March 24, 2021- China Gets Involved in “Two-State Solution”


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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 24, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Mideast quartet discusses reviving Israel, Palestinian peace talks

Chinese FM reveals initiative to protect MidEast

The Middle East quartet of mediators – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – discussed on Tuesday reviving “meaningful negotiations” between Israel and the Palestinians with the aim of a two-state solution. In a statement following their meeting, the quartet said that both Israel and the Palestinians need “to refrain from unilateral actions that make a two-state solution more difficult to achieve.” It appeared to be the first time since September 2018 that envoys from the four mediators have met. Last month, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he hoped there would be a quartet meeting in coming weeks, now that there was a new president in the White House. Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday unveiled a five-point initiative for security and stability in the Middle East to Al Arabiya. The Chinese minister also discussed the Palestinian and Israeli issue, and called for a two-state solution, stressing that his country would send invitations to Palestinian and Israeli personalities for a dialogue in China.
March 24, 2021

IAF strikes targets in Gaza after rocket lands near Beersheba

The IDF struck targets belonging to terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night in response to a rocket that was fired from the Strip towards Israel earlier in the evening and fell in an open area near Beersheba, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. The strikes targeted sites near Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip and near Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian reports. According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, the strikes targeted a site for manufacturing rockets and a military position. “The Hamas terrorist organization bears responsibility for what happens inside and outside of the Gaza Strip, and will bear the consequences of terrorist acts against Israeli citizens,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.
March 24, 2021

Israel’s election is over: What comes next?

Israel’s fourth election in two years is over and the tallying of the votes was taking place Wednesday, the first major step in a legislated parade of necessary events that will lead to the next government taking office in Jerusalem – or to new elections. The election is but one step in a long process enshrined in law that sets out the actions that have to be taken under Israel’s proportional representation democracy. Final official results must be announced by the Central Elections committee by March 31. All parties can file appeals against the results until April 14, two weeks after the official results announcement. By April 7, President Reuven Rivlin  has to call upon the candidate he thinks has the best chance of forming a new government. That person is given 28 days to meet with prospective coalition partners and reach an agreement to get their support so that at least 61 of the 120 members of the Knesset will vote in favor. The latest deadline for the candidate to reach an agreement is May 5. If the candidate cannot form a government in that time, Rivlin  may grant an additional two weeks, up to May 19.
March 24, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Egypt, Jordan sign seven cooperative agreements

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly and his Jordanian counterpart Bisher Al-Khasawneh signed seven agreements to enhance cooperation between the two countries in various fields during the 29th session of the Egyptian-Jordanian Higher Committee on Tuesday. The MoUs cover cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy and the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; an executive exchange program between the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation and the Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation; water resources; antiquities; corporate control; and communication and information technology. Madbouly said it had been one of the most important meetings ever held between the two countries and came as a result of the “strong ties binding the peoples and governments of both countries, as well as the strong relations between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdullah.”
March 24, 2021

Arab League expresses ‘readiness’ to intervene in forming Lebanese government

The Arab League has said it is ready to intervene to solve the crisis of forming the Lebanese government between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri. The bloc urged Lebanese politicians to work quickly to end a political deadlock and offered to help Lebanon overcome the crisis. Zaki stressed the need for a government of technocrats to save Lebanon from collapsing by implementing necessary reforms that meet the demands of the Lebanese people. The political crisis has persisted with Hariri announcing on Monday that no agreement was reached with Aoun after the latter stuck to his conditions.
March 24, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Asteroid 2021 FM2 flew past Earth at 0.2 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 FM2 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.22 LD / 0.00056 AU (83 770 km / 52 055 miles) at 21:46 UTC on March 20, 2021. Since the start of the year, our observatories have identified a total of 33 asteroid flybys within 1 lunar distance from the center of our planet. 2021 FM2 was first observed at Mt. Lemmon Survey, Arizona on March 22, two days after it made its close approach to Earth. The object belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 2.5 and 5.7 m (8.2 – 18.7 feet).
March 24, 2021

16th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna since February 16, Italy

Strong explosions at Pacaya volcano producing thick ash columns, Guatemala

Strombolian activity resumed at Etna’s Southeast crater at 19:05 UTC on March 23, intensified at around 20:30 UTC, and evolved into lava fountaining by 22:00 UTC. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red at 20:46 UTC on March 23. This is the 16th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna since February 16, 2021. A pyroclastic flow was observed on surveillance cameras and confirmed by INGV personnel at 02:37 UTC on March 24. The flow headed toward the Valle del Bove, reaching a height of about 2 900 m (9 500 feet). By 05:43 UTC, the volcanic ash column was rising up to 6 km (19 700 feet) above sea level, drifting SE. Ashfall was reported in Catania and nearby areas.
March 24, 2021

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