April 19, 2021- Abbas Says US must rescind declaration of PLO as terror group; Saudis Hold Secret Talks with Iran



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US pressuring Israel to stop commenting on Iran – report

The Biden administration has turned to Israel several times in the past few days, asking that it stops commenting on Iran, N12 reported Friday evening. According to the report, the Biden administration feels “uneasy” regarding the recent Israeli operation in Natanz, referring to recent Israeli chatter regarding the attack as “dangerous” and “embarrassing.” The White House repeated the message several times, claiming that the constant reports from Israeli officials regarding Iran have hindered the negotiations taking place between the Washington and Tehran on a possible new nuclear agreement. Israel’s Security Cabinet, which has not met since February, is expected to meet on Sunday in order to discuss the issue.
April 17, 2021

Palestinians fire 2nd rocket at Israel Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket from Gaza into the country’s south Friday, the second incident in 24 hours

The rocket caused no damage or injuries. In response, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters hit five sites of the Hamas terror group, which controls the Gaza Strip. There were no reports of casualties in the air raids, which the Israeli military said targeted a training site, weapons manufacturing facility and a factory producing building materials for for attack tunnels, among other targets. Early Friday, Israeli aircraft hit three facilities operated by Hamas in response to the previous rocket attack. The Israeli response came after the military announced that a projectile fired from the Gaza Strip Thursday evening landed in the south of the country. That rocket attack broke weeks of relative cross-border calm.
April 17, 2021

Abbas to J Street: US must rescind declaration of PLO as terror group

The Biden administration must rescind the 1987 US determination that the Palestine Liberation Organization is a terror group, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the annual J Street Conference, as he spoke of the steps to re-establish ties between Washington and Ramallah. He explained that ties between the PA and the US were severed when former US President Donald Trump was in the White House, but that the PA now sought to open a new page with the Biden administration. “However, this requires the elimination of some obstacles, most important of which is removing the PLO name from the terrorism list pursuant to the Congress Anti-Terrorist Act of 1987,” Abbas said as he referenced the legislation that marked the PLO as a terror group. Most American presidents until Trump had waived the act, thereby allowing for ties between the PLO and the US. Rather than reinstate the waiver, Abbas wants the act to be rescinded.
April 19, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran says open to talks with Saudi Arabia after media reports

Saudis, UAE asked Israel to hit Iranian spy ship, but concealed talks with Iran

Iran’s foreign ministry has said the country is open to direct talks with Saudi Arabia after media reports said the two regional rivals recently held secret talks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Monday refused to confirm or deny the reported talks on April 9 in Baghdad. Khatibzadeh pointed out that Iran “has always welcomed talks with the Saudi kingdom and has deemed it beneficial to the two countries’ people and regional peace and stability, and this thought will continue”. The two countries have not had formal diplomatic ties since January 2016 when Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was stormed after a prominent Shia Muslim leader was executed by Riyadh. According to reports by the Financial Times and Reuters, Iranian and Saudi officials held direct talks on April 9 to discuss the war in Yemen, where a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has been battling the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels since March 2015. The talks also reportedly touched on Lebanon, which is in political and economic turmoil, and where Arab states are concerned about the influence of the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement. Unnamed sources from Iran and Saudi Arabia denied talks were held in Iraq. The reported meeting came shortly after Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi travelled to Saudi Arabia to hold talks with its top leadership, including powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Al-Kadhimi also visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE), another Iranian adversary in the region.
April 19, 2021

Did Iran order a drone attack on the US in Iraq?

A drone attack last week on Erbil in northern Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region has all the hallmarks of an Iranian-backed attack. Drones have been used by Iran’s proxies in Yemen, and Tehran has exported them to partners in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Iran has a sophisticated series of drones, many of which are kamikaze drones that operate like cruise missiles. You put in coordinates and then send them on a mission. Iran also used drones in 2018 during a missile attack on Kurdish dissidents in Iraq, and as surveillance against ISIS in Syria. It is the third attack on US-led coalition forces in the city. Pro-Iran militias in Iraq, led by Kataib Hezbollah, shifted tactics after 2019 and 2020 when US forces consolidated their facilities in Iraq, withdrawing from a series of smaller bases such as Q-West, K-1, Nineveh and even Tamp Taji. This left less targets for Iran’s militias in Iran’s neighbor to the west. At the same time, those militias, called PMU and which also have political wings in the government and receive government salaries, have now been forced to use aliases. There was an attack on Erbil in late September 2020 and another on February 15. The recent attack was likely a message to the US and the new Biden administration. Iran and its allies in Iraq want the US to leave.
April 18, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Protesters take to the streets Saturday night over police shootings

Sacramento police officers hospitalized after protesters spray them with unknown ‘irritant’

Shooting in Kenosha leaves 3 dead, 2 wounded; suspect at large

Antifa Rioters Burn Portland Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars

Two National Guardsmen injured in drive-by after Maxine Waters calls for more confrontation

A deadly Sunday: three multiple shootings in one day in America

Protesters across the country took to the streets Saturday night, following a week of intense demonstrations over recent fatal police shootings in Minnesota, Chicago and elsewhere. Most recently, protesters have demonstrated against the fatal police shootings of Daunte Wright, who was killed during a traffic stop in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, last Sunday and Adam Toledo, a 13-year-old fatally shot by an officer in Chicago late last month — with video of the shooting emerging last week.  Four police officers in Sacramento, California, were hospitalized Saturday night after being sprayed with an unknown “liquid irritant” during an anti-police protest. Meanwhile, Three people were killed and two others were injured early Sunday morning from a shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Authorities provided few details about the shooting, only saying that the deadly incident “appears to be a targeted and isolated incident.”
April 19, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

If A CBDC Gains Acceptance For International Transactions, It Could Become The New Reserve Currency

We do not usually associate disruption with central banks. But a major move to introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could actually disrupt the financial system. CBDCs are a new form of digital cash intended to serve as a substitute for physical cash. They will be a liability of the central bank, which will maintain them in a centralized ledger. CBDCs should not be confused with cryptocurrencies, which either are pegged to an underlying asset or backed by a public blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are not a viable form of digital cash for payments on a large scale, given the high computational and energy intensity of the validation process using distributed ledger technologies. However, they will continue to perform other functions. For instance, investors may perceive that cryptocurrencies can be a store of value (akin to precious metals) to hedge against the effects of central banks’ aggressive monetary easing. Efforts to introduce CBDCs are gaining momentum, with as many as 86% of the world’s central banks exploring digital currencies. China has launched pilot trials in a number of cities, the ECB recently concluded a public consultation on a digital euro and will make a decision this summer, and the Boston Fed is set to release its initial research in the fall. Innovations are typically viewed with caution and their disruptive potential is usually underestimated. While central banks’ CBDC initiatives are not intended to disrupt the banking system, they will likely have unintended disruptive consequences. The pace of disruption will hinge on how quickly network effects take hold in a CBDC system. The more widely digital currencies are accepted, the more opportunity for innovation and the greater the scope for disruption to the financial system.
April 18, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Surigae rapidly intensifies into the first Super Typhoon of 2021

Typhoon “Surigae” rapidly intensified on April 16 and 17, 2021, into the first Super Typhoon of the year. Surigae — known in the Philippines as Bising — is expected to become a powerful Category 5 typhoon over the next 12 hours, without making landfall over the Philippines. However, because there are still uncertainties in its track, a westward shift in the current forecast track may result in potentially significant impacts over the eastern portions of Southern Luzon and Visayas.​ Surigae entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) at 03:00 UTC on April 16 and became a Category 2-equivalent typhoon over the next 12 hours. As it continued its slow WNW motion toward the Philippines, the typhoon underwent explosive intensification and strengthened to a Category 4-equivalent typhoon by 21:00 UTC on the same day. At 06:00 UTC on April 17, its center was located about 490 km (305 miles) NW of Kayangel. Its maximum 10-minute sustained winds were 185 km/h (115 mph) with gusts up to 260 km/h (160 mph) — making it a Super Typhoon. Maximum 1-minute sustained winds were 240 km/h (150 mph), the minimum central barometric pressure 925 hPa, and the system was moving NW at 20 km/h (15 mph).
April 17, 2021 

5.9 earthquake hits southern Iran

A magnitude 5.9 earthquake has struck Iran’s southern province of Bushehr, where a nuclear power plant is located, but there were no immediate reports of considerable damage. At least five people were injured, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported. The epicentre of the earthquake on Sunday was the town of Rig. Hospitals in nearby cities and provinces were put on alert with rescue teams and 50 ambulances sent to the area, a regional official told state TV. Electricity and landline telephone and internet in the regional city of Gonaveh were cut off “and people are taking to the streets for fear of earthquakes”, semi-official news agency Tasnim reported. An Iranian government official told Reuters news agency there were no reports of damage at the Bushehr nuclear complex, situated on Iran’s Gulf coast.
April 18, 2021 

Asteroid 2021 HN flew past Earth at 0.66 LD — 18th within 1 LD in April

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 HN flew past Earth at a distance of 0.66 LD / 0.00170 AU (254 316 km / 158 024 miles) at 07:53 UTC on April 19, 2021. This is the 51st known asteroid to flyby Earth since the start of the year and the 18th so far this month. No other month on record has had this many known <1LD asteroid flybys. While this increase is notable, keep in mind that our collective ability to detect them has also increased over the past years. The second busiest month on record is now November 2018 with 15 known <LD flybys. 2021 HN was first observed at Mt. Lemon Survey, Arizona on April 17, two days before its close approach. The object has an estimated diameter between 11 – 25 m (36 – 82 feet) and it belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids.
April 19, 2021

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