Feb. 6, 2023

 Breaking news GIF on GIFER - by Dut As massive earthquake hits the Middle East, what does biblical tradition teach us about



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora




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Since Netanyahu’s re-election, Jordanian officials have expressed their concern about “changing the status quo on the Temple Mount,” which Netanyahu has promised would not happen. The Jordanians for their part did not observe the status quo on the Temple Mount and in recent years helped build a new mosque at the Gate of Mercy and demanded that Israel allow the increase in the number of Waqf personnel on the mountain.



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Hamas condemns the al-Aqsa Mosque prayers of the Muslim President of Chad
A delegation from Chad was visiting Israel and ascended to the Temple Mount to pray in the al-Aqsa Mosque. Despite being Muslims, the delegation was criticized by the Palestinians and threatened by Hamas.


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Meet the rabbi-activist working to open up the Temple Mount as a “house of prayer for all nations”
Rabbi Yehuda Glick has at times been called an “extremist”. An American-born Israeli Orthodox rabbi, Temple Mount activist, and former Likud Member of Knesset, Rabbi Glick’s efforts are focused on the Temple Mount. As the President of Shalom Jerusalem Foundation, he campaigns for expanding universal access to the Temple Mount. Ironically, it is this universalist vision that has led to this characterization of the rabbi as a right-wing fundamentalist.


Breaking news GIF on GIFER - by Dut DEVELOPING: Powerful Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Turkey, Topples Buildings

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Turkey Sunday night (early Monday local time) and toppled buildings. People are also trapped under collapsed buildings and rubble in northern Syria.


Breaking news GIF on GIFER - by Dut As massive earthquake hits the Middle East, what does biblical tradition teach us about it?

Mountains shall be overthrown, cliffs shall topple, and every wall shall crumble to the ground. Ezekiel 38:20. A major earthquake hit the Turkey-Syria border region on Monday and was felt also in Israel. A phenomenon occurring in the region for millennia, earthquakes are widely discussed in the Bible and other Jewish sources. Earthquakes are prophesied to accompany the end-of-days. Earthquakes and volcanoes are explicitly mentioned by the prophets as playing a role in the end of days,



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Satanic Temple to Open the ‘World’s First Religious Abortion Clinic’ Offering ‘Abortion Rituals’
The Satanic Temple is proudly unveiling what it has described as the “world’s first religious abortion clinic” where it will offer “abortion rituals.” It is mockingly naming the facility after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mother, as the justice penned the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade — a move saving countless unborn lives.

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Satanic Temple opens abortion clinic where patients undergo ‘religious ritual’ before pregnancy termination
The Satanic Temple has created a telehealth abortion clinic in New Mexico called “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” that will provide abortion inducing drugs to anyone who completes their Satanic religious ritual, a health screening, and a virtual appointment.

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The Satanic Temple opens clinic to provide ‘religious abortion’ care named for Justice Samuel Alito’s mother
The Satanic Temple is opening a health clinic in New Mexico to provide “free religious medication abortion” and will name the facility “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” in mockery of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

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Ex-ABC News producer arrested on child pornography charges
James Gordon Meek, who lives in Arlington, Va., had several devices seized from his home by the FBI last April, the Department of Justice said in a statement. According to court documents, they contained images of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Authorities also found multiple chat conversations with users who expressed enthusiasm for sexually abusing children. The Department of Justice said that, in two of those conversations, a username allegedly associated with Meek received and distributed child sexual abuse materials through an internet-based messaging platform. If convicted, Meek faces a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum penalty of 20 years.


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Minnesotans descend on Mall of America with ‘Jesus Saves’ shirts
A demonstration took place Saturday at the Mall of America with participants wearing various Jesus shirts. The event was organized in response to a video that surfaced of a man, Paul Shoro, who was asked to remove his “Jesus Saves” shirt or leave the mall on Jan. 7. Shorotold Alpha News that he and other members of his church were at the mall Saturday to “proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”


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Turkey Foils ISIS Plot to Bomb Embassies, Attack Synagogues and Churches
Turkish security forces have foiled an Islamic State terrorist plot to bomb the consulates of Sweden and the Netherlands in Istanbul and target religious sites, including synagogues, in the city. According to Turkish media, authorities busted a cell of 15 ISIS terrorists who were planning attacks in response to the Jan. 21 burning of a Koran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.


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Catholic School Suspends Teen For Correctly Stating God Created Two Genders And Protesting Against Transgender Students Using Girls’ Bathrooms 
In Western societies today, telling the truth regarding human biology can have detrimental consequences. A so-called Catholic School suspended a conservative Canadian teenager named Josh Alexander for the remainder of the school year because he refused to abandon his correct beliefs on gender and for standing up for girls uncomfortable with biological males in their restrooms.


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South Carolina: Students kicked out of museum for pro-life hats
Parents could be taking legal action after they say their students were kicked out of a Washington D.C. museum for wearing pro-life beanies.


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Satanic statue honoring pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to go on display in Texas 
University of Houston executive director and chief curator of public art Dr. Maria C. Gaztambide expressed her excitement about ‘amplifying’ the ‘reach’ of the statues ‘beyond New York City.’

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Sims 4 embraces transgender ideology with ‘non-binary’ characters and ‘chest binders’ 
It is often in the small things that we see the signs of the times. We’ve seen this with the spread of gender ideology into every aspect of postmodern life, from Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner’s Vanity Fair spread to the open embrace of the most radical aspects of the transgender agenda by the Biden Administration, which has turned the White House into a revolving door for drag queens and transgender influencers. One disturbing aspect (of many) of this is the attempt to mainstream “sex change” surgeries for minors.


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Proposed Bill Would Turn Minnesota into a ‘Trans Refuge’ State for Children
A Democrat legislator is trying to convert Minnesota into a “trans refuge” for children who use surgery and drugs to mimic the opposite sex.


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Psychedelic churches pushing boundaries of religion in small but growing U.S. movement
Ayahuasca ceremonies part of a global trend of enlightenment-seekers turning to psychedelics.



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BIG MEDIA STRIKES AGAIN: It’s time to investigate DirecTV for canceling Newsmax TV, 4th largest US cable network
The left-wing cancel culture continues sweeping across America with a vengeance. In recent years, we’ve seen so-called “progressive” Big Tech and Big Media companies repeatedly ban prominent conservative leaders from speaking on platforms open to everyone else and supposedly dedicated to free speech. The situation is rapidly going from bad to worse.



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Fake Meat Fail: Sales Collapse At Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods As 20% Of Staff Laid Off
“after years of hype, the tide is turning against the first generation of plant-based protein makers.” Sales have collapsed, however, which according to a recent Bloomberg report, has resulted in Impossible Foods planning to lay off around 20% of its workers.



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No rest for the weather-weary, ice last week, flooding rains this week
FOX Weather is tracking the next storm to drop rain and snow from the Rockies to the Atlantic seaboard. Find out who will see the flooding rain, snow and severe weather day by day.



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British Columbia Becomes the First Canadian Province to Legalize Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Other Dangerous Narcotics to Fight Overdose Crisis
As part of Justin Trudeau’s effort to reduce the number of fatal drug overdoses, the province of British Columbia on the country’s Pacific coast is the first province to adopt a policy of decriminalizing possession of small amounts of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, and other narcotics.



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Government Reports & Pfizer Documents prove COVID Vaccination is causing Depopulation & we now have evidence it was the plan all along 
If we told you 20 million people had died across just the ‘FIve Eyes’ & 26 countries across Europe over the past two years resulting in the most excess deaths seen in half a decade wouldn’t you at least be a little bit curious to find out why?

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Hogs are running wild in the U.S.—and spreading disease

The nation’s six million feral pigs are destroying crops and preying on endangered species. But the most serious threat they pose is to human health. Feral swine, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture refers to them, are not native to North America. Today, around six million feral swine run hog wild in at least 35 U.S. states, where they can grow more than five feet long and weigh more than 500 pounds.


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Ugly people are more likely to wear Covid face masks, study suggests 
Attractive people are less likely to keep wearing face masks in the post-Covid era, a study suggests. Researchers conducted three questionnaires asking people about self-perceived attractiveness and mask-wearing intentions in various scenarios. They concluded that young and middle-aged Americans who view themselves as attractive ‘believe wearing a mask hinders the opportunities to deliver a favorable impression to others’.


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Covid Related News: ICD codes have been changed to track uninjected people and Bill Gates isn’t entirely sure whether he’s God 
Bill Gates avoided answering whether he’s God when asked by an interviewer on BBC.  The US Government is using a change in ICD codes to track people who chose not to have a covid injection. There has been a low uptake of bivalent boosters so the FDA is trying a new vaccine strategy. And the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) says the covid pandemic is “probably at a transition point.”


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‘Never Again’ documentary draws disturbing parallels between pre-Holocaust and COVID-era propaganda 
Orthodox Jewish rabbi Michoel Green pointed out that the ‘marginalization of the minority’ during the COVID outbreak is exactly what took place in Nazi Germany when Jews were demonized as responsible for outbreaks of Typhus.


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‘The Scandal Would Be Enormous’: Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities 


Project Veritas on Thursday released a new segment of undercover footage of Pfizer director Jordon Walker in which the Director of R&D within the company’s mRNA operation expressed concern over how the COVID-19 vaccine may be affecting women’s reproductive health.



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Raging wildfires claim 13 lives, destroy more than 100 homes in Chile – The Watchers


At least 13 people were reported dead and more than 100 homes were destroyed as of early Saturday morning (UTC), February 4, 2023, as a result of the more than 150 wildfires burning across Chile. Most of the wildfires are in Biobío and neighboring Ñuble.



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UK supermarket price inflation hits record high, adding £788 to annual bills | Supermarkets


( 788.00 EUR = 808.55 USD) Britain’s retailers have said shop price inflation has yet to peak this year, with the cost of basic essentials expected to remain high, after figures showed grocery prices accelerating at the fastest rate on record.




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