May 10, 2021 Those Last Day Events




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 7, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Anyone who knows bible prophecy knows that the above 3 prophecies are most important in knowing how close we really are to seeing Jesus Christ returning for His Church!.  Every day now we are watching news leading up to the beginning of the last 7 years warned about in the book of Revelation.  How many of you out there don’t know anything about the above prophecies?  If you are unaware of what these prophecies mean I would imagine you don’t know much about the other main prophecies Jesus told us to look for just before His return.  What we know for sure is were are to keep our eyes on events surrounding Israel, East Jerusalem, and the nations that you see in the photos above.    

Gaza terrorists fire rockets at Ashkelon
Terrorists operating out of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip launched multiple missiles at southern Israel Sunday evening. The rockets were fired towards the coastal city of Ashkelon, as well as towns in the western Negev, in the Gaza frontier. Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense network was activated during the attacks.

IDF chief sends 3 additional battalions to Judea and Samaria in wake of escalation
In the wake of the ongoing disturbances by Palestinian rioters in Jerusalem and the increased tension with Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces will increase its troop presence in Judea and Samaria. Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said the buildup will comprise three battalions, on top of the four that had already been sent in recent days to the area, which has seen an uptick in violence as of late, including in the form of a deadly drive-by shooting and a failed attempt to kill soldiers in a checkpoint.

Netanyahu says Israel rejects pressure on Jerusalem, warns terrorists not to escalate
Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and just as every nation builds in its capital and builds up its capital, we also have the right to build in Jerusalem and to build up Jerusalem,” the prime minister says.

New reports map out Hezbollah’s missile arsenal, expose new military sites
Reported Israeli strikes once again lit up Syria’s night sky early on Wednesday, with Israeli missiles slamming into multiple targets in northwest Syria’s Latakia region, according to Syrian state media. The reports are the latest reminder of an ongoing shadow war raging between Israel and the Iranian-Shi’ite axis, in which the Iranians and Hezbollah attempt to smuggle and deploy advanced weapons to threaten Israel with and Israel sets out to disrupt this activity.

Ramadan violence raging all over Israel but focused on Jerusalem
This year, like most years, the month-long Muslim fast of Ramadan has been marked by extreme violence, most notably, though not limited to, Israel’s capital of Jerusalem.

‘Apostasy’: Gay ‘pride’ flag to fly over Toronto Catholic schools
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) voted last night to declare June “Pride Month” and to fly the homosexual rainbow “Pride” flag at all schools within the board for the entire month of June in defiance of Catholic moral teaching that warns against the spiritual dangers of homosexual behavior and in defiance of the local Archbishop’s directives on the matter.

Canada, Quartet slam Jerusalem violence, int’l pressure grows on Israel

Canada and the Middle East Quartet (the United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia) condemned on Sunday the violence that took place on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and called on Israel to halt eviction plans for Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood as violence rises in the country’s capital.

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Praying to God could be made a crime, lawmakers threatened with legal action
The Christian Institute in the United Kingdom revealed this week it will take legal action if lawmakers go ahead with a strategy to ban “conversation therapy” that would impact churches’ missions, ministries, and even praying to God.

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