December 21, 2022 Biden Admin. turning on its citizens- The falling away and revealing of the man of sin

















The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



The decline of America


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Is America living in a government like Communist China where what you say is controlled by the government, it appears so. The report below should be one of the most important reports you read if you are an American citizen and that doesn’t matter if you belong to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party your freedoms are in jeopardy. Revelation chapter 13 and 17 show our world is going to be turned over to the Antichrist. This man will enforce his rule by forcing you to comply with his new economic worldwide system and he will keep track of you. The formation of this one world government is under way by nations who are taking freedoms away from their citizens.  Below you will see several  examples of how many American were censored on purpose and just how corrupt the U.S. leaders have gotten.


A break


According to the scripture below all hell will break out on Earth on those who reject the Messiah Jesus Christ. What is The Day Of The Lord?  The day of the Lord is mentioned in the Bible over twenty times, and refers to a day at some future but unknown time, when the people of the earth will meet God’s judgment. For those who are in opposition to Him, who deny any need for His mercy and grace, that day will be a terrible day of battle (Isaiah 2:12Isaiah 13:6Ezekiel 30:3Revelation 16:14), which they are doomed to lose. In the Bible, the day of the Lord is almost exclusively painted as a day of destruction, darkness, and division, during which even the earth itself will suffer (Isaiah 13:6Ezekiel 30:3Joel 1:15Joel 2:111Zephaniah 1:14-15Zechariah 14:12 Peter 3:10).

People who know the bible understand the Day of the Lord means God’s wrath is now going to begin to be poured out.  If you know Jesus and have received him as your Lord and savior this new scripture is a blessing to you. 1 Thessalonians 5: 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have not received Jesus as your Lord yet you will be facing the man of sin who the scripture talks about below. What we know from the scripture below is there will be two things that will happen. First, a falling away from the faith in the last days and second the man of sin will be revealed.  How anyone can say the rapture will come any day now is a mystery to be as the Lord revealed to us that man of sin has to be revealed first. The question to ask then is when will the man of sin be revealed? Does the bible tell us when that will happen? 






A break

Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance

Millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools to help stop coronavirus’ spread early on in the pandemic

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Twitter aided Pentagon on ‘psyop’ operations says new Twitter files release
Twitter discretely assisted the Pentagon by permitting it to operate accounts on the platform that the military used for psychological influence operations, … while Twitter gave public assurances that shut down covert state-run propaganda networks, the platform made specific exceptions for accounts operated by the U.S. military. “Behind the scenes, Twitter gave approval & special protection to the U.S. military’s online psychological influence ops,” Fang tweeted. “Despite knowledge that Pentagon propaganda accounts used covert identities, Twitter did not suspend many for around 2 years or more. Some remain active.”


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How The FBI Copied Parts Of The Debunked Steele Dossier Directly Into Its Spy Requests
The FBI relied more extensively on Christopher Steele’s debunked dossier in their Russiagate investigation than has been revealed, inserting key parts from it into their applications for warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.  Agents did this without telling the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the precise wording was plucked directly from a political rumor sheet paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign or providing judges with any independent corroboration of the explosive allegations.

A break

DOJ Subpoenaed Google To Access Personal Info Of House Staffers During Russia-Trump Probe
The Department of Justice (DOJ) allegedly used grand jury subpoenas to secretly access personal information belonging to House Republican staffers – including email communications, residential addresses, and cellphone data




A break



A break




A break

Lewd, sexualized acts performed for children in ‘all ages’ Christmas drag show touring America, reporter warns
Tucker Carlson spoke with independent journalist Tayler Hansen on Monday following his suspension and reinstatement on Twitter after sharing footage of an obscene “all ages” drag queen Christmas show in Austin, Texas. The video clearly shows a group of roughly 20 children who were present as drag queens simulated nudity, sex acts, and lewd dancing in front of them in what can only be seen as an act of grooming. One of the acts was called “Screwdolph the red-nippled reindeer.”




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