March 10, 2021- Saudis Come Out Against Temple Mount



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Saudis come out against Temple Mount

Last week, Saudi Twitter pages began to promote the message that ‘the direction of Jewish prayers do not matter to me”. The campaign, designed to emphasize the importance of Mecca and Medina as the holy places of Islam, and to eliminate the importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, has caused considerable controversy online. Among the most prominent messages in the campaign were those who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland,” referring to Saudi Arabia. This tweet was written by a well-known Saudi cartoonist named Fahd al-Jabiri. According to the Saudis, the campaign is in response to the Palestinians who insult and humiliate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its cooperation with Israel, both online and in many demonstrations on the Temple Mount on Fridays. The reaction of the Saudis is to emphasize that Al-Aqsa is a mosque like all mosques, but the direction of prayer of the Muslims is to the city of Mecca and to it only. Tom Nissani, CEO of the Temple Mount and Temple Heritage Foundation, noted, “In the end, it is becoming increasingly clear that the main obstacle – the Temple Mount – is in our hands. Now the Saudis and Moroccans also emphasize the strong connection of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount and the diminution of its importance to Islam. This is a historic opportunity to expel the hostile Waqf from the Temple Mount and transfer it to full Israeli management that will allow full freedom of access and religion to the mountain in cooperation with the Emirates, Saudis and Moroccans, Jews and non-Jews who will attain shared goals.”
March 7, 2021

Hamas leader Sinwar ousted in secret vote – report

Hamas has elected a new leader in the Gaza Strip to replace Yahya Sinwar, according to people familiar with the matter. His name is Nizar Awadallah, the sources said. Awadallah, who previously served as head of Hamas’s Shura Council, a decision-making consultative body that elects the group’s politburo, was elected in secret elections over the past few weeks for the group’s leaders in the Gaza Strip and abroad. During the First Intifada, he headed a secret Hamas armed wing named the Palestinian Mujahideen. Awadallah will serve as head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip. The terrorist group is also expected to elect a new overall leader for its political bureau, currently headed by Ismail Haniyeh.
March 9, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Lebanese Armed Forces chief warns of military collapse amid economic crisis

Lebanon’s protesters send dark, angry message

Lebanon’s army is suffering from instability as the country’s economic crisis has put pressure on soldiers’ livelihoods, said Gen. Joseph Aoun, commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces. “Soldiers are going hungry, like the people,” said Aoun on Monday, according to Reuters. In the report, he said low morale could lead to an “implosion” and questioned: “Do they want the army or not? Do you want the army to stay on its feet or not? … They don’t care.” The Lebanese currency has dropped 85 percent since 2019 with the monthly salary of a soldier or police officer that had been worth about $800 now worth less than $120, according to the report. The situation became so dire that the French embassy donated food last month to the army, including basic staples such as rice, pasta and cooking oil.
March 10, 2021

Saudi foreign minister calls for Iran arms embargo to stop attacks on ‘global economy’

Iran’s leadership knows ‘how to drive a truck through American weakness,’ Mike Pompeo tells Arab News in exclusive interview

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister called for a block on weapons sales to Iran to be reimposed after fresh attacks against oil facilities in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province. Ras Tanura, one of the world’s biggest oil ports, was targeted by an explosive drone on Sunday. Hours later, a ballistic missile was shot down over an Aramco residential area just to the south in Dhahran. The attempted strikes were condemned by governments around the world and caused a brief spike in oil prices. They took place amid a wave of drone attacks on southern Saudi Arabia by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen. “Such attacks require a strong stand by the international community in confronting the perpetrators, and efforts must be concerted to stop the sources of the continuation of the conflict,” Prince Faisal said. “The most important of which is Iran’s supplying the Houthi militia with advanced weapons, including ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones.”
Lavrov called the developments in Yemen worrying. “We need to immediately stop the military industry,” he said. Meanwhile, The US administration has a responsibility to push back against efforts to undermine Saudi Arabia, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says in an exclusive interview with Arab News, adding that to deny the Saudis “the capacity to defend themselves is just crazy, and yet that appears to be the direction this administration is taking.”
March 10, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iran says US approved release of $3 bln of Iran’s funds in Iraq, Oman, S. Korea

The United States has agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian funds that have been frozen in Iraq, Oman and South Korea due to Washington’s sanctions, Iranian trade official Hamid Hosseini told the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday. Hosseini, board member of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce, had tweeted on Friday that Washington approved the release of frozen Iranian assets at the Trade Bank of Iraq, without mentioning the value of the assets. Hosseini on Sunday confirmed that the US agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian frozen assets in the three countries. Last month, South Korea said it reached an agreement with Iran over the release of Tehran’s frozen funds in its banks but signalled that the agreement was effectively subject to US approval.
March 8, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Taiwan’s leader tells residents to conserve water as the island faces worst drought in 56 years

Drought Conditions Persist in the Main Corn Growing States 

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has called on residents to conserve water and prepare for shortages as the island faces a drought, following months of scant rainfall and a lack of typhoons making landfall last year. Tsai said that Taiwan did not experience a typhoon in 2020 and faces its most severe water shortage in 56 years. Tsai added that the government is monitoring water conditions throughout the island and that it will take steps to ensure a stable supply of water for industries and households. Local reports said last month that the island stepped up nationwide water restrictions and mobilized emergency water resources, including a desalination plant in Hsinchu County, as officials anticipate the dry season will last until May. Meanwhile, in the US,  As farmers are ramping up toward planting season, drought conditions continue in many of the top corn-growing states. Last week, the U.S. drought monitor showed 11 percent of Midwest acres are in moderate drought. Over half of the High Plains are in a severe drought, and 19 percent of the region is experiencing extreme drought conditions.
March 8, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

San Cristobal volcano erupts, heavy ash blankets the city of Chinandega, Nicaragua

Ash rises up to 29,500 feet after 11th paroxysm at Etna, Italy

New cinder dome at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Russia

Nicaraguan San Cristobal volcano erupted at 19:26 UTC on March 9, 2021, blanketing the city of Chinandega and surrounding communities in ash. Heavy ash emission lasted approximately 30 minutes, accompanied by deep rumbling. AFP reported cars had to switch on headlights as everything went dark. Ashfall was reported as far as 17 km (10.5 miles) from the volcano. Nicaragua Journalist Carol Altamirano said everything was grey… ‘the crops of rice, sesame, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and cattle pasture is covered in ash.’ The Washington VAAC said volcanic ash rose to an estimated 600 m (1 900 feet) above the summit, moving SW. It was very difficult to observe it on satellite imagery due to cloud cover. On February 16, 2021, ash cloud from San Cristobal rose to 2.3 km (7 500 feet) above sea level and drifted SW. This was the first eruption at the volcano since March 4, 2019, when a gas-and-ash plume rose about 400 m (1 300 feet) above the crater rime.
March 10, 2021

Meteor rattled buildings as it exploded over Vermont, NASA says

A meteor exploded over northern Vermont on Sunday night — rattling buildings with an energy release the equivalent of 440 pounds of TNT, officials said. The fireball was spotted by hundreds of witnesses as it zoomed through the atmosphere at 42,000 miles per hour, NASA said in a Facebook post. The space rock was first seen about 52 miles above Mount Mansfield State Forest before burning out over Orleans County about 33 miles into the sky. “The space rock fragmented violently, producing a pressure wave that rattled buildings and generated the sound heard by those near the trajectory,” NASA said in its Facebook post.
March 9, 2021

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