Sept. 3, 2021- Syrian missile launched towards Israel, debris found in Tel Aviv



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iran Has Taken Over Syrian Golan And is Now At Israel’s Border, Top Middle East Expert Says

Veteran journalist and Middle East analyst Ehud Yaari recently came out with the disturbing statement that just across the northern border, the Iranian military is becoming firmly entrenched in the Syrian Golan. Yaari noted that for the past two months, these combined forces besieged the city of Daraa, occasionally shelling the city. Inside the city are rebel groups who refuse to surrender. The Syrian army intends to exile the rebels to the Turkish-controlled region to the north. Russian attempts at mediation have failed. The tense situation threatens to explode at any moment. Another Syrian army bombardment of Daraa on Sunday killed six rebels. The Syrian army declined to comment on the reports but said in a statement it was losing patience with what it called “armed groups and terrorists” in the neighborhood.
Sept. 1, 2021

Cairo Summit calls on Quartet, not US, to lead Israeli-Palestinian talks

The Quartet must replace the United States as the main broker in any peace talks with Israel, Egyptian, Jordanian and Palestinian leaders declared at the end of a trilateral summit in Cairo on Thursday. They pledged to “work together to develop a vision to activate efforts to resume negotiations, and to work with brothers and partners to revive the peace process,” according to a statement issued at the summit’s end, and that this would be done “in accordance with international resolutions, and under the auspices of the International Quartet,” composed of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States. Egyptian President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi hosted King Abdullah of Jordan and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in advance of next month’s opening of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Sept. 2, 2021

Syrian missile launched towards Israel, debris found in Tel Aviv

Israel Police’s Bomb Disposal Unit recovered pieces of debris from a Syrian surface-to-air missile (SAM) found in northern Tel Aviv on Friday morning. IDF released a statement on Friday confirming a Syrian missile was launched towards Israel during the early hours of Friday morning. The missile detonated over the Mediterranean Sea, according to the IDF. Residents of Gush Dan reported explosions heard throughout the night in central Israel. On Thursday night, Israel allegedly bombed Syria, hitting targets in Damascus from the direction of Beirut, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.
Sept. 3, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iranian fuel ship enters Syrian waters to help Hezbollah – report

An Iranian ship carrying fuel reportedly reached Syria’s territorial waters, according to Iranian media and Lebanese media on Thursday. the “imminent arrival of Iranian fuel shipments to Lebanon coincides with the US congressional statement that ‘the United States seeks to resolve the Lebanese fuel crisis and does not need to import Iranian fuel.’” A US delegation, including Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), was recently in Lebanon warning of the economic free fall there.  The US delegation left Beirut yesterday after meeting with Lebanese officials. It is supposed to come to Israel next. Hezbollah has been at odds with the US and wants to use the fuel delivery to show it can run Lebanon’s economy. Hezbollah also wants closer ties with China via Iran.
Sept. 2, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Worst Tripoli fighting in a year shows limits of Libya peace push

Fighting broke out in Tripoli early on Friday between rival armed forces, the heaviest clashes in the Libyan capital since the conflict between eastern and western factions paused a year ago. The new fighting pitted the 444 Brigade against the Stabilization Support Force, two of the main forces in Tripoli, a witness said.
The head of the Tripoli Military Zone, a structure set up to organize the various armed forces in the city during the civil war, indicated that the fighting was aimed at curbing the activities of 444 Brigade. “What happened is to correct the brigade’s deviation from its course and non-compliance with military orders,” Abdulbaset Marwan said in a video statement. The 444 Brigade told Reuters it had been “surprised by an assault by armed men” and said it was surprised at Marwan’s statement. The United Nations Libya mission called for an immediate halt in the fighting, saying it had “grave concern.”
Sept. 3, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Add Worker Shortage to a Long List of Food Problems

Milkshakes are missing from U.K.’s McDonald’s branches, tomatoes are rotting on Italian farms, and soldiers mingle with farmers on Vietnam’s rice paddies. All because of shortage of staff. A dearth of farm and slaughterhouse workers, truckers, chefs or waiters is hitting global food supply chains hard, causing processing slowdowns, delivery delays and empty supermarket shelves. That’s adding to a long list of problems for the food supply chains this year — from extreme weather pounding crops to soaring freight costs and shipping bottlenecks. All of that is threatening to compound inflation. After easing in the previous two months, global food prices resumed their climb back to near the highest in a decade, a United Nations’ gauge showed this week.
Sept. 3, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

South America’s drought-hit Paraná river at 77-year low

The water levels of the Paraná river, the second-longest in South America after the Amazon, are at their lowest since 1944. The river is key to commercial shipping and fishing but also provides 40 million people with drinking water. A drought in the region means water levels have dipped so low that fishers’ livelihoods are at risk. Environmentalists fear that the drought has been made more severe by deforestation and climate change. The Paraná is 4,880km (3,032 miles) long and flows south from south-east Brazil through Paraguay and Argentina. The low water levels are causing problems for energy production with the hydroelectric plant that spans the Parana river between Argentina and Paraguay running at only 50%. On Wednesday, Brazil’s Vice-President Hamilton Mourão warned that the drought could also lead to energy rationing in Brazil. It is also hampering the transport of goods with ships not able to load up fully in case they run aground. The Paraná is a key waterway for the transport of grains and the situation is forcing exporters to consider using land routes. Forecasters say the drought could last until 2022.
Sept. 2, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Asteroid 2021 NY1 flies towards Earth

An asteroid called 2021 NY1 is set to fly past the planet on September 22. Its diameter is estimated at 130-300 meters. The Golden Gate Bridge is only 227 meters high. A little earlier – September 9 – an asteroid, dubbed 2010 RJ53, will fly past the planet, with a diameter of about 774 meters, which is about twice the size of the 102-storey Empire State Building in New York. Despite the impressive size of these asteroids, it is unlikely that any of them will get close enough to the Earth to collide with the planet. According to the calculations of the American space agency, in the next 100 years nothing large will fall to Earth at all. However, scientists believe that the situation may change when the trajectory of some space objects changes. The danger of a collision with an asteroid remains one of the worst possible natural disasters that can happen to the planet, since humanity is not yet able to deal with them, – said in the material. It is for this reason that astronomers around the world, including NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, are watching all nearby asteroids and calculating their trajectory in order to understand if any of them pose a threat to the planet.
Sept. 2, 2021

Hailstorms wreak havoc across parts of Saskatchewan, Canada

Severe thunderstorms swept through parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada on August 31, 2021, bringing torrential rainfall, intense winds, hail, localized flooding and tornado warnings in Saskatchewan. A trough digging in across the western Prairies helped develop a low-pressure system, which is trekking through the region. The system produced severe thunderstorms in parts of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, while heavy rain fell on communities up north, The Weather Network reported. Golf ball-sized hail was reported in Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, whose mayor ended up trapped in her car for about 20 minutes. Multiple tornado warnings were issued in parts of the province as a thunderstorm capable of producing a twister was detected.
Sept. 3, 2021

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