December 24, 2022




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 If you download my book for free there is a chapter on these mass die offs. There are literally thousands of similar reports showing us that this section of prophecy is well underway and will be magnified during the tribulation. 


13th December 2022 – 300,000 chickens dead due to bird flu in Aberdeenshire, ScotlandLink

5th December 2022 – 2,500 dead seals found along coast of southern RussiaLink

30th November 2022 – HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of fish dead in Lake Victoria, KenyaLink

30th November 2022 – 13,000+, Pelicans wash up dead THIS MONTH along the coast of PeruLink

29th November 2022 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Adelaide, AustraliaLink


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Canadian Government’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Activity Book—Government-funded Childhood Propaganda
The Canadian Virtual Hospice (a federal department of the Canadian Liberal Government) somehow found it necessary to help fund a children’s “activity book” pushing medical assistance on dying to children.  The book is titled the “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Activity Book”.


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WEF Transhumanists will fail to hack humans because of the complexities of human nature such as free will 

Transhumanists believe “humans are hackable animals” therefore democracy is impossible and we need to be hacked for our own good. But their ignorance is their Achilles’ Heel and they are certain to fail.


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Christian teacher sues Ohio school district over forced transgender pronoun usage
A Christian public school teacher filed a federal lawsuit against her former employer after it forced her out for refusing to support gender-confused children in their “social transition” by using their chosen pronouns and names.


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Church-sponsored LGBTQ pride event promotes ‘kid’s activities,’ ‘drag shows’ 
A church-sponsored LGBTQ pride event in Kentucky is advertising “kid’s activities” and “drag shows” in the state’s capital this weekend.


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State now requires schools to honor biological sex rather than gender identity

The Ohio Board of Education passed a resolution Tuesday that opposes the Biden administration Title IX revisions which protects students on the basis of gender identity.


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BREAKING: Federal Judge PERMANENTLY Blocks Biden Order Forcing Doctors To Perform Gender Transition Surgeries
The Biden administration recently attempted to redefine gender discrimination to include gender identity.



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Popular toy brand now goes crazy pushing queerness to kids
Mattel, the massive corporation that owns Barbie, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels, American Girl and several other iconic toy companies, is promoting transgender ideology to children through its products.


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Spain passes law allowing children 16 and over to change legally registered gender without medical supervision
Lawmakers in Spain have approved a bill allowing people over 16 years of age to change their legally registered gender without any medical supervision or parent supervision.


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Pope denounces psychological abuse as Jesuit case rocks Church
Pope Francis on Thursday denounced psychological violence and abuse of power in the Church, as the case of a prominent priest accused of exploiting his authority to sexually abuse nuns has rocked the Vatican.


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One Million Moms launches campaign against American Girl book
An organization of Christian mothers that regularly launches campaigns against questionable content is calling on American Girl to discontinue its distribution of a book that promotes puberty blockers for girls questioning their gender identity.




Matthew 24:20 But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.

Mark 13:18 But pray that it may not happen in the winter.


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Cheyenne, Wyoming Breaks Record: Drops 40 Degrees in 30 Minutes

Cheyenne, Wyoming, broke a record on Wednesday, seeing the most drastic temperature drop in less than an hour as the country braces for a massive winter storm, days before Christmas.

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Christmas is canceled: Almost 7,000 flights scrapped or delayed as bomb cyclone causes travel chaos
Christmas travel plans for hundreds of thousands of people are in jeopardy as a “bomb cyclone” brings freezing temperatures and blizzard conditions to various parts of the country. Of flights leaving from and arriving in cities in the United States on Thursday, so far, nearly 2,000 have been canceled and almost 5,000 have been delayed, according to Flight Aware.

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New York Winter Storm
Calling it a “storm for the ages,” New York Governor Kathy Hochul has issued a statewide state of emergency as a powerful storm makes its way into Western New York this weekend.

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Immense winter storm places 60% of U.S. under winter weather warnings or advisories – one of the greatest extents ever recorded
A multi-day historic winter storm is producing widespread disruptions to large portions of the U.S., placing over 200 million people, or roughly 60% of the U.S. population, under some form of winter weather warnings or advisories – one of the greatest extents of winter weather warnings and advisories ever.



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Arizona border officers find more than 700,000 fentanyl pills hidden in train arriving from Mexico
A train entering the United States from Mexico contained hundreds of thousands of fentanyl pills and other drugs, border officials said Wednesday.


As Israel Forms New Government, Netanyahu Drops A Bomb Concerning Helping Pfizer Create COVID Biometric Database

Before I tell you about this unbelievable development, please keep in mind that where Bible prophecy is concerned, Israel has always been and will always be the driver. Where is the Battle of Armageddon fought? In Jerusalem. The 7-year tribulation period is called the time of Jacob’s trouble, right? The 144,000 witnesses are all Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel, and so on and so forth.




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15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now
Economic conditions just keep getting worse.  As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down.  And just like we witnessed in 2008, employers are conducting mass layoffs as a horrifying housing crash sweeps across the nation.


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Eight young girls arrested in fatal stabbing of homeless man in Toronto
Toronto police say eight girls who met through social media are responsible for the murder of a 59-year-old man after they “swarmed” him on the weekend.


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Texas National Guard Deploys Razor Wire, Military Vehicles on Border Near El Paso
On Tuesday, the Texas National Guard’s 36th Infantry Division began deploying personnel, military vehicles, and concertina wire (aka razor wire) on the state’s border with Mexico in an attempt to slow down illegal immigration, which has significantly increased since the Biden administration was put in charge in 2021. The deployment is largely confined to the El Paso area.



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California Lawmakers May Shut Down More Prisons as State Faces Deficit
After the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced Dec. 6 the closure of two prisons and suspension of six other facilities, Democrat lawmaker Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) said more closures could be on the way.



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16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:


17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


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EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets
The EU Commission will provide funds to a consortium whose job is to launch a payments pilot for the bloc’s digital ID wallet.



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McCullough and Malhotra: More Doses of mRNA Vaccines, More Likelihood of Cardiac Harm
Cardiologists Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra say the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have done more harm to the public than good. A large percentage of patients have been injured by the mRNA vaccines, with harms including a broad range of injuries to the heart, the doctors said.


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Mass chicken culling based on “avian influenza outbreaks” just another malicious attack on the FOOD SUPPLY


…Entire poultry flocks are destroyed after an infection is confirmed… So all it takes is a single infection — often diagnosed via a faulty PCR test that can be cranked up to generate false positives at will — to see millions of birds destroyed. Astonishingly, those destroyed birds are then counted as victims of the “outbreak.” Parse the language very carefully from this WSJ article. It says: More than 40 million egg-laying chickens have died in the current outbreak, according to USDA data… Importantly, it doesn’t say they died from avian influenza.They died from being culled.




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