Feb. 2, 2023



May I ask for your prayers. February 17 I will undergo 10 hour surgery due to cancer. If all goes well and I am trusting in Christ for that it will be a long recovery pray for the Lord‘s healing as he uses these doctors for that healing .



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora




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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu To Meet With Emmanuel Macron In Paris Thursday To Discuss Ways To Expand And Accelerate The Abraham Accords
Ah yes, hello 2023, let’s get this end times party started, and what better way to do that than to have some prophetically delicious closed-door meetings between our candidate for the biblical Man of Sin, Emmanuel Macron, with the leader of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, Benjamin Netanyahu. During that meeting, the duo will discuss stopping the threat of Iran and nuclear missiles, and how best to expand and accelerate the Abraham Accords. Bullseye.Thanks



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“It’s The Perfect Storm”: More Americans Can’t Afford Their Car Payments Than During The Peak Of Financial Crisis
For over a year, we have been dutifully tracking several key datasets within the auto sector to find the critical inflection point in this perhaps most leading of economic indicators which will presage not only a crushing auto loan crisis, but also signal the arrival of a full-blown recession, one which even the NBER won’t be able to ignore, as the US consumers are once again tapped out. A month ago we said that in our view “that moment has now arrived”; the latest data from Fitch confirms as much.


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Consumer spending PLUMMETS as Americans lose access to cheap credit
The days of abundance are ending in the United States as consumer spending falters due to rising interest rates, persistent supply chain problems, and ongoing inflationary pressures.

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MARSCHALL: American Cities Continue to Burn as Liberals Continue to Deny Antifa’s Existence
This month’s violence in Atlanta, a reported “night of rage,” is the latest proof that Antifa is real. But don’t tell liberals that. They consider themselves too smart to believe that Antifa exists – almost how atheists think themselves too clever to believe in God.



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Pentagon top brass want to send F-16 FIGHTER JETS to Ukraine in bid to crush Putin 

Pentagon officials want to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine to fight Putin, after Volodymyr Zelensky’s army secured tanks from Germany and the US.


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Exclusive — Pompeo on War with China: ‘Our Military Should Get Ready’
Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and CIA director during the Trump administration, told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday in an exclusive interview on Saturday he supported the point a U.S. military general made in a recent memo that the U.S. needs to be prepared for war with China.

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Exclusive – Lt. Col. Daniel Davis Warns of Nuclear War: U.S. Has ‘No Plan’ in Ukraine, This Is Not a ‘Video Game’
Providing new tanks to Ukraine won’t change the reality on the ground of the current conflict with Russia, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, who claimed the United States has “no plan” or strategy and warned of the real-world danger of invoking NATO’s “mutual defense” clause, which would trigger a nuclear war.



Putin threatened missile strike on UK before Ukraine war, Boris Johnson says
Vladimir Putin threatened to direct a Russian missile strike at Britain in the leadup to his invasion of Ukraine, Boris Johnson said in a new hair-raising disclosure. In an interview with the BBC, Johnson, who was serving as British prime minister when Russia invaded its neighbor, recalled Putin telling him: “Boris, I don’t want to hurt you, but with a missile it would only take a minute.”




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This Tells You All You Need to Know: Satanic Temple Announces Launch of Clinic to Provide “Religious Abortions” in New Mexico
The Satanic Temple joined Democrats in their battle against the Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling on Roe v. Wade. The Satanic Temple released a statement following the ruling on their plans to fight in court for the right to “religious abortion.”



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