The doctrine of the Nicloaitanes/Feb. 13, 2013

In Revelation chapter 3 Jesus shows us the picture of the last days church.  Unlike the Church at Philadelphia  which was marked by faithfulness, unashamed boldness, good works, a church that is spared from the hour of tribulation that will come upon the whole world, the church at Laodicea – as a church marked by slothfulness, spiritual poverty, lukewarm, a church that is about to be rejected by Christ Himself if it does not repent. When this Church shows up you will know for sure Jesus Christ is about to return for His children.  By now many of you have heard about Saint Malachy prophecy concerning who the Popes were going to be over the years until the last Pope arrives which would be during the Laodicea Church age.  

Prophecy: Is the next pope the last pope? ~ According to Saint Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes, the next pontiff will be the final pope and his anointment will usher in the end times. If you think the Mayan 2012 hysteria was crazy, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Saint Malachy predicted that the final pope would be called ‘Peter the Roman’. Guess what the name is of one of the favorites to become the next pope?  The best way to find out if St. Malachy was in fact directed by the Holy Spirit in these prophecies is to wait and see if what he stated comes to pass!  If the next Pope turns out to other than what St. Malachy said then there is no question what he said did not come for God.  Here is alittle information on St. Malachy.

St. Malachy, a bishop, went to Rome at the request of Pope Innocent II in 1139, according to St. Malachy received a vision that outlined a list of 112 popes, starting with Celestine II, who succeeded Innocent, and the last pope, Petrus Romanus, would signal the destruction of Rome as well as the end of the world. The Prophecy of St. Malachy was discovered and published by historian Arnold de Wyon in 1595. Wyon discovered the manuscript in Roman archives.

St. Malachy’s list did not outright spell out the name of each of the 112 popes. Instead, each pope was described in a Latin phrase. These phrases describe a certain feature and are vague, which leads to plenty of interpretation. The last two popes, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, number 110 and 111 in the Prophecy of St. Malachy, are described as “De labore Soli” or “From the labor of the sun” and “Gloria Olivae” or “Glory of the Olive,” notes


According to the prophecy, Pope John Paul II fit that description because he was born on May 18, 1920, and a solar eclipse occurred on that day, while his entombment occurred on April 8, 2005, when another solar eclipse occurred.

For Pope Benedict XVI, the description needs some work to make sense. Benedict XVI said he chose the name as a tribute to Pope Benedict XV, who reigned during World War I and tried unsuccessfully to make peace, but the connection is a stretch, at best. Although The Telegraph article discussing the pope’s resignation notes he devoted some of his time to bringing peace and unifying different sects and beliefs within the Church.

With the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the 111th pope according to St. Malachy’s list, the last one is about to be elected. This pope is known only as Petrus Romanus, or Peter the Roman, as his election may bring the destruction of Rome and the apocalypse. According to the verse, Petrus Romanus, “In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.”

There is some speculation as to the authenticity of the Prophecy of St. Malachy. The blame is not laid at the feet of de Wyon but there are inconsistencies. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, St. Bernard, author of the “Life of St. Malachy,” did not mention the prophecy nor were there other previous scholarly mentions of the Roman Petrus prophecy until de Wyon’s discovery and publication.

So far what we are seeing is showing us there is that chance the prediction of St. Malachy may come to pass.  At least there are signs pointing to it.  Right now the leading man to take the reign of the Catholic Church appears to be Peter Turkson.  He is a black man, his name is Peter, and according to news releases he is concerned about those who live in alternative lifestyles.  I posted one report that will give some information about Peter Turkson.

Pope resigns: Peter Turkson reveals vision for the Church and ‘alternative lifestyles’

The cardinal who could become the first black pope said Tuesday that the Roman Catholic Church faces grave challenges in remaining relevant in the modern world even as he laid out a conservative vision of how to deal with society’s “alternative lifestyles”.

Ghanian Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson

One thing everyone should be clear about.  Jesus in the Book of Revelation gave us all the information we need to see that every one of the Churches he said would come have in fact been fulfilled.  Our generation has seen the last Church Jesus warned us about which is that Laodicea Church age.  What I am saying is this. Peter Turkson may be the man  St. Malachy was pointing to however, the most important thing is wheather he is or not the Laodicea Church is already here and even if P. Turkson turns out not to be that man it does not over ride what Jesus in His Word has warned us about this last days Church age!  There is no question Jesus is coming soon for we see the the fruits of this last days Church every where.  As for who takes over the  Roman Catholic which no doubt is part of the Laodicea Church you can count on diving deeper into things that Christ hates.  For example look at what Jesus said in Revelation , chapters 2 & 3, in which we see certain comments regarding churches . Among the comments, two charges are made as being contrary to the will of Christ, and endanger the individual churches to whom these charges apply. In chapter two, the doctrine of the Nicloaitanes is charged against the church at Pergamos, and the Ephesian church is praised for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitanes So what is this thing that Jesus tells us He hates? It is the setting up of a hierarchy of a ruling class over the rest of the people, developing a pecking order of fleshly leadership.  Is the Catholic Church involved in this type of practice?  You have better believe it is and, for anyone in this type of Church it is not good news.  If you see something that Jesus says He hates and you make the decision to stay in this type of Church then at least you should understand that you are making a decision to stand with something that Christ is going to come against.  So I ask you all again, does it matter to us if Peter Turkson takes over or not?  If he does become the next Pope he will be taking a position of a Church that practices the things that Christ hates.  If St. Malachy  prophecy is right on the mark all it is going to do is show the true Christians is that we are very close to going home with Christ at the rapture.  Warning! Do not let the prophecy of St. Malachy alter your walk in Christ in any where. Always hold on to what you know to be true from the Word of God found in the Bible. Your strength comes from His Word and from His prophecies of which we know for sure all will come true.

I am not sure if I will be able to post again until I get back so please keep checking my Facebook link for the latest prophecy up-dates. I won’t be able to make any new videos until I return. God bless you all.






    • jeanne hodge on February 13, 2013 at 2:40 pm
    • Reply

    Thank-you Bro. DiMora for your daily post. I share it with as many friends and family as I can.
    I have a prayer request:
    Please pray for Pastor Byrl, he is the brand new pastor at God’s Way Church, Fort Walton Beach, Fl. We have started a food pantry, and soup kitchen. God is blessing us with plenty of food. We need prayers that God will bring the lost sheep in, and prayers for a bigger building. We are in a mall with high rent, do not know how long the church can sustain this.
    Bro. Byrl and his wife Kathy are doing a good work for Jesus, they love the Lord, and they preach from the word of God.
    Please pray for us.
    Also there is a lady in our church that lost her family, they left her. Please pray she can get her family back.
    Thank-you and God Bless you. Jeanne in Gulf Breeze, Fl.

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