December 6, 2022 connecting the dots between Bible prophecy in current events




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



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“It took less than a week for Israel’s new far-right government to become embroiled in its first international incident.

The cause was a 15-minute visit on Tuesday by Israel’s newly inaugurated national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, home to the holiest site in Judaism, known to Jews as the Temple Mount”

“ Still, the move was seen as a deliberate provocation—one that risks upending the delicate status quo in one of the most volatile holy sites in the Middle East. The visit invited condemnation from Palestinians and Israel’s international allies alike and even appeared to prompt the postponement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s long-coveted trip to the United Arab Emirates, which condemned Ben-Gvir’s visit as a “serious and provocative violation.” The United Nations Security Council scheduled an emergency session to discuss the incident, which will take place on Thursday.”





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M5.9 earthquake hits Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M5.9 hit the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan at 14:25 UTC on January 5, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 193.8 km (120.4 miles). EMSC reports M5.9 at a depth of 195 km (121.2 miles).




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WATCH: Israelis Discover 100,000 New Types of Viruses


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1,000 Athletes – Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 To June 2022
“The following is a documented compilation of 1,000 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 16th June 2022, each slide presented for 5 seconds. These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown. There is a concerted and desperate effort by big tech and the mainstream media to ignore, hide, cover up, divert or straight up lie about what is going on.”


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PfizerFiles – the true history of Pfizer’s repeated criminal behavior and destruction of human lives
Pfizer’s History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as ‘Human Guinea Pigs’ How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?


Frank1 When a government tries to keep people silent concerning Covid jabs or Covid policy, question one must ask is why would they hinder disclosure of what is in the vaccinations and what it is doing to the immune system once the person is jabbed. Usually when governments try to suppress transparency there’s a reason for this they do not want disclosure. What is it that they do not want the public to know?

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Chair of German Ethics Councils says an investigation into Government’s covid response is “dangerous to democracy”
According to Alena Buyx, Chair of the German Ethics Council, anyone who advocates a fundamental review of covid policy, who demands personal and, if necessary, legal consequences, is an enemy of democracy.


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High Levels of Circulating Spike Protein Found in Myocarditis Patients Who Took mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Study
People who suffered from myocarditis after receiving an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine were found to have persistently higher levels of circulating spike protein compared to those who also received an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine but did not develop myocarditis, according to findings from a new study.


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EXCLUSIVE REPORT: The TRUTH About Collapsed NFL Player Damar Hamlin
Athletes suddenly collapsing is not normal…but it’s becoming way too common ever since Pfizer pushed out their rounds of bioweapon death-jabs. Damar Hamlin was another victim of these jabs, but he wasn’t the first, and he certainly won’t be the last.


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Major Victory: Child Will Not Receive Covid ‘Vaccine’, Father Wins Legal Case Against Lawyer Ex-Wife
In a precedent-setting case, Ontario teacher Chris Daly took his ex-wife, a lawyer, to court over medical guardianship of their 8-year-old daughter and whether or not to have her injected with the Covid “vaccines.” Daly, a former pharmaceutical representative, did not want his little girl to receive the controversial mRNA gene therapy injections.



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Major French Food Producer Shuts Down Production Over Energy Costs
Cofigeo, a group which owns several food companies in France, has shut down four of its eight factories over energy costs, amounting to 80 per cent of its total production.



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Is There A Way To Stop Inflation Without Crushing The Economy And Killing The Dollar? 
One of the most dishonest games being played in economics today is the attempt by various groups (political and financial) to deflect blame for the rise of inflation. The Biden White House and Democrats desperately want to blame Russia and the war in Ukraine, even though inflation was spiking long before the war ever started.


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To prevent bank-run panic, the FDIC is conspiring to blind Americans to the impending market collapse 
Deception is running rampant with regard to the current state of the financial system, which is poised for a monumental crash and collapse.



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Ireland Under Attack: Hordes of Violent Migrants Brawl in Their Tax-Payer Luxury Hotel, Mass Stabbings, and Arrests
A vicious fight broke out between hordes of Algerians and Georgian migrants housed at a luxury hotel in Ireland on New Year’s Day. The brawl, which included over 20 migrants, led to several of them being stabbed. One victim was left with his finger hanging off.



Frank Just about every one week where reading news about governments trying to control their citizens, case in point the report below. We have seen the media controlling what is reported and anyone who conflicts or goes against their agenda they’re ridiculed. We have witnessed countries mandate experimental jabs, we have seen forced mask wearing, we have seen specialists in the medical field who disagreed with vaccinations censored and their medical license taken away. One thing that is very clear events like this are leading up to revelation chapter 13 where the Antichrist will be the pinnacle of controlling the world, what we are seeing now is just a path to get there.

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