Israel Reborn

Israel Reborn in one day just as the prophets foretold 2500 years ago. This is one of the Major “super signs” of end-time biblical prophecy. In addition this “Sign” is what distinguished this generation from at prior generations in prophetic history. Jesus Christ’s physical coming couldn’t have taken place until is Israel was “Reborn” just as the prophets foretold. This video is just one example of “Many” that proves that the bible predicted this event in intricate detail.


  1. In the grand pattern of things you actually receive an A just for effort. For right now I will subscribe to your issue.

      • etrm on December 8, 2012 at 6:58 am
      • Reply

      Since Jesus had my parents name me Frank, Meaning
      direct I must tell you the only grade I am concerned
      about is the one that comes from our Lord Christ Jesus.
      If this is alright with you its okay with me. I didn’t
      understand what you meant by for now but, for now I will
      keep doing what I have been for the past 36 years in this
      ministry, leading people to Christ.
      God Bless

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