April 7, 2021- US to restore more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians as Trade Deficit Widened to Record $71.1 Billion



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Israel notifies US it attacked Iranian ship in Red Sea – report

Israel notified the US that it is responsible for the Tuesday attack on an Iranian cargo ship affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, an American official told The New York Times. A spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that the Saviz was lightly damaged in the Red Sea off the coast of Djibouti at about 6 a.m. on Tuesday due to an explosion, adding that the cause of the explosion is under investigation. “The Saviz civilian ship was stationed in the Red Sea region and the Gulf of Aden to establish maritime security along the shipping lanes and to counter piracy,” said the spokesman. “This ship practically acted as a logistics station (technical support and logistics) of Iran in the Red Sea, and therefore the specifications and mission of this ship had previously been officially announced.” According to the Foreign Ministry, no casualties were reported. When asked about the alleged attack, Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz told Channel 12 news that he would not discuss “any of the operations that are taking place in the Middle East and are associated with” Israel.
****Reminder of past news items:









Spate of Attacks on Ships In Middle East Points to Iran-Backed Group
April 7, 2021

US to restore more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians — sources

Palestinians: US Taxpayer Money Going to Terrorists

The Biden administration plans to provide at least $235 million in US aid to the Palestinians, restoring a large part of the assistance that was cut off by then-President Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. The package, including humanitarian, economic and security aid, is expected to be announced by the State Department later on Wednesday as part of an effort to repair US ties with the Palestinians that all but collapsed during Trump’s tenure. It will mark Democratic President Joe Biden’s most significant move since taking office on Jan. 20 to make good on his promise to roll back some components of his Republican predecessor’s approach that Palestinians denounced as heavily biased in favor of Israel. The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNWRA, $75 million in US economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices. The new administration has previously pledged to resume hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance and work toward reopening the Palestinians’ diplomatic mission in Washington. Biden’s aides have also signaled that they want to re-establish the goal of a negotiated two-state solution as a priority in US policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Hezbollah wants a representative office in Moscow

Iran’s Press TV reported on Tuesday that “the Russian government and Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement are reportedly considering the possibility of opening a representative office for the Lebanese popular organization in the capital, Moscow, following high-level meetings between the two sides last month.” This would be a serious development for Hezbollah to achieve more political legitimacy at the hands of Russia. The Press TV report is actually based on an Al-Akhbar report in Lebanon, but Iran’s pushing of the report appears to give it weight. The report notes that Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov received on March 15 a delegation of senior Hezbollah figures led by Mohammad Raad, “the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, the political wing of Hezbollah, and media reports indicated that the two sides had held ‘open and friendly’ talks.” The meeting at the time was held at Russia’s request, Iran said. “The two sides stressed the need to strengthen means of communication between them and to adopt direct channels of communication between the party and Moscow, while studying the possibility of establishing a representative office for the party in the Russian capital,” Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper said in a report on Tuesday. Hezbollah also talked to Russia about Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Israel. This means that Hezbollah is discussing the whole region.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran has produced 55 kg of 20% enriched uranium since January: official

Iran: We’re Not Talking to Biden Unless U.S. Lifts All Sanctions, Not Just Nuclear Ones

Iran has made 55 kg of uranium enriched to up to 20% – the point at which it is highly enriched – indicating quicker production than the 10 kg a month rate required by an Iranian law that created the process in January, Iranian authorities said on Wednesday. The disclosure comes a day after Tehran and Washington held what they described as “constructive” indirect talks in Vienna on Tuesday aimed at finding ways to revive a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. Iran’s hardline parliament passed a law last year that obliges the government to harden its nuclear stance. The law required Iran to start enriching to 20% and stipulated that at least 120 kg (265 pounds) of uranium refined to that level be made each year, which amounts to 10 kg a month. Iran’s production rate is already “up to 40%” faster than that, Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi indicated. “In less than four months we have produced 55 kg of 20% enriched uranium … in around eight months we can reach 120 kg,” Kamalvandi told state TV. Uranium is considered highly enriched as of 20%. Enriching to 20% is a big step towards enriching to weapons-grade.
April 7, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

 7 reported killed as Myanmar military opens fire in latest conflict between anti-coup protesters and security forces

The latest clashes between anti-coup protesters and security forces across Myanmar have resulted in seven deaths and numerous injuries, according to media reports, amid the country’s military crackdown. The military fired on protesters on Wednesday to break up pro-democracy demonstrations as the junta continues its violent crackdown on anti-coup activists in an attempt to secure control of the country. According to a resident in Kale, five people were killed in the town. Witnesses took pictures of what they say are the victims of the military’s actions. In the town of Bago, close to Yangon, Myanmar media reported that a further two protesters were shot dead in clashes with security forces. Footage circulating on social media, claiming to be from Kale, showed detained individuals, blindfolded and with their hands tied behind their backs, being kicked by security forces before being taken away. Elsewhere in Myanmar, citizens rode down roads on motorbikes, carrying red flags, as part of a demonstration against the military’s actions and the increasing number of casualties caused by the violence that has become a daily occurrence in the country. Myanmar forces also raided a protest camp filled with anti-coup activists as part of an early morning operation to arrest individuals opposing the military in an attempt to squash dissent. Since the start of the coup, at least 581 individuals, including young children, have been reported killed by security forces, with over 3,500 arrested, 2,750 of which are still being held in detention centers.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Japan Poised To Allow Coast Guard To Fire On Chinese Vessels In New Legislation

Are Russia and Ukraine Sliding Into War?

Beijing Accelerating Timeline for Possible Invasion of Taiwan, Expert Warns

New legislation being considered that would radically alter current Japan Coast Guard policy toward how it engages foreign vessels in Japan’s waters could inadvertently hurl the region toward a hot conflict involving China. Currently Japan does not have a mechanism which would activate its Self-Defense Forces in any entanglement with Chinese fishermen landing on the islands, which might escalate to involve Chinse military patrols. But that could change, especially after Beijing recently allowed its own coast guard to be militarized at a moment it attempts to stave off regional rivals’ claims to islands in the East and South China Seas. Tokyo is preparing to beef up is own ability for an immediate and rapid response, as Nikkei details of the new legislation: “The Japanese government says the Police Duties Execution Act allows ships to fire on vessels to halt an unauthorized landing,” Further it explains, “If the police or coast guard is unable to mount an adequate response, then a phone call and a snap decision by the Cabinet would mobilize the Self-Defense Forces to a police operation.” Meanwhile, After six years of an uneasy and at times violent truce, the specter of a new war is looming large in Russia-Ukraine relations. In retaliation for Kiev’s recent crackdown on pro-Russian media and politicians, Moscow is staging a large-scale and ostentatious military buildup along the Ukrainian border. The situation is especially volatile in Donbass, where the ceasefire between the Ukrainian army and Moscow-sponsored breakaway territories has effectively broken down.
April 6, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Trade Deficit Widened to Record $71.1 Billion in Biden’s First Full Month

Treasury details Biden’s plan to raise $2 trillion through corporate tax hikes

IMF Renews Support For Higher Taxes To Fund Recovery

The U.S.’s trade deficit widened 4.8 percent to a record $71.1 billion in February, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Economists had forecast a trade gap of $70.4 billion. The January gap was revised down from $68.2 billion to $67.8 billion. Both imports and exports fell in the month but the pace of the decline of exports was much swifter, enlarging the deficit. Imports fell seven-tenths of a percentage point but remain near record highs. Exports fell 2.6 percent. The trade in goods deficit rose by $2.8 billion to $88 billion. The services surplus shrank $500,000 million to $16.9 billion. U.S. exports have been hurt by the return off lockdowns and slumping economies across the globe, particularly in Europe. American spending has been bolstered by the strength of the U.S. economy, enhanced unemployment benefits, and stimulus payments—and a large portion of that spending is leaking out to foreign producers through imports. The record-high trade deficit means a large share of income earned by Americans is being converted to the incomes of foreigners. That reduces the incomes of U.S. households and subtracts from gross domestic product. The record-high trade deficits are expected to continue for the near term as the U.S. economy continues to grow faster than the economies of our trading partners. Economists predict that the U.S. economy will grow by 6 percent or more this year.
April 7, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

WEF globalist Klaus Schwab declares unvaccinated people to be a threat to humanity

Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the “Great Reset” needs to include the establishment of a global “pandemic” treaty to ensure that all humans are “vaccinated” in accordance with government edicts. A host of global leaders issued a call for a global pandemic treaty, purportedly in order to prevent future pandemics, distribute vaccinations, and implement a unilateral approach to global governance. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), as well as 20 other world leaders, joined forces in penning a joint letter with the apparent intent of winning popular support for the globalist plan. Writing in U.K. paper The Telegraph, as well as other publications such as Le Monde in France, the leaders declared their intent to “build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.” This final phrase could indicate the influence which World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and committed globalist Klaus Schwab enjoys over the 24 leaders. Just weeks ago, Schwab declared, “As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe,” a statement which in itself poses an interesting question about the trust which such leaders are placing in their much praised, but dangerous, experimental injections.
April 5, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

WHO does not back vaccination passports for now – spokeswoman

The World Health Organization does not back requiring vaccination passports for travel due to uncertainty over whether inoculation prevents transmission of the virus, as well as equity concerns, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday. “We as WHO are saying at this stage we would not like to see the vaccination passport as a requirement for entry or exit because we are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission,” WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said. “There are all those other questions, apart from the question of discrimination against the people who are not able to have the vaccine for one reason or another,” she told a U.N. news briefing.
April 6, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com


 California reports third-driest year on record

A snow survey in California revealed that the state only received about 50% of its average precipitation during the 2021 water year, tying it for its third-driest on record. The snow survey, which is conducted annually by the Department of Water Resources (DWR), records precipitation for the water year, which extends from October to March. The survey recorded a snow depth of 49.5 inches and a snow water equivalent, which measures the amount of water contained within the snowpack, of 21 inches, on April 1. April 1 is typically when snowpack is at its deepest in the state and has the highest snow water equivalent. “With below-average precipitation statewide, California’s reservoirs continue to show the impacts due to dry conditions,” Sean De Guzman, chief of snow surveys for the California Department of Water Resources, said. This year’s water season tied for third-driest on record with the 2014 season. The second-driest year on record was 1924, and the driest on record was 1977, when an area of high pressure parked off the West Coast and deflected storms away from California and instead pushed them into the Pacific Northwest.
April 7, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com














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