Sept. 14, 2023



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 13 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora














NewsShallow M6.1 earthquake hits West Chile Rise 
A shallow earthquake registered by the USGS and EMSC as M6.1 hit West Chile Rise at 11:49 UTC on September 13, 2023, at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70If you still don’t know why the news about a Saudi-Israel deal is important, you will need to  watch my video under the the two Saudi-Israel deal reports.


NewsWhy might Saudi-Israeli deal happen faster than skeptics think? Because Bibi, MBS, Biden all want it to happen now
As explained by the YouTube exclusive video, there are growing signs a deal very well could happen far sooner than most people realize. First of all, the tempo of speculation about such a deal has picked up significantly in recent months. Why? Because something dramatic has happened. All three leaders – Israeli, Saudi, and American – say they want it to happen. And previously, that had not been the case. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman … is ready to strike an historic normalization deal with Israel that could change the Middle East forever.


NewsBlinken: Palestinian issue will be part of Saudi normalization deal
Blinken made clear that normalization “cannot be a substitute for Israel and the Palestinians resolving their differences and having a much better future for Palestinians. And in our judgment, of course, that must – needs to involve a two-state solution.” He also added that “it’s also clear from what we hear from the Saudis that if this process is to move forward, the Palestinian piece is going to be very important, too.”





News“Who Is Biden Working For?” Admin Under Fire For ‘Illegal, Reckless’ Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases
Did someone pay Bidens to weaken the United States? After canceling the Keystone XL pipeline project, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels (some of which was sold to a Hunter Biden-linked Chinese energy giant), and vowing “no more oil drilling” on US soil while America’s geopolitical adversaries – two of whom paid his family handsomely – beef up their own energy independence,   the Biden administration has done it again.


NewsHow Deep Is The Deep State?
We received some seemingly excellent news over the weekend. The appellate court of the 5th Circuit has reimposed the restrictions on the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI to stop bullying social media companies to censor content. This has taken place ahead of the actual trial because two judges found that the practice was so egregious that it needed to be stopped right now before more damage is done to the First Amendment.

NewsHouse GOP spending standoff hardens despite impeachment inquiry
The spending standoff between House GOP leadership and conservatives hardened Wednesday, with demands from hard-liners forcing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to punt a procedural vote on legislation to fund the Pentagon.

NewsTexas judge who previously deemed DACA illegal reaffirms ruling
A revised version of the federal policy known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which prevents the deportation of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as children has once again been deemed illegal by a federal judge who gave the same ruling previously.

News‘Weaponized Govt Agencies’ “Don’t Wish Good Things For Me” – Musk Blames Biden Admin For Ukraine-Starlink Block
“Elon, does the Biden administration have it out for you, and why?” All-In host entrepreneur David Sacks asked Musk. “Ha. What ever gave you that idea?” Musk joked. “I don’t think the whole administration has it out for me,” he added. “But I think there’s probably aspects of the administration… or aspects of interests aligned with President Biden who probably do not wish good things for me.”


NewsTexas judge who previously deemed DACA illegal reaffirms ruling
A revised version of the federal policy known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which prevents the deportation of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as children has once again been deemed illegal by a federal judge who gave the same ruling previously.











Putin and North Korea’s Kim Discuss Military Matters, Ukraine War, Satellites
Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin met for a rare summit on Wednesday at which they discussed military matters, the war in Ukraine, and possible Russian help for the secretive Communist state’s satellite program. Putin showed Kim around Russia’s most advanced space rocket launch site in Russia’s Far East after Kim arrived by train from North Korea.


NewsThe Reported Russian-North Korean Military Deal Is All About Geostrategic Balancing
Russia and North Korea’s complementary balancing acts at the global and national levels vis-a-vis China coupled with China’s reluctance to burn all bridges with the West as it begins building alternative global institutions are the real driving forces behind the first two’s reported military deal.



Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)










CIA whistleblower claims agency ‘BRIBED’ their own analysts to say COVID did NOT come from Wuhan: Bombshell Republican report exposes alleged virus origins cover-up

A CIA whistleblower has told Congress the agency bribed its own analysts to say Covid-19 did not originate in a Wuhan lab.

NewsPfizer’s covid injections target bone marrow and interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture blood cells
Pfizer’s covid mRNA vaccine messes with bone marrow stem cells and affects their growth and differentiation, Dr. William Makis said.  And wonders whether this could lead to turbo cancers such as leukaemia.

NewsOfficial Worldwide Gov. Reports prove COVID Vaccination is causing Depopulation at a frightening rate
If we are to believe that the huge increase in deaths in 2020 was because of the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 virus, then one would expect the so-called “life-saving” vaccine, that has been rolled out worldwide and injected into the arms of millions multiple times, to have reduced the number of excess deaths being recorded across the world dramatically.

News‘Lot of Red Flags’: Florida Surgeon General Warns Against New Covid-19 “Vaccines” 
…“We all know there’s a new vaccine that’s coming around the corner, [a] new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. And there’s essentially no evidence ‘for it. There’s been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people, there’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people. And not only that, but then there are a lot of red flags,”




NewsArmed guards deployed at all Jerusalem synagogues amid rising terror
For the first time ever, an armed guard will be stationed outside each synagogue in Jerusalem, as part of preparations for the upcoming High Holy Days and amid concerns over the recent rise in terrorist attacks.

NewsSoros-Backed Oakland DA Accuses Residents of Racism for Being Angry About Rampant Crime
Crime is surging in Oakland, California to the point where the city is even having a problem with pirates. People are outraged and sick of the problem, but Pamela Price, the Soros-backed DA doesn’t want to hear about it.


















IDF bombs Syrian naval base used by Russia
Airstrikes on Syria’s western coast killed 3 soldiers Wednesday, according to a report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Explosions were reported near a Syrian naval facility in Tartus, in an apparent Israeli strike. In addition to servicing the Assad regime, the Tartus base is used by the Russian military.




NewsBlessing or curse? Israel hit by unseasonal rains as Jews prepare for New Year
Israel was hit by unseasonal rain on Tuesday evening as the storm system, a “medicane” dubbed ‘Daniel’ by meteorologists, arrived in the Holy Land. The rain continued until Wednesday morning. Medicanes rarely reach hurricane strength and are rare, forming once or twice a year in the Mediterranean. They are most common from September to January. The rare summer storm was a welcome relief as it led to a drop in temperature, ending an extended heat wave. Heavy rain is unusual for Israel in the Hebrew month of Elul. The storm is expected to pass by Thursday.

News‘Sea is constantly dumping bodies’: fears Libya flood death toll may hit 20,000 
International aid is slowly starting to reach the devastated port city of Derna as questions are raised over how as many as 20,000 people may have died when Storm Daniel hit the northern coast of Libya on Saturday night.


NewsMorgues overwhelmed in Libya as flood’s death toll tops 6,000
Libya is racing to bury its dead as bodies pile up in the streets of Derna, the northern coastal city devastated by flooding after a torrential downpour smashed through two dams, washing homes into the sea.

NewsIncreasing risk of wind, coastal flooding, and rain for New England and Atlantic Canada due to Hurricane “Lee” 
As of 5:00 AM AST (9:00 UTC), Hurricane “Lee” — a Category 3 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, is intensifying and poses an increasing threat to portions of New England and Atlantic Canada.















Will lab-grown meat be brought to the Third Temple as an animal sacrifice?
The Union of Orthodox Rabbis (OU), the world’s largest organization for certifying food as kosher, announced on Wednesday that it granted certification to SuperMeat, an Israeli startup company working to develop a “meal-ready” chicken cultured meat product created through the use of cell culture.



Daniel 12:4 shows the last generation would be known for their increase in knowledge.

NewsResearchers grow embryonic humanized kidneys inside pigs for 28 days
Researchers have successfully created chimeric embryos containing a combination of human and pig cells. When transferred into surrogate pig mothers, the developing humanized kidneys had normal structure and tubule formation after 28 days. This is the first time that scientists have been able to grow a solid humanized organ inside another species,



NewsPublic Library Unapologetically Plans A Pyjama And Sex Book Party
This is not the first column that I have written about Emily Drabinski, the current socialist president of the American Library Association, or the sad state of our public libraries. Judging on the tone of her leadership and the ridiculous ideas that are being born from it, I doubt it will be the last.


NewsMiami school board rejects ‘LGBTQ History Month’ proposal after ‘heated’ comment session
…the Miami-Dade school board voted 5-3 against the proposal on Thursday. Board member opponents argued that the measure would violate Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, which bans class instruction about “sexual orientation or gender identity in K-3 classrooms.”




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