Nov. 18, 2020- Sanctify them by the truth…hold fast to the Lord your God



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 Israel strikes Iranian, Syrian targets in response to exposed IEDs

Israel struck Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria early Wednesday morning in response to explosive devices found on the border the previous day. “IDF warplanes attacked military targets belonging to the Iranian Quds Force and the Syrian army tonight in Syria. The attack damaged warehouses, command posts and military complexes, and batteries of surface-to-air missiles,” the IDF said in a statement. The strikes hit eight targets from the Golan Heights to Damascus including an Iranian military complex near Damascus International Airport, a secret military barracks which acts as a housing complex for senior Iranian officials as well as visiting delegations, a command post for Division 7 of the Syrian army which cooperates with the Quds force and mobile surface-to-air missile trucks which fired toward Israeli jets during the strikes. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the strikes were part of a policy that he has been “pursuing for years” and that Israel would not allow for Iran to entrench itself in Syria nor would it allow for any attempted attack from Syrian territory.
Nov. 18, 2020

Pompeo in Jerusalem as Israel, Bahrain announce embassies

Israel and Bahrain announced Wednesday that the countries will open embassies in each other’s countries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani were joined by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for trilateral talks on how to exploit the new peace treaties Israel signed recently with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. “Three peace agreements in six weeks – I don’t think it gets better than that,” Netanyahu said, citing the recent deals to establish diplomatic relations with the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan. Pompeo arrived in Israel earlier in the day on a seven-country, 11-day tour that began Friday and takes him to talks in France, Turkey, Georgia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
***Please see Jordan below for information on a trilateral meeting regarding “Palestinian” peace
Nov. 18, 2020

Palestinians restore ties with Israel

The Palestinian Authority on Tuesday said it has decided to renew its relations with Israel, including security coordination, after receiving assurances that Israel would abide by the signed agreements with the Palestinians. Senior Israeli officials confirmed that security coordination with the PA was being restored. The decision is likely to hinder efforts to end the dispute between the ruling Palestinian Fatah faction and Hamas, which has long opposed security coordination between the PA and Israel, dubbing it an act of treason. The decision was taken after the Palestinians received “assurances from several European Union officials that Israel won’t take any unilateral move in the near future” and remains committed to all the signed agreements, the official said. The official was referring to Israel’s since-shelved plan to apply sovereignty to portions of the West Bank. According to the official, the Palestinians also have agreed to receive the tax revenues that Israel collects on their behalf.
Nov. 17, 2020


Jordan, Bahrain and UAE discuss peace for Palestinians in Abu Dhabi summit

Leaders from Jordan, Bahrain and the UAE discussed on Wednesday the need to achieve a just and comprehensive peace for the Palestinians. The statement came during a trilateral summit between Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Bahrain King Hamad Al-Khalifa, and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed. The meeting was held in the UAE capital on Wednesday.  The leaders discussed the “brotherly and strategic ties between their countries,” Jordan’s state news agency reported. They agreed on the need to achieve a just and comprehensive peace for the Palestinians based on the two-state solution with Israel “that guarantees the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and its capital East Jerusalem.” Bahrain and the UAE recently signed agreements to open relations with Israel. Jordan, along with Egypt, are the only other Arab countries to have relations with Israel.
Nov. 18, 2020

Lebanon Will Soon Sign A Military Treaty With Iraq

Hizballah’s Precision Strike Missile Program Forms an Explosive Regional Threat

Lebanon and Iraq will sign military and intelligence treaties in the coming days, according to caretaker Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Zeina Akar. Akar visited Baghdad on Tuesday, where she met with her Iraqi counterpart, Juma Inad Saadoun. The two discussed a variety of topics, including inking military and intelligence cooperation treaties. Akar later announced that the treaties’ drafts were under review, receiving the final touches, and that they would be ready within a few days, upon which the two nations will agree on the location wherein to sign them. On a side note, last week, an oil pipeline in North Lebanon, extending from Iraq, mysteriously caught fire and exploded. The Iraqi minister hoped that a new Lebanese government would be formed soon and that the treaties between the two nations would be finalized.
Nov. 18, 2020

Saudi Arabia is pressuring Pakistan to recognize Israel – report

Iraq, Saudi Arabia reopen Arar border crossing after 30 years

Prominent Pakistani journalist Mubasher Lucman believes that Saudi Arabia is one of the countries pressuring Islamabad into recognizing Israel, he said in an interview with i24 News. Lucman’s statement follows Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s statement that Islamabad has been placed “under pressure” by the United States, and other unnamed countries, to recognize Israel. “I have no doubt that in my analysis that the other country he is talking about is Saudi Arabia, and no one else,” Lucman told the i24 presenter. “There are only four countries that could have said this: One is the United States, second is Israel, third is India and fourth is Saudi Arabia. There is no fifth country that has that kind of influence over [Pakistan].” Pakistan is not “on talking terms with Israel – officially at least. And [Pakistan] does not get along with Indians, so it’s very simple,” he added.
Nov. 18, 2020

Senior Syrian General, Eleven Soldiers Killed in New ISIS Ambush in Deir Ezzor

Early on November 17, ISIS terrorists ambushed a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) unit in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor. The unit was moving in the area of Faydat Ibn Muyni’a when it fell into the terrorists’ ambush. Heavy clashes broke out in the area. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 12 Syrian service members were killed in the clashes. More than 17 others were injured. Major General Bashir Salim Ismail, commander of the SAA’s 137th Regiments, was among the personnel killed in ISIS ambush. The SAA and pro-government forces are now deploying reinforcements near Faydat Ibn Muyni’a as well as in other parts of western Deir Ezzor. ISIS’ news agency, Amaq, is yet to release any details on the well-planned ambush. This was one of the terrorist group’s most successful attacks against Syrian troops this year.
Nov. 18, 2020

Rockets Target US Embassy In Baghdad Just As Trump Ordered Troop Draw Down

Iraqi military says four rockets hit Baghdad’s Green Zone

Coming less than within an hour of President Trump announcing his troop draw down order in Iraq and Afghanistan Tuesday afternoon, a hail of rockets fell near the US embassy in Baghdad. Local and regional reports say at least five rockets were fired on the fortified Green Zone in Iraq’s capital and that four struck near the American compound. The US embassy’s C-RAM system, or “Counter rocket, artillery, and mortar” defense weapon, was activated in response to the inbound rocket fire. The timing seems clearly intentional, given international headlines at that very moment circulated the US announced plans to reduce its troop levels in Iraq. There are reports from correspondents on the ground saying at least one young Iraqi civilian was killed and five other Iraqis injured as a result of the attack.
Nov. 17, 2020


 Iran feeding uranium gas into advanced centrifuges underground – IAEA

Iranian official says ‘way open’ for US to rejoin JCPOA, but cites ‘challenges’

US slaps on new sanctions on Iranian officials for alleged human-rights violations

Iran has begun feeding uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas feedstock into the advanced IR-2m uranium-enriching centrifuges installed at its underground plant in Natanz nuclear facility, according to a UN nuclear watchdog report obtained by Reuters on Wednesday. The move is the latest nuclear standoff escalation by Iran with the US, Israel and their allies. “On 14 November 2020, the Agency verified that Iran began feeding UF6 into the recently installed cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges at the Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) in Natanz,” the International Atomic Energy Agency report to member states said dated Tuesday. Until Iran’s new breach on Wednesday, it was unclear whether Tehran had taken the incoming Biden administration into account with its moves at Natanz.
Nov. 18, 2020

Ethiopia says its troops marching on Tigrayan capital

Ethiopia crisis: Tigray leader vows to keep fighting as government advances

Both sides claim big wins as Ethiopia fighting enters third week

War in Ethiopia Threatens to Engulf Horn of Africa

Ethiopia said its troops were marching on the capital of the Tigray region on Tuesday after a deadline for rebel forces to surrender passed in a two-week conflict shaking the Horn of Africa and alarming the world. “The final critical act of law enforcement will be done in the coming days,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said. Later on Tuesday, Abiy’s special task force on the Tigray conflict accused rebel forces of destroying bridges connecting the regional capital Mekelle with the rest of the country in attempts to hold back federal government forces. Abiy’s air force struck unspecified TPLF targets outside Mekelle on Monday. Earlier on Tuesday, his task force said federal forces had “liberated” the Raya, Chercher, Gugufto and Mehoni localities on the eastern front, and Shire on the conflict’s western front. Federal forces had also destroyed TPLF military bases in both areas and were now heading towards Mekelle, the statement said. “The force of the junta is now retreating, and the army is marching to bring the TPLF junta to justice.” Tigray’s leaders have accused federal forces of knocking out a dam and a sugar factory as well as “mercilessly” attacking people in the region of more than 5 million. The government denies targeting civilians. Both sides in Ethiopia’s raging internal conflict claimed military successes on Wednesday, creating a muddied picture of fighting even as the government promised it would soon be over.
Nov. 18, 2020 

Polisario forces launch new attacks against Moroccan army bases

The news agency of the Polisario front said on Tuesday evening that the People’s Liberation Army’s strikes against Moroccan army bases continued for the fifth consecutive day. The People’s Liberation Army said in a statement that it had stepped up its hostilities “after the Moroccan forces violated the ceasefire concluded” between the Polisario Front on one side and the Kingdom of Morocco on the other hand under the supervision of the United Nations. They  said that the army had launched attacks since Tuesday morning, describing them as “successful” on bases belonging to the Moroccan army, referring to causing human and material damage. The People’s Liberation Army continued, saying that it had bombed Warning Point 51 of the 29th Corps from the Amqala sector at 06:40 A.M., in addition to the bombing of a focus on Base 19 from Al Mahbas sector from 09:40 to 10:07. On Friday, Morocco announced that it had launched a military operation in the buffer zone in Guerguerat in Western Sahara, while the Polisario Front responded, saying that the operation ended the cease-fire between the two sides in place for 30 years, and that “the war began.”
Nov. 18, 2020

Putin defends Armenia-Azerbaijan ceasefire amid heavy criticism

President Vladimir Putin has defended a Russian-brokered ceasefire in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, saying that it would be “suicidal” for Yerevan to back out despite heavy criticisms of the truce. There have been protests in Armenia and calls for Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to resign over the week-old agreement, which allowed Azerbaijan to consolidate major territorial gains after several weeks of bitter fighting. Asked about the potential of a new government reneging on the deal, Mr Putin reportedly told Russian state television on Tuesday, “That would be a huge mistake.” Mr Putin defended the deal, saying: “The fact that hostilities have stopped and there is an agreement to unblock transport, restore economic ties, it’s extremely important.” He said the deal laid the basis for “long-term normalisation” for the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region but admitted it had not solved the “problem” of its final status. “What happens next should be decided in the future, or by future leaders, future participants in this process.” Under the ceasefire, Russia is sending about 2,000 peacekeeping troops on a five-year mandate to keep the peace. Putin said Turkey, which supports Baku, will be associated with the peace-keeping process through a joint control centre with Russia that will use drones, but that Turkish troops will not enter Nagorno-Karabakh.
***Please see ETRM report from Nov. 11th
Russia, Turkey Agreed to Establish Joint Center to Monitor Karabakh Peace Deal 
Nov. 18, 2020


  Merkel must go, democracy must stay!’ Anti-lockdown protesters detained, doused with water cannon at central Berlin rally

Protesters have taken to the streets in downtown Berlin to denounce a bill that would enshrine lockdown measures into German law. Lawmakers are expected to pass a bill on Wednesday that would write a long list of concrete quarantine measures, such as mask-wearing and social distancing rules, into the country’s existing law on protection from infections. The government argues that the change is necessary if there is to be a robust response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Critics say the bill was put forward in a rushed manner and would give the government too much power in regulating the lives of ordinary people. The police detained several people and deployed water cannons when the crowd refused to leave. Officers complained that some demonstrators were violating Covid-19 restrictions by not wearing masks, and warned that “the use of water cannon cannot be ruled out” if they had to disperse the crowd. Water cannons were later deployed when protesters refused to leave. Officials had previously rejected a dozen applications to rally outside the parliament building. In a letter to MPs obtained by the media, the police warned about possible “attacks” on the Bundestag. There were attempts to break into the building during a similar demonstration in August.
Nov. 18, 2020

French police unleash tear gas & water cannons at protests against new ‘Comprehensive Security Law’

There were violent clashes across France as thousands took to the streets in protest against a controversial proposed all-encompassing “global security law” which would criminalize filming police activity in certain circumstances. The proposed legislation, currently being debated by the French parliament, seeks to criminalize photographing or filming the police with intent to cause harm. It would also reportedly give more autonomy to local police, arm more officers nationwide and expand the use of surveillance drones in high-crime areas. Penalties of up to one year in prison and a €45,000 fine are being considered alongside the new proposed legislation, backed by President Emmanuel Macron’s ruling La République En Marche party. The law’s co-author Jean-Michel Fauvergue, a former chief of France’s elite RAID police unit, dismissed claims the law would provide immunity for police abuse, saying “in no way does this stop journalists from working.” Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin claimed the proposed legislation is necessary to “protect those who protect us,” but rights groups and journalists’ unions say the bill is ripe for abuse and dangerously open to errant interpretation. Thousands of citizens attended protests in numerous cities across the country, including some 400 people in Rennes; an estimated 700 protesters in Lyon and 1,300 people in Toulouse; Up to 800 people, including a local councillor who lost a hand during a yellow vest protest in 2018, attended a march in Bordeaux and an 800-strong protest was held in Grenoble.
Nov. 18, 2020

Peru’s new president sworn in, calls for calm after protests

Peruvian lawmaker Francisco Sagasti was sworn in as interim president on Tuesday, voted for by Congress in an effort to return stability to a country that has seen deadly protests and the departure of two presidents over the last week. The Andean nation has been shaken since the abrupt ouster in an impeachment trial of popular leader Martin Vizcarra on November 9. The removal of Vizcarra, whose anti-graft agenda had caused tensions with Congress, triggered often violent protests in which two young people died. Vizcarra’s successor, Manuel Merino, resigned on Sunday after just five days in power. “It is absolutely necessary to remain calm, but do not confuse this with passivity, conformity or resignation,” Sagasti said in an address to Congress after his swearing-in. He also paid homage to two young men who died during protests. “We can’t bring them back to life,” he said. “But we can stop this from happening again.”
Nov. 18, 2020

Belarus opposition leader calls for sanctions on Lukashenko supporters

Belarus opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya called on European leaders to impose targeted economic sanctions on supporters of President Alexander Lukashenko after police stepped up violence against protesters. Police in Minsk used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades to disperse tens of thousands of demonstrators on Sunday, on the fourteenth straight weekend of protests since a disputed presidential election on Aug. 9 that Lukashenko says he won. Germany and the European Union are looking into ways to increase pressure on the Belarusian leadership after the Sunday crackdown, and the death last week of a 31-year-old anti-government protester after what demonstrators said was a severe beating by security forces. Poland and Lithuania are pushing for further EU sanctions on Belarus, including companies and more individuals, Lithuanian president Gitanas Nauseda said on Tuesday after meeting Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda in Vilnius.
Nov. 18, 2020


Wall Street Admits That “Civil Unrest” Could Crash Markets

Coronavirus itself remains the biggest “tail risk” to the global economy for the 8th consecutive month, followed by the “tech bubble.” However, what’s really raising eyebrows is the factor that BofA considers to be the third most likely threat to financial stability and growth, namely “civil unrest.” Wall Street really starting to worry about what we first said back in 2010 – much to Time Magazine’s mockery – that the Fed’s disastrous policies would eventually push US society to armed conflict and/or to civil war. While it may be easy to dismiss such fears as hyperbolic, consider what otherwise level-headed Bloomberg macro commentator (and former Lehman trader) Mark Cudmore wrote overnight in his latest lament that markets are so broken, that in the end it will all “end in tears”, either in the form of collapse of fiat currency or through “political revolution”, read armed conflict.” “Which brings us back to square one. Because in a world where a handful of traders are the most bullish they have been in 20 years while the living standards of tens of millions of Americans are absolutely dismal with the economy on the verge of yet another depression-causing shutdown, the flashbacks to the days just before the French Revolution are all too real.”
Nov. 18, 2020


Over 88K sex abuse claims filed against Boy Scouts of America

Sex abuse claims against the Boy Scouts of America have now surpassed 88,000, according to lawyers who represent victims who’ve filed claims against the organization. Christopher Hurley, the managing partner with a law firm representing 4,000 survivors of childhood sexual abuse who say they were victimized while participating in the Boy Scouts, said in a statement to The Christian Post that there are over 88,500 victims that have come forward as of Monday, the deadline the bankruptcy court set for such claims. Other lawyers told The New York Times that over 82,000 abuse claims were made against the group as of late Sunday and that the number of sexual abuse cases filed against BSA far exceeds the number of cases linked to abuse claims in the Roman Catholic Church. “I knew there were a lot of cases,” said Paul Mones, an attorney who has been working on BSA cases for approximately 20 years. “I never contemplated it would be a number close to this,” noting that with the prevalence of the abuse the number may represent a mere fraction of victims. The accusers range in age from 8 to 93.
Nov. 16, 2020


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