Aug. 4, 2021 Manatory vaccines up-dates will you be next?



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 ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

Jul 8, 2021 I warned you to watch for more news showing Governments are going to push a mandatory Covid19 vaccine.  You will see what I warned in the video below.  Notice I tell you what I stated to watch  back in March of this year concerning this mandatory vaccines.  After you watch my video scroll down and you will see more news showing you that the road to the mark of the beast is being laid out via mandatory vaccines. These forced laws will make it much easier for the Antichrist to force his mark when the time is right!

DOJ Vaccine mandates Now Legal
DOJ vaccine mandates are legal as of July 26, 2021. The Department of Justice (DOJ) determined that federal law will not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID vaccines under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization With the DOJ vaccine mandates, public places, retail stores, places of business (your job) can require covid vaccines if they wish.

Netflix Mandates Vaccinations for All Actors on US Productions 
Netflix has become the first major Hollywood studio to roll out companywide COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cast members and those who come in contact with them for all productions in the United States.Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19

Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy
The Walt Disney Company and Walmart announced a new policy on Friday that will require nearly every employee working for the company in the United States to be vaccinated against the CCP virus.

CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death
People who refuse to get injected with a “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as demanded by Pedo Joe should not be allowed to enter grocery stores to buy food for their families, says Don Lemon of CNN.

Local government in Philippines declares that unvaccinated people are barred from purchasing FOOD
Human rights abuses are accelerating worldwide, as governments claim dominion over people’s bodies and minds. In the Philippine city of Lapu-Lapu, Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan signed a terror-inspired executive order that bans the “unvaccinated” from department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and grocery stores.

LAPU-LAPU, Philippines, July 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The mayor of the City of Lapu-Lapu in the Philippines issued a new executive order which bans those who have not received a COVID-19 injection from entering supermarkets, groceries, department stores, and convenience stores.

Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan of Lapu-Lapu, a city with a population of just under half a million, issued executive order No. 2021 – 040 on Monday, ordering COVID-19 related restrictions until August 25, claiming that there was a “surge” in “positive” cases of the virus in the cit

Headline: Tyson Foods to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations for its U.S. Workforce


As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible’

Washington Post opinion columnist Max Boot was ripped for a now-deleted tweet in which he lamented that Saudi Arabia is being “more progressive” than the United States because of their plans to impose new COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 

“People in Saudi Arabia will need to show proof on a mobile app that they have received at least one vaccine dose to enter public and private institutions beginning Sunday, including schools, shops, malls, markets, restaurants, cafes, concert venues and public transportation. From Aug. 9, Saudi citizens will need two doses to travel abroad,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia to Impose Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate

Persian Gulf states take steps to bar the unvaccinated from public spaces, as the U.S. and Europe grapple with restrictions

Sky News Australia Suspended By YouTube
YouTube has temporarily suspended Sky News Australia from posting on its video platform, issuing a first strike to the popular conservative news channel over “COVID-19 misinformation,” according to a statement.

quote from report: “Specifically, we don’t allow content that denies the existence of COVID-19 or that encourages people to use hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin to treat or prevent the virus,” YouTube said in an early version of its statement that was sent to local media.”


Main stream media does not want people to use hydroxychloroquine, or  ivermectin which both of these drugs help to fight the Covid virus.

Headline:   North Texas Doctor Recovers from Covid-19 Using Hydroxychloroquine.

Other prophecy news Matthew 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold

Report: Murders Rise 16% Across Major U.S. Cities in 2021

In these last days Satan is going everything he can to influence people. What does the word say about him?

One of the most sobering facts about life is that all humans have a supernatural enemy whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind, stupid, and miserable — forever. The Bible calls him “the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world . . . the accuser” (Revelation 12:9–10), “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

He is our “adversary [who] prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Yet, in the most appalling and unwitting bondage, the whole world willingly “follows the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2). At his most successful, his subjects march obliviously to destruction, and take as many with them as they can.

I wonder how many kids Satan will influence with these new Satan shoes?

Converse ‘Sells Out’ to Satan With New Pentagram Shoe



Jesus also told you to watch for the many earthquakes at the same time all the rest of the signs appeared all at the same time. 

In the coming weeks I will show you show was next to made these forced vaccines. 

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