Aug. 9, 2021- Taliban Continues Swift Takeover of Afghan Cities; Intense Heat & Wildfires Across the Globe



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Hezbollah claims responsibility for rockets towards Israel from Lebanon

Bennett: Lebanon responsible for all rocket fire from its territory

A heavy barrage of close to 20 rockets was fired from Lebanon into northern Israel on Friday, activating the Iron Dome and setting off sirens throughout the area. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks, saying that “at 11:15 a.m. the Islamic Resistance responded to the Israeli aggression by targeting the vicinity of Israeli enemy posts in Shebaa Farms with dozens of rockets fired from woodlands that are far from residential areas.” It was the sixth such attack in recent months, and the first that Hezbollah admitted being being behind. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Sunday that Israel views the Lebanese government responsible for rocket fire launched from its territory, whether the Hezbollah terror group fired the weapons or not. “The country of Lebanon and the army of Lebanon have to take responsibility for what happens in its backyard,” Bennett told the weekly cabinet meeting, days after two waves of rocket strikes from Lebanon hit open areas in the north.
Aug. 8, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Nasrallah Says Crisis in Lebanon Won’t Stop Hezbollah From Responding to Israeli Actions

Lebanon’s Maronite patriarch calls on army to confront Hezbollah

Lebanon and its Ticking Bombs

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said on Saturday that Thursday’s events – Israel’s strikes in Lebanon following a barrage of rockets fired by the Iran-backed group from southern Lebanon into Israel – is a dangerous development, the likes of which have not been seen since the last war between the two sides. “We are willing to sustain damage now, and not allow Israel room to maneuver in Lebanon,” Nasrallah said in a televised address. “Yesterday’s message was clear: Despite the hardships in Lebanon, we will not hesitate to respond.” Meanwhile, Lebanon’s Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi called on Sunday for the Lebanese army to take control of the southern part of the country, Hezbollah’s stronghold, and strictly implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701, after recent clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. “We call upon the Lebanese army, which is responsible with the international forces for the security of the south, to take control of the entire lands of the south, to strictly implement Resolution 1701, and to prevent the launching of missiles from Lebanese territory, not for the sake of Israel’s safety, but rather for the safety of Lebanon,” said al-Rahi during Sunday Mass, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA). The Maronite patriarch stressed that he could not “accept, by virtue of equality before the law, that a party decides peace and war outside the decision of legality and the national decision entrusted to two-thirds of the members of the government.”
Aug. 9, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Raisi: “Palestine No. 1 issue of the Muslim world”

US-Iranian Nuclear Talks Come Unglued

On his first day in office as president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi received several Palestinian terrorist group leaders and pledged his allegiance to their cause, the official Fars agency reported. “Palestine has been and always will be the number one issue of the Muslim world,” Raisi told Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. “We’ve never had and will never have any doubt about this policy.” The Iranian president gave similar assurances to Palestinian Islamic Jihad secretary Ziad Nakhalkeh and Popular Front leader Talal Naji. All three attended the new Iranian president’s swearing in on Thursday. Meanwhile, the P5+1 nations (the US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) were trying to restore the JCPOA deal before Raisi took office last week. Raisi has already announced that he would not meet with Biden and that advancing Iran’s missile program was “not negotiable”. Although it is Iran’s Supreme Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who makes all final decisions, the US, to its credit, seems to have concluded that no deal just now would be better than “any” deal.
Aug. 9, 2021

Taliban Take Second Afghan City in Two Days

US Deploys Bombers and Gunships to Fight Advancing Taliban Terrorists

Taliban fighters continue swift takeover of Afghan cities, government sites (Video)

Another provincial capital, the second in two days, all but fell on Saturday in Afghanistan, officials said, this one in the country’s north, where a Taliban offensive has surrounded several cities since international forces began withdrawing in May. The capital, Sheberghan, in Jowzjan Province, collapsed less than 24 hours after a provincial capital in southwestern Afghanistan was also taken over by the Taliban.“The whole city has collapsed,” said Abdul Qader Malia, the deputy governor of Jowzjan. “Nothing is left.” On Saturday afternoon, government troops still controlled the airport and the army headquarters outside Sheberghan. Much of the province, though, which borders Turkmenistan, is now under Taliban control. The Taliban victories — and Afghan government defeats — come despite continued American air support and are the result of an insurgent strategy that has overstretched and exhausted Afghan government forces. Sheberghan’s fall comes after the Taliban have seized — often without firing a shot — about 200 of Afghanistan’s 400-odd districts in recent months. They have been pushing deep into the country’s north despite the region’s reputation for being an anti-Taliban stronghold and relatively secure.
Aug. 7, 2021

Sudan recalls ambassador from Ethiopia as tensions rise

Sudan has recalled its ambassador to neighboring Ethiopia, the foreign ministry said Sunday, reporting Addis Ababa had spurned its efforts at trying to broker a cease-fire in war-torn Tigray. Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, chair of the regional body IGAD, wanted “to encourage all Ethiopian sides to reach a cease-fire agreement, and engage in comprehensive political talks,” the ministry said in a statement. But last week Ethiopia said their trust in some of Sudan’s leaders had been “eroded,” and accused the Sudanese army of launching an “incursion” into their territory. Northern Ethiopia has been wracked by fighting since last November, when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent troops to topple the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the region’s then ruling party.
Aug. 8, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Portland sees Antifa descend on Christian worship event

Videos from Portland showed a crowd of demonstrators violently shut down an event where Christians gathered to pray on the waterfront – before another clash Saturday afternoon involved Antifascists and alleged Proud Boys members throwing projectiles at each other on a city street. Police officers did not intervene in either confrontation – besides a squad car sounding its siren just feet away. The first instance of violence happened Saturday at an open-air event planned at Tom McCall Waterfront Park near the Battleship Oregon Memorial to be hosted by Artur Pawlowski, a traveling preacher who’s been arrested in Canada for holding in-person worship services in violation of coronavirus restrictions. Several Antifa Twitter accounts tweeted about the planned event, the Post Millennial reported, and videos posted online showed that a crowd of demonstrators dressed in black bloc attire showed up at the waterfront to confront worshippers.
Aug. 8, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Greece wildfires spread, causing mass evacuations

Dixie Fire becomes third-largest single wildfire in California history as nearly 467K acres burn

Thousands of tourists and residents have been evacuated from towns north of the Greek capital, Athens, as wildfires spread across the country. Strong winds and high temperatures are making it difficult to control the blazes, which have killed at least two people, including a firefighter. Huge clouds of smoke and ash near Athens has meant some people there have also been urged to leave their homes. More than 150 fires have been reported. Six areas have been put on high alert. Meanwhile, Northern California’s Dixie Fire catapulted past Oregon’s Bootleg Fire on Friday to become the largest wildfire burning in the United States and the third-largest in California history. By mid-morning Saturday, the blaze, which began three weeks ago, had scorched 446,723 acres and was only 21% contained.  Although it is the largest current wildfire raging, the Dixie Fire remains one of 100 active, large fires burning in 14 – primarily western – U.S. states. According to the Los Angeles Times, the Dixie Fire now encompasses more than 679 square miles, an area “considerably larger than the city of Los Angeles.”
Aug. 7, 2021

Intense and long-lasting heatwave expected over Europe

Longest heat wave of the summer building in Northeast, Midwest

A massive heat dome over the Mediterranean Sea is set to bring another long-lasting, intense heatwave across parts of southern Europe this week. High temperatures are expected to spread into central Europe and continue through August 22. Southern Italy, especially Sicily, Malta, and parts of the western Balkan Peninsula are already feeling the effects today. The heat will spread into Corsica and central Italy on August 10 and further into the Balkan Peninsula and almost entire Greece. August 11 will see temperatures spreading further east and north, into Spain and France, and Switzerland and Austria on August 12. Central European countries will see the worst temperatures around August 16, lasting through August 21. Meanwhile, meteorologists say a building hot and humid pattern for much of the northeastern and midwestern United States could bring the longest heat wave of the summer to a number of locations.  With the potential for heat to last three to seven days in most cases, some locations are likely not only to add a heat wave to their tally for the season but also to extend their longest stretch of 90-degree days.
Aug. 9, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

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