Oct. 12, 2021 CDC and World Health Org. join The Father of lies you can see who is lying via a immune test

Why is it that what we are hearing from Doctors outside the CDC and World Health Organization that the Covid19 vaccines are doing more harm than good. Case in point listen to one very well qualified specialist give you the true information what the CDC and WHO is trying to make you believe. If you think you are going to get the truth about the vaccines from the main stream media you are really fooling yourself.


Ok, so you were one of the people who were pressured into getting the vaccine shots or, you were one who just trusted what your government doctors told you about the shots, if this was you you had better take a look at the testing being done on people who got the shots!!!  I don’t want to scare anyone who has had the shots but for your own health I would think you would want to go back to your doctor and have him or her retest your immune system. Look, I know people are on the fence on the subject of getting the vaccine shot but, what if what you are being told about the shot just is not true? Wouldn’t you want to make sure how your immune system is doing after the first or second jab?  If you have a good physician I am sure he or she would want to keep you healthy so don’t be afraid to ask for a immune test.

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Australia is also in the midst of uncovering lies about the Jabs. The video below if you watch it will tell you how many people died after getting the vaccine and how many people suddenly had health problems after the jab.


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