Ethiopia in prophecy/False prophets/ Complex problems/Nov. 5, 2012



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A few days ago I made a video which you see below. In that video I showed you the importance of Ethiopia. Watch the part on Ethiopia and then watch the second video which adds to what has happened in Ethiopia.  Prophecy is being fulfilled and most the world doesn't even know anything about it!

 Prophecy Sign: Daniel 11:42~43 (NASB)"Then he will stretch-out his hand aganist other countries, and land of Egypt shall not escape. But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious things of Egypt; and Libyians and Ethiopians will follow at his heels."




I am posting my earlier warning about false prophets to remind you what what some have said concerning the rapture taking place prior to the US Presidental elections. No one has ever gotten the date correct and in the next two days you will again see some have spoken out of their own mouths not God's. Jesus warned us about the false prophets that would come in the last days and they are showing up all over the place. 


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the
stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the
waves roaring;

Was Jesus correct about nations being put under distress with perplexity over the storm?  Here are 7 links that will show you the answer is yes.

'I feel like a victim of Hurricane Katrina'…

Chaos reigns at free gas fiasco…

1.9 million still dark…

Fear of the Dark…

FEMA Out Of Water, No Delivery Until Monday…

Massive housing problem…

Residents arm up: Bats, machetes, shotguns…

'It's Like The Wild West'…

'Anarchy in Queens'…


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