December 5, 2023 Escalating reports concerning status quo on the Temple Mount changing signs of the last days













The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 This film couldn’t come at a better time as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ we always need to remember what he did at the first coming to prepare the way for us to be able to enter his kingdom.

Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ: Resurrection’ Shooting in Mid-2023


It’s been a long time coming, but I’m hearing Mel Gibson will finally be shooting “The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection” in a few monthsA late Spring production is currently being eyed with Jim Caviezel set to return in the role of Jesus.

The sequel to Gibson’s 2004 mega-hit “The Passion of the Christ” has been ruminating in development for around ten years now. The original made $612 Million on a scant $30 million budget making it one of the most succesful independent films of all-time.


 Here are some of the Bible prophecies that talk about the Antichrist and the third temple in the last days. What takes place in East Jerusalem and that temple mount just might be the biggest story in prophecy since the rebirth of the nation of Israel and trust me I am definitely keeping my eyes on this. 



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A group of Temple Mount activists are lobbying the government to increase Jewish rights on the Jerusalem holy site, following a visit by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

On Tuesday, Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount, escorted by police, bodyguards, and a small retinue of supporters.

The visit, Ben-Gvir’s first since he took office last Thursday, sparked criticism from the U.S. State Department, the British consulate in Jerusalem and across the Arab world, with the United Nations planning a Security Council meeting to discuss the visit.

However, the Return to the Mount organization, which advocates in favor of expanded Jewish access to the Temple Mount, said it was encouraged by Ben-Gvir’s visit and now hopes the newly minted minister will agree to their request to bring a Passover sacrifice at the holy site this coming spring.’t+Proposes+Clause+to+Limit+‘Undemocratic’+Judicial+Power&utm_campaign=20230104_m171181497_Will+Ben-Gvir+Allow+Sacrifices+on+Temple+Mount%3F+PA+Accuses+Israel+of+Training+Cows+to+%27Spy%27%3B+New+Gov’t+Proposes+Clause+to+Limit+‘Undemocratic’+Judicial+Power&utm_term=Temple+Mount+Activists+Want+Ben-Gvir+to+Allow+Passover+Sacrifice+on+Holy+Site+-+Will+This+Happen_3F

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Every time speculation that the Jews will go and pray and the temple mount or to sacrifices on the temple mount or, possibly build their third temple on the temple mount drives the Muslims crazy to the point of threat of war against Israel over that situation. Could this be why the prophecy in Zachariah warns that in the last days Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone for all the world, I believe so. Ben Gvir who is how part of Israel’s government is the perfect man to bring about the change of status quo on that temple mount as his religious right party has a lot of power in that Israeli government.


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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Just in case you don’t know, Rabbi Glick is a major force pushing for the rebuilding of the Jewish temple and Jews praying on the temple mount we are definitely seeing the footsteps the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the last days temple and the Jews sacrificing in the temple.


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According to the PA, Ben-Gvir’s visit was part of Israel’s policy to change the “historical status quo” at the site by allowing Jews to pray there on a regular basis.


The PA is convinced that Israel is working to divide the Temple Mount in time and space between Muslim and Jewish worshipers.

Below you will see a comment made by Katie Long concerning the issue of the Temple Mount as we’ve been discussing here on the post today. I couldn’t agree with her more. 








Ezekiel 38:13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Sheba  and Dedan, are names for Saudi Arabia in the Old Testament Tarshish is an old testament name for Great Britain. and the break off of Great Britain who has the symbol of a lion are the young lions who are America ,Canada, and Australia. Many prophecy teachers believe that when the Ezekiel war breaks out Israel will be on their own to fight against Iran and all of the other nations listed in that Ezekiel 38 prophecy. It appears the young lions along with  Great Britain and Saudi Arabia do nothing to help Israel when they are attacked.


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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 You see above I put up two prophecies one concerning the Sun, one concerning a generation that has increased knowledge. I guess I have to say beware Biden the generation who has increased in knowledge but, your  plan to mess with the Sun may backfire.

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Biden Admin Backs Risky Geoengineering Plan to Block Sun – Headline USA

The Biden administration has proposed funding and outlining a five-year study into solar geoengineering, a science that pertains to deflecting the sun’s rays before they hit the earth.



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Up to 500 dying every week because of UK hospital delays – physician
Delays in British emergency departments could be causing between 300 and 500 deaths each week, Royal College of Emergency Medicine President Dr Adrian Boyle has told Times Radio.


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Covid Vaccine News: How much longer can Covidians keep up appearances?

Below is a small selection of articles posted yesterday about covid “vaccines.”   It’s all bad news for the pharmaceutical industry and those pushing the so-called vaccines.


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FOI reveals DNA from AstraZeneca’s covid injection is found in organs throughout the body and
safety for pregnant women and immunocompromised was unknown

..MHRA finally provided 166 pages of records containing the studies MHRA relied on to authorise AstraZeneca’s covid injection for use en mass. One of these records was a study on mice which investigated the biodistribution of the AstraZeneca “vaccine.” It revealed that the viral vector DNA did not remain localised in the injection site but instead migrated to other organs.  Disturbingly, the study found vector DNA in the sciatic nerves, bone marrow, livers, lungs, and spleens


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DoJ is concealing documents that lay bare Hunter and Jim Biden’s payoffs with China and Russia
The Department of Justice is trying to prevent disclosure of 400 pages of sensitive documents on Hunter and Jim Biden’s dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine – by pretending they don’t exist.


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INVASION: Number of illegal aliens that crossed into U.S. during first quarter of FY23 larger than population of most big American cities 
The number of illegal immigrants that have crossed into the United States during the first quarter of fiscal year 2023 (FY begins Oct. 1) is larger than most big American cities, according to a new report.



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Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere. This readily observable fact is now so self-evident that no one needs to be convinced of the reality of rising food prices. Yet few people have honestly considered where it leads in terms of global famine, civil unrest, revolutions and more.


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Bill Gates has been giving UKAid tens of millions to genetically modify livestock
Bill Gates doesn’t only want to vaccinate humans but he wants to vaccinate livestock as well.  This sinister plan is not as he claims to help animals survive so children in Africa and South Asia get more meat, dairy, and eggs.  It is an investment he is making through UKAid, the aim of which is most likely ownership and control of the food sources for the world’s poorest.





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‘Woke’ Twitter Competitor Infested with Pedophiles, Child P*rn 
A left-leaning Twitter competitor, which many ‘woke’ journalists have flocked to for their ‘safe space’ after Elon Musk acquired the company, is reported to be infested with pedophiles and child porn.

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Eastern Europe and parts of Asia facing severe cold snap 

A severe cold snap is forecast to descend down into Eastern Europe and Asia in the coming days, bringing temperatures down to about -30 °C (-22 °F), as per numerical forecast models. 


Revelation chapter 13 Jesus shows us the Antichrist will control the world economy by forcing people to take his mark in the right hand or forehead. In order for this to take place there Has to be a crisis in the worlds economy to propel the Antichrist to power enabling him to force his mark and were are watching nations struggle with their economies as you will see below with the UK.


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