to deal with inept politicians and their respective police forces being harassed and assaulted across the U.S., cities are also starting to face another hurdle: lawsuits are stacking up alleging “police brutality” in dealing with “peaceful” protesters. Lawsuits in New York and in other cities create even more financial liabilities for many U.S. cities that are already under distress. Similar cases are also being filed in Omaha, Nebraska; Los Angeles; New York; and Minneapolis.
Oct. 30, 2020

Europe protests: Anarchy explodes across continent as violent anti-lockdown marches erupt

Paris riot cops disperse protesters with tear gas as harsh 2nd lockdown takes effect in France

Tensions flared in Palermo, the capital of Sicily, as riot police faced off with angry demonstrators who were led by local traders. Business owners across Italy have warned the 6pm closure of bars and restaurants and the complete shutting down of gyms, swimming pools and cinemas will be a death knell for many people’s livelihoods. Infuriated Sicilians took to Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palermo’s oldest street, to make their anger known to authorities. A journalist was hit by a firecracker and had first aid administered by paramedics at the scene. As riot police used shields to protect themselves from the flying missiles, they chased the protesters along the city’s iconic street before they dispersed into alleys. Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is under mounting pressure to unveil a funding package for businesses affected by the latest raft of coronavirus restrictions. Protests have been taking place in Italian towns and cities since Monday as Italy grapples with a second COVID-19 wave. In Verona there were also scenes of violence as police clashed with far-right demonstrators. Officers responded to the unrest by throwing tear gas canisters into the crowds in a bid to scatter the group. After they had marched through city centre streets, the protesters congregated at Piazza delle Erbe where some people threw firecrackers and other missiles at police.
Oct. 30, 2020

Lukashenka Closes Belarus’s Borders, Reshuffles Security Team Amid Protests

Belarus Update: Lukashenko Raises Odd Chemical Terrorism Threat

Lukashenko Warns Belarus Protesters He Will ‘Take No Prisoners’

Belarus has partially closed its land borders with all neighbors except Russia for most travelers, amid strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s efforts to end weeks of street protests against a disputed election that gave him a sixth consecutive term as president. The Belarusian Border Control Committee on October 29 announced the closure of borders with Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine, citing the “epidemiological situation” in light of the coronavirus pandemic. But there is speculation that the move might have a political motivation. It came despite Belarusian officials having minimized the threat of the pandemic for months, and follows claims that Belarus’s neighbors have tried to destabilize the situation in the country. A shakeup and appointment of others close to Lukashenka in top security positions signals a tightening of his grip on security across the country and especially in the capital, the epicenter of postelection protests and resulting police violence against peaceful demonstrators.
Oct. 29, 2020


  China’s Central Bank Poised To Legalize Digital Yuan As Part Of Sovereign Fiat Currency

Digital Currencies Will End The Dollar’s Status As The World’s Reserve Currency

China is poised to give legal backing to the launch of its own sovereign digital currency, cementing its trailblazer status in virtual currencies far ahead of other countries, after already recently experimenting with large-scale trials of actual payments by consumers, which was met with mixed results. The South China Morning Post reported Tuesday that “The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) published a draft law on Friday that would give legal status to the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) system, and for the first time the digital yuan has been included and defined as part of the country’s sovereign fiat currency.” Up until very recently, the whole project has been kept very secretive even during the latest closed, limited tests among select parts of the population. Previous reports described it acting akin to well-known stablecoins in the cryptocurrency world. The design framework for the digital yuan was released one year ago on the heels of Facebook’s ambitious but disastrous Libra token rollout after founding corporate partners split for lack of confidence in the project and on fears US federal regulators would seek to block it just as they did encrypted-messaging company Telegram’s Gram cryptocurrency. “The draft law would also forbid any party from making or issuing yuan-backed digital tokens to replace the renminbi in the market,” SCMP continues.
Oct. 29, 2020


Earthquake hits Greece and Turkey, bringing deaths and floods

The 7.0 magnitude tremor was centred off Turkey’s Izmir province, the US Geological Survey said. Turkey put the magnitude of the quake at 6.6, saying four people had died and 120 were injured in the city of Izmir. About 20 buildings collapsed. The shallow tremor is reported to have triggered a mini-tsunami that flooded Izmir and the Greek port of Samos.
Oct. 30, 2020

 Gigantic hailstones measuring more than 8 inches hammer Tripoli, Libya during apocalyptic storm

The capital of Libya, Tripoli has been hit by an unprecedented severe supercell storm on Tuesday, Oct 27th, 2020. The storm produced exceptionally large, *giant* hail, possibly more than 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter. The first reports indicate that hailstones could be one of the largest ever recorded on Earth! Such hail size would definitely fit into the world’s Top 3 giant hailstone events reported globally. Besides the Vivian (south Dakota) hailstorm from 2010 and the so-called ‘gargantuan’ hailstorm in Argentina in 2018. The event occurred on Tuesday afternoon (Oct 27th) when an upper trough was moving across the Mediterranean. A trough axis with a frontal boundary was moving from west to east across the southern portions of the Mediterranean sea. And one of the storms along the front brought an intense organized storm in the early evening hours.
Oct. 29, 2020

Zeta leaves at least 6 dead and nearly 2 million without power

 Typhoon “Goni” (Rolly) rapidly intensifies into strongest storm of the year, Quezon Province under red alert – Philippines

Zeta has killed at least six people after bringing high winds, heavy rain and up to 10 feet of storm surge in some areas. The storm struck southeastern Louisiana as a powerful Category 2 hurricane on Wednesday, leaving millions without power along the Gulf Coast. Three people in Georgia and one person in Alabama were killed when trees fell on their homes, authorities said. A 55-year-old man in Louisiana died after touching a downed power line, prompting the mayor of New Orleans to warn residents to let safety officials assess the storm’s damage, and a man from Alabama drowned in Biloxi, Mississippi. As of Thursday afternoon, nearly two million people were still without power in Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi. President Trump has approved disaster declarations for Louisiana and Mississippi. Zeta was the 27th named storm of what has been a record-breaking and devastating hurricane season, with many of the worst storms striking the Gulf Coast.
Oct. 30, 2020

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