August 26, 2022 Turkey the 8th kingdom?/ Lawlessness/ Drugs/ Crime/ War, Coming mark of the beast/ Increase in knowledge/ Decline of U.S/ Disease/ Heat



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Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


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let’s take a look at Revelation 17:10-12 .  “And there are seven kings:  five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”  Out of all the kingdoms you see below which kingdom has returned again in these last days.  Turkey is the one that has risen. Turkey is that 8th kingdom that John wrote to us about. It is no coincidence that Turkey was one of the 7 kingdoms and now in the last days it is the 8th!  We know from Daniel 9:27 that the Antichrist will confirm a 7 year covenant with Israel and many Arab nations.  Since Turkey is the 8th kingdom it is possible that Turkey is where the Antichrist will come from.  It is very interesting that for years Turkey and Israel have been enemies but all of a sudden it appears Israel and Turkey are becoming close friends again. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. Do you know what Jesus said about Pergamos which in Turkey? Look at what Revelation 2:12-13 says. “12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”  If Jesus tells us Satan’s seat in in Turkey and Turkey has risen again as the 8th kingdom, we should keep a close eye on what Turkey does in relation with Israel. 



A break


“This time we aim to build our relations on good, solid foundations that are also sustainable and flexible so as to overcome challenges, the charge d’affaires of Israel Irit Lillian said as the two countries have recently taken steps toward normalizing relations, underlining that relations with third countries should not serve as an obstacle to bilateral ties.”


A breakTop Hezbollah commander sends unprecedented warnings to Israel


A breakChina’s Water Crisis Could Trigger Global Catastrophe
In some instances, groundwater levels have gotten so low that underground aquifers have collapsed…



Did you know Jesus warned us our generation would come to be known as the drug generation? Did you also know that Jesus warned the hearts of many would become cold because of lawlessness ie (crime)?  Well in our generation both of these prophecies have come to pass and the report below is a prime example of Christ’s warning on both these prophecy has already come to pass. Mexico has been pouring drugs into America and around the world for years and, with these drugs has come record breaking horrific crimes. Many of you who have read the bible have been able to make the connection between what you are seeing in the news and, what this news is connected to prophecy. However, there are countless numbers of people who are watching the news and have no clue as to how that news relates to bible prophecy. Jesus told us to keep on the watch. If you don’t know bible prophecy how you going to know what to watch for? 


A break8th Circuit says Arkansas can’t ban trans surgeries, puberty blockers for minors
An appeals court has upheld a temporary block on an Arkansas law aimed at banning the usage of puberty blockers and gender surgeries for minors suffering from gender dysphoria.













A breakUS State Department Issues Kidnapping Advisory For Americans In Mexico
The U.S. Department of State issued an advisory warning Americans about an increased risk of kidnapping when going to Mexico, amid heightened cartel violence in several areas.



When I was put in the last days ministry 45 years ago I knew that some day I would witness the methods which the Antichrist could use to place his tracking device in a persons hand. 45 years ago I warned people that Revelation chapter 13:15-17 was coming faster than most people would have imagined. Over those 45 years I have reported on all the new developments on how new tech devices have come out that would be place in the hand or forehead. You will find all of these devices in my prophecy book which you can download for free. Keep in mind, no other generation before our generation was able to come up with devices that could fulfill the Revelation 13 prophecy.  The reason why these devices have been able to appear is because our generation has fulfilled yet another prophecy which is found in Daniel chapter 4. as you see in the photo below.


Our generation has increased in knowledge more than any other generation combined. You may not see it but, everything that is taking place is getting ready to make way for the coming Antichrist who will force everyone to take his mark in the right hand or forehead just as Jesus warned in that Revelation prophecy. Let me show you yet another example of a chip in the right hand that can allow a person to do things no other generation would ever be able to do. Watch the video below but, before you do keep in mind Revelation 13 told you that before the discovery of electricity, the telegraph, the telegram, the telephone, computers and mobile devices Jesus pointed to such devices in the hand or forehead. 


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If you read the book of Revelation you will understand in the last times the Antichrist will rule the world. The only way that can happen is if the world’s economic system fails and the people on the planet are tossed into chaos. Little by little each nation is beginning to deal with major issues. We all have witnessed the crisis Covid has created for all the nations. Now nation after nation is having to deal with extremes in heat that is taking a toll on drinking water or, because of war energy grids are in deep trouble. Case in point. Russia has stopped providing energy to the UK. Why? because of war. Britain is importing no energy from Russia for the first time on record after trade between the two countries collapsed after the Kremlin ordered invasion of Ukraine in February.  People around the world have been watching the food prices skyrocket. If that wasn’t bad enough now in the UK many may have to choose between keeping warm or eating, not of a choice. Think I am kidding? Read the report below.

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Brits will be paid to shun power-hungry appliances
The National Grid will pay householders as much as £6 per kWh to leave their washing machines and games consoles off at peak hours

“Combined with an inflation rate that’s predicted to hit 18% next year, Britain’s energy crisis could see millions of people unable to afford either food or heating, London Mayor Sadiq Khan warned on Saturday.”

A breakBritain imports no energy from Russia for first time on record



One of the first signs that a nation is on the decline is when that nation no longer abides by their own laws. This is what has happened in America as our present government is allowing millions of people to cross the boarder into the U.S. illegally.

A break4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border In 18 Months Since Biden Took Office: Report
A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement on Aug. 16.



A breakPutin orders 10% boost in Russian troop numbers
Russia’s president has signed a decree which could see 137,000 service personnel added to the country’s armed forces in the coming months. Currently Russia has a limit of just over a million military personnel and almost 900,000 civilian staff.

A breakRussian serviceman’s scathing memoir depicts senseless war…
A Russian soldier’s searing firsthand account of the Ukraine invasion — depicting ordinary foot soldiers exploited as cannon fodder by inept commanders and a cynical Kremlin leadership — is drawing decidedly mixed reviews from inside and outside the battle zone.


The five reports below shows our generation has officially gone nuts.










A breakLA Homeless Authority Doesn’t Want Anyone Saying The Word “Homeless”
The LA Homeless Services Authority has put out a call for the word ‘homeless’ to be dropped, claiming that the term is ‘outdated and dehumanising’, and leads to ‘othering’.


A breakCanadian veteran offered assisted-suicide instead of PTSD help
A Canadian armed forces veteran called Veterans Affairs asking for support for post-traumatic stress disorder, but instead, Global News recently reported, the service agent asked him if he wanted to access Medical Assistance in Dying, or MAiD. Global News didn’t name the veteran for privacy reasons, but Veterans Affairs confirmed an exchange between a veteran and Veterans Affairs employee “where medical assistance in dying was discussed inappropriately,” and it announced an investigation into the incident.

A breakNightclub bans staring without getting ‘verbal consent’…
Club 77 in Sydney said managers will call the cops if clubbers stare at others without getting their consent. And in an Instagram post, the club said “safety officers” in pink vests would enforce the new staring rules.


A breakAn ‘Anti-Racist’ Math Presentation Was Delivered to Jefferson County Public Schools Teachers
Teachers who work for Jefferson County Schools in Kentucky were given training on a “culturally responsive strategy,” which included a presentation on how to incorporate “anti-racist” ideals in math curriculum. Residents were made aware of the leftist initiative after submitting a FOIA request, Libs of Tik Tok reported.


A breakUS Marine Says Suicide Bomber Was Spotted at Kabul Airport Before Blast But Military Brass Would Not Let Soldiers Take Him Out — As Reported Earlier: Countdown Given Before Blast
On Wednesday, August 25th the US State Department issued a warning to US nationals to avoid traveling to Hamid Karzai Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US told those waiting outside to leave immediately.


The report below as you will see deals with two last day warning signs. Our generation has been faced with the on going Covid crisis for over 2 years now. At the current time China is not only dealing with new out breaks of Covid, they are dealing with the disease in extreme heat.



A breakChinese city ‘stretched to the limit’ as millions wait in line for Covid tests in extreme heat
The Chinese metropolis of Chongqing has rolled out mass Covid testing in its central area amid a record heat wave, leaving millions of residents standing under the sun for hours as they struggle with extreme temperatures and power shortages.


A breakDeaths among female children increase by 57% immediately after taking COVID vaccine
Prior to young girls being offered the Covid-19 vaccine, deaths among the age group were in line with the expected five-year average. But an analysis of official data published by the Office for National Statistics shows that deaths among female children increased by 57% immediately after they were first offered the Covid-19 vaccine.



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