August 25, 2022 Breaking Israel attacks Syria/ Noah’s last generation signs/ Lawlessness/ War/ Disease/ Droughts/ America’s decline/ World economy failing/ Storms/ Food crisis/

 The news report below concerning the Islamic jihad attacking Israel after prayers tonight is my main story for today. One of the major last day signs which has not taken place yet is the psalms 83 war which names each nation that will be attacking Israel in the last days Hamas, Palestinians and Hezbollah are  among the nations listed. Will these enemies attack Israel tonight after their prayers only God knows but whether they do it today or not it will happen in the near future that you can count on.


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Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Just received this breaking news concerning war. Israel just attacked Iran’s proxies in in Syria. This report also includes America fighting as well. Let us also recall that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader from Tehran: recently stated “Zionist entity will be annihilated”. You will see this report below.



Does anyone remember the warning that was issued in 2015? Since 2015 Iran has moved into nations that surround Israel. One of these nations is Syria. Could we see an attempt by Iran’s allies to try and wipe out Israel shortly?  It looks like this is the direction Iran is going. 


In front of the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not only stare for forty seconds into the eyes of the world’s representatives, charging them of having kept silent in the face of Iran’s promise to destroy Israel. Netanyahu also pulled out a book in Farsi. The author is the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and he writes that “within 25 years there will be no more Israel”.

There is a date recurring obsessively in the proclamations of the leaders of the Arab-Islamic world: 2022. It is the year that they have reserved for  the end of Israel. “By 2022, possibly earlier, Israel will be destroyed” has just said Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi of Iran’s Supreme Council for the Revolution, the right arm of Khamenei.

A year ago, Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad said that the Palestinian Arabs will liberate all of Palestine “within eight years”. So – in 2022. Last May, in an interview on Lebanese channel Nbn TV, the imam of the mosque of Al Quds in Sidon, Maher Hamoud, said that “according to calculations based on the Koran the end of Israel will be in 2022”. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of Hamas, shared the same vision.

Another Iranian book, published earlier this year and based on the occult sciences, interpretation of the Koran and mathematical calculations, says  Israel will be destroyed in 2022.

Recently, the Islamic State published a book stating that “the beginning of the end of Israel will be in 2022”, two years after the fall of Rome, the symbol of Christianity. “In 2022 the fourty years of peace and security of Israel will be over”.




I have been in the ministry for 45 years and I can honestly tell the people coming to my site or who are watching my video’s that I have never seen these last days signs speed up as they currently are. Very warning Jesus gave to us about these last days signs are right in front of us and, it isn’t just one or two signs its all the birth pang signs Christ told us we would see all at the same time. What we are witnessing could only happen in one generation and that is the one Jesus pointed to in Matthew chapter 24 when he stated 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.  Very where I go and everyone I talk to all are talking about the same thing. What is that?  How bad things are getting to be round the world. I stand in the grocery store line and listen to people talk about not being able to afford food cause the prices are getting to high. I sad thing is many of these people don’t have a clue that what they are talking about is bible prophecy from Christ coming to pass.  Today’s post is just a very small look at some of the news pointing to the fulfillment of Christ’s last day warnings. I am not posting everyday to scare anyone. I am posting because I want to reach as many people as I can to help them get ready for what is coming. What is coming you ask?  The same thing you have been talking about but much much worse. We are heading toward the rule of the Antichrist so you had better be covered by the blood of Christ. If you don’t understand what I mean, without the blood of Christ in your life you are not saved. Now is the time to ask Christ to be your Lord and savior. 

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6 rare ‘1,000-year’ rain events within a month? Climate change may force NOAA to update criteria

As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events in the U.S., NOAA may soon be updating its thresholds for what constitutes a 1,000-year rain event. 

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Dozens rescued from Mississippi nursing home as torrential rain causes major flooding

Flash Flood Emergencies were issued in central Mississippi Wednesday, prompting evacuations as the life-threatening situation unfolded.


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The Layoff Tsunami Has Begun: 50% Of U.S. Companies Plan To Eliminate Jobs Within The Next 12 Months
If half of the firms in the entire country really do cut jobs over the next year, what will our economy look like afterwards?  All over America, companies are anticipating that a major economic downturn is coming in 2023, and a lot of them are already planning to shed workers in order to cut costs.  Of course this sounds so much like what we went through back in 2008 and 2009.  Millions of Americans lost their jobs during the “Great Recession”, and it was truly a very dark time in our history.  So are we right on the verge of seeing a repeat?

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TikTok’s ‘Elections Center’ Is A Massive Threat To National Security
TikTok just unveiled an “Elections Center” that will put detailed voter profiles in the hands of a company based in Beijing, stocked with party members and state employees, subject to laws that allow the Chinese government data access. Given the Chinese Communist Party’s influence over ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, China could exercise enormous control over the midterm elections with this data. What’s worse is that American institutions are actively encouraging TikTok to do this.

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Stephen Miller: Biden running ‘world’s epicenter’ of child trafficking

President Joe Biden’s open-borders agenda, which has so far settled over 250,000 illegal migrant minors in cities around the nation, has turned the country into the “world’s epicenter” of child trafficking, according to former President Donald Trump’s border policy architect.


We know from the Revelation especially chapter 13 that the Antichrist will control the worlds economy, that means the United States must fall as a superpower as well as the other countries also face a downfall in their economy and, we are seeing signs of this taking place currently. While the Biden administration is trying to paint a picture that America is not in a recession, the people in the real world understand we are in that new recession. 


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Power grid collapse looms: Drought forcing drastic cuts in hydroelectric power generation 
Low water levels are already causing problems with crop yields in the western part of the United States. An expansive, decades-long drought is also forcing drastic cuts in hydroelectric power generation.

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European Corn Yields Expected To Plunge Amid Worst Drought In 500 Years
Besides the news of record high electricity prices, a troubling new crop failure report about Europe’s upcoming harvest was published Monday. The bloc’s Monitoring Agricultural Resources forecasted corn yields could drop by nearly a fifth due to a devastating drought, according to Bloomberg.

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FDA knew huge percentage of women in Pfizer trial suffered miscarriages
An analysis of internal documents found 44% of the pregnant women who participated in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials suffered miscarriages.

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Doctors discover Graphene is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Blood Clots 
In his latest set of slides of blood samples taken from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Dr. Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated that the graphene being injected into people is organising and growing into larger fibres and structures, gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibres are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.

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Covid Injection Aftermath: Study finds 94% of “Vaccine” Recipients have Pre-Blood Clot Formations and Foreign Particles
…The study authors noted that the “vaccines” are purported to contain at least the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, but are known also to contain foreign particles that the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all. “Among those foreign components are metallic objects as demonstrated previously in this journal by Lee et al.

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Scientists discover “Strange Crystalline Formations” in the blood of the COVID Vaccinated
The German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis has made its ‘Summary of Preliminary Findings’ publicly available. In a wide-ranging report, the Group described the toxic substances found in all Covid “vaccine” samples analysed and the marked changes seen in blood samples taken from vaccinated people.

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Scientists conclude COVID Vaccines reprogram the Immune System causing Lymphocytes to attack Vital Organs
Even though mass fatalities are associated with the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, the roll-out of this experimental treatment is still ongoing. It doesn’t matter that both Pfizer and the FDA knew there were 1,223 deaths from the Covid vaccine in the first three months of its roll-out, the emergency use authorization still continued.

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US Alerts All Americans Still In Ukraine To ‘Leave Immediately’ Ahead Of Expanded Russian Strikes

The US State department has issued an emergency alert through the US embassy in Kyiv on Tuesday warning that any remaining Americans must leave Ukraine immediately. The alert says that Russia plans to step up attacks on civilian infrastructure across the war-ravaged country.

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The Lord has made it very clear that our planet was going to go through some of very  extreme weather changes in the last days: call it climate change if you will but, for governments to prosecute their citizens for the climate change in itself is lawlessness. The changing weather cannot be controlled. Governments may try to stop the climate change however,  what Christ has set in place cannot be changed, prophecy has to be fulfilled.

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Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for “climate crimes” 
This week, we all learned how France is arming up 3,000 new “green police” to arrest and prosecute people for so-called “climate crimes” which could mean almost anything, including exhaling carbon dioxide.

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University students in big cities with surging crime afraid to leave campus: ‘I wouldn’t go there’

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U.S. Crime Is Still Dramatically Higher Than Before the Pandemic



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Wisconsin School Votes to Ban ‘Political’ BLM and LGBT Flags 
A school in Wisconsin has voted to ban BLM and LGBT flags, asserting that they represent “political messaging” that has no place within educational institutions.

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The prayer

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