July 9,2022 Food crisis/Disease/Noah’s last days signs/lawlessness/

RestYou can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora






















222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis. It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving up the cost of just about everything including food. We are well on our way to see this prophecy being fulfilled.




ConnectHostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr.

It’s “common knowledge” that we’re headed for a food crisis, said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. during an interview with agricultural researcher, permaculturalist and author Christian Westbrook on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry



ConnectAt This New Resort in Mexico, Getting Drunk Is Part of the Wellness Program


ConnectWA School Board Director to Host Gender Classes for Kids Ages 9-12 in Adult Toy Shop

A Washington woman who runs a sex shop wants to bring the kids into her store for a day of learning.


ConnectAmericans Not Wanting to Serve in the Military 

The Pentagon’s top leaders are now scrambling for ways to find new recruits to fill out the ranks of the all-volunteer military. Woke policies are key to dwindling recruit numbers in all branches of the service.

ConnectBiden Is Handing Out Crack Pipes Across From A NYC Preschool Filled With 3 And 4 Year Old Children

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Joe Biden’s free crack pipe program. The regime denied this was happening despite proof to the contrary.


ConnectBiden signs executive order to ‘expand access to abortion’

President Joe Biden has signed an executive order meant to “protect and expand access to abortion” in response to several states banning the controversial procedure after the United States Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision.


RestReports concerning what you need to know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations.


Luke 21:11Rev. 6:8




ConnectSeveral hundred thousand’ new COVID cases a day aren’t being reported as hospitalizations keep climbing

New York Times data show test positivity rate at 5-month high as hospitalizations reach fresh 4-month high, even with new cases holding steady

ConnectEXCLUSIVE – UK Gov. admits COVID Vaccine is killing Kids after publishing report proving Vaccinated Children are shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite the UK Government admitting the Covid-19 Vaccine is killing children after it published data via the Office for National Statistics proving children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.


ConnectTwitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

Three physicians are suing Twitter, alleging the company violated its own terms of service and community standards when it suspended their accounts for posting “truthful statements regarding COVID-19 policy, diagnosis and/or treatment.”

ConnectNumber of Permanently Disabled Americans Spiked After COVID Shots Rollout 

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis runs FRED, a database of economic data that has been tracked since 1991. One of its categories is the U.S. population, aged 16 years and over, with a disability — a population that remained stable from 2016 to 2020, but jumped sharply in early 2021, coinciding with the rollout of COVID-19 injections.

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