January 30, 2023 signs of an evil last generation in the news





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 As you see below one of the last day signs is our generation would be the generation who increase the knowledge. Without question we are that generation. We have gotten so smart that AI was created and is rapidly being used around the world.The newest artificial intelligence to be used is the ChatGPT.

Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer,[1]commonly called ChatGPT, is a chatbot launched by OpenAI  in November2022. It is built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3family of large language models, and is fine-tuned (an approach to transfer learning)[2] with both supervised and reinforcement learningtechniques.

You will see the law a report by Prophecynewswatch on Chat GPT and its response to a question they asked this artificial intelligence. I am sure you will be blown away by this artificial intelligence response to a question concerning the last days and how events could be played out.




I decided to test out ChatGPT’s writing ability for myself and asked the bot to write an article on how AI like ChatGPT could potentially fulfill the “Image of the Beast” prophecy in Revelation 13, which is the topic of this article.
This was its response:
The image of the beast, as described in the Book of Revelation, is a symbol of the end times, representing a powerful and manipulative force that deceives and controls people. In today’s world, chatbots and other artificial intelligence programs are becoming increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, raising the question of whether they could potentially fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast.
One way in which chatbots could potentially fulfill this prophecy is through their ability to manipulate and deceive people. Chatbots are designed to mimic human conversation and can be programmed to present themselves as real people, leading some people to form emotional connections with them. This can be particularly dangerous in cases where chatbots are used to impersonate real people or organizations in order to scam or manipulate individuals.
Another way in which chatbots could fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast is through their potential to control people’s actions and behaviors. Chatbots can be programmed to persuade and influence people’s decisions, and as they become more advanced, they may be able to anticipate and manipulate people’s thoughts and behaviors in increasingly sophisticated ways.
Finally, chatbots could potentially fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast through their ability to access and analyze vast amounts of personal data. Many chatbots are connected to the internet and have access to a wide range of data sources, including social media profiles, online search histories, and more. This data can be used to create detailed profiles of individuals and to predict and influence their actions and behaviors.
Overall, while chatbots and other artificial intelligence programs have the potential to bring many benefits to society, it’s important to be aware of the risks they pose and to consider the ethical implications of their use. In the end, only time will tell whether chatbots will fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast or bring about a brighter future for humanity.




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“It’s The Perfect Storm”: More Americans Can’t Afford Their Car Payments Than During The Peak Of Financial Crisis
…can’t find enough repo men to meet the demand or space to hold all the cars his company has been tasked with repossessing…


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U.S. banks dusted off their recession-ready playbooks at the end of 2022.


Regional lenders and banks with big credit-card businesses continued to profit from borrowers who ran up credit balances at higher interest rates in the fourth quarter. But many tightened their lending standards and set aside more money to cover potential loan losses, signs that they don’t expect the good times to last. https://www.wsj.com/articles/banks-brace-for-more-consumers-to-fall-behind-on-their-loans-11675030305


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A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion, Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of ‘Petro’ Status
The decline of a currency’s world reserve status is often a long process rife with denials. There are numerous economic “experts” out there that have been dismissing any and all warnings of dollar collapse for years. They just don’t get it, or they don’t want to get it. The idea that the US currency could ever be dethroned as the defacto global trade mechanism is impossible in their minds.

Luke 21 25 storms

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Europe experienced record number of hailstorms in 2022 for the second year in row
2022 saw a record-breaking number of hailstorms in Europe with 8 224 large hail reports. That is 2 791 large hail reports more than in 2021, which was already a record-breaking year. France had the most reports with 2 461 and was also the country with the largest economic impact of 4.8 billion €.

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Severe floods hit Sumatra, damaging thousands of homes and leaving 3 people dead, Indonesia 
Floods caused by heavy rainfall affecting parts of Sumatra island, Indonesia since January 21, 2023, have damaged more than 15 000 homes and left at least 3 people dead.



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Ukrainian women, many mothers with young children, report struggling in Muslim-dominated areas, like Birmingham, where western culture and values have been replaced with Islamic ones.

UK journalist Darshna Soni interviewedseveral refugees about their feelings and experiences in their new host country. In the heavily edited and cherry-picked program, Soni tried to shame Ukrainian women for being fearful and feeling unsafe, living in a high-crime Islamized area. When Soni asked a Ukrainian mother why she had concerns, the woman referenced the UK police’s own crime stats website showing the dangerous crime rates.



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Shadowy UK Army Unit Spied on Country’s COVID Lockdown Critics – Members of the Secretive ‘Information Warfare’ Brigade Were Part of the Operation

A brave whistleblower stepped forward recently that the UK military was spying on its own citizens during the COVID pandemic.



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Air Force General Tells His Officers ‘War With China’ Only 2 Years Away

Memo is particularly unusual given it instructs commanders under him to get “their personal affairs” in order…


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Ukraine Forcing Ethnic Hungarians to Fight Russia, Violently Kidnapping Men from Their Homes and Work 
Ukrainian officers are kidnapping men from highly frequented locations: “train stations, petrol stations, near shopping centers and markets, but they also go into homes.”

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That’s the closest ever to total nuclear doom, the global catastrophe.

The Clock had been set at 100 seconds since 2020. The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board and a group of sponsors – which includes 10 Nobel laureates – have focused on “Russia’s war on Ukraine” (their terminology) as the main reason.


Flag Israel Animated Flag Gif


In case you don’t know Iran is the one of the major players in the Ezechiel war against Israel, we are watching events  between Israel and Iran right now that are the footsteps leading up to the Ezekiel war.

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Demonic? Man who transformed himself into ‘alien’ hits problem as he’s ‘barred from restaurants’
A thirtysomething tattoo artist who has undergone multiple body-mutilating surgeries to transform himself into a “black alien” laments that he has been “barred from restaurants” and has trouble securing employment because of his terrifying appearance.



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Archbishop of York says gay sex is OK if in ‘committed, stable, faithful relationships’; welcome fully in CofE

The Church of England’s Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, responded to pressure to answer whether homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sinful by saying the CofE’s new stance on the issue is that it’s OK, as long as couples are in “committed, stable, faithful relationships,” adding that same-sex married couples will be “welcomed fully into the life of the Church, on their terms.”


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Is the Criminalization of Heterosexuality on the Agenda or Just the Denial of Equal Rights?
The normalization of sexual perversity is advancing across all fronts. Just as it has become hate speech to call a homosexual a queer instead of a proud gay, we are approaching the inability to call a pedophile a pedophile. The correct and safe name for a pedophile is “minor-attracted person.”



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New peer-reviewed study: >217,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines in just the first year alone!
And it also turns out that serious adverse events were ~5X higher than what Pfizer reported in their Phase 3 trial. But it’s OK because they are immune from prosecution.


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Doctors and scientists gathered in Stockholm for a conference on ‘Pandemic Strategies Lessons and Consequences’
Last weekend there was a massive 2-day international ‘Pandemic Strategies Lessons and Consequences’ conference in Stockholm, Sweden. But if you only follow corporate media, you won’t have heard about it.



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