What blessing Jesus is giving us! March 1, 2013

The Lord is taking me to places I never would have imagined. How about a Dog Training Show? For some reason and I do not question where Christ leads me, He wants me to be heard on this show! You can go to this site if you want to listen to the show even if you missed it today.

You can call the following number to listen to the show (714-464_4892) .

This is the correct link for today’s PART 2 of the radio show




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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 1, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora



To see my video on prophecy news for March 1, 2013 and to read all the prophecy news click to my link: www.endtimesresearchministry.com. or just click to this link: Prophecy Signs March 1, 2013

I received a email from Pastor Fiaz who I have teamed up with to spread the Word of God and the signs leading up to the last days. Pastor Fiaz is a true man of God and my ministry along with Ascent Ministries is doing everything we can to help Fiaz teach others about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am very humbled to have been chosen by Christ to be part of His work in many nations and humbled to be hooked up with a on fire Pastor such as Pastor Fiaz. Every time I see someone holding my book in their hands I recall the day the Lord came to me in a dream and told me what I was to do for Him. At the time I had no idea just how far my loving Lord would take me. There are many who would like to claim Frank DiMora is pointing to himself but as Jesus is my Lord He knows that is not true and I have been a faithful witness for Him for the past 36 years and, I will continue to do so as long as the Lord directs. To see people hold up the book that Jesus told me to write is for me overwhemling. How in the world can I ever tell the Lord how greatful I am that He has picked me to do this work for Him. All I can say is this, I am truly honored, blessed, and very well aware I must be loved by our Lord. If Jesus can take a person who was afraid to speak, or read in public and place him in front of millions of people to spread His work, I know He can surely use each and everyone of you to do the same exact thing. One person is greater than the next in Christ eyes and that includes myself. I love what I do because I see the Lord leading and spreading the work He set me out to do. Again I say I am a blessed man to be so lucky to know Jesus Christ in such a personal way. Anyone can walk with Jesus in the same way but it all up to each person how close they want to be with Christ? I can speak for Pastor Fiaz and my self there is no other way to live than to give everything we have for our Savior. It is a warm feeling to know when Jesus looks down at the work we are doing that He is smiling upon us. You want to help Pastor Faiz and me in spreading Jesus’ message. We would love to have you aboard with us!!


Below is the message that Pastor Fiaz sent me along with some pictures. The only thing I wish he took more picture of was the Bibles we also hand out to  the people.

Dear brother Frank,
I went in Chandala. I gather many peoples there. There was also your books with me. I told about you, your ministry and your great works. I told them how we close to Christ coming. I told also about your book how you explain many prophecies . And many prophecies have been completed. When I first visited that peoples I shared your message a Their in the night. They really blessed. I told them this is your message which I translated. I told them how I feel blessing to read your book. Some stand and want your book. I gave them and also prayed for them. Please you also pray for them. May God bless these peoples with your blessful work. Your book is great working here. Soon I will give your book to other peoples.
Please keep me and my ministry in your prayers.
Your brother in Christ,






 Jesus has made it possible for me to ship out more books to Kenya a will where another man of God, Francis Njoroge is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Francis is still in college but he is helping us take care of 11 young boys who are homeless and the same time Francis is traveling as much as he can teaching the people about Christ.  Men like this are hard to find but he is another example of a person who choose to live his life out for Jesus.

  Here is a email Francis sent me.

Praise the Lord.  hope you are doing well as we are doing down here. The lord has been good to us and we thank Him every minute that passes when we see that we are still healthy and having enough to eat. i did receive the two boxes of bibles and the last chronicles book.we will be giving them out in our next mission. Find attached the pictures of the parcels. We need your prayers especially in this time when we are going to have our general elections. Elections in Kenya has always been marred by violence and where we stay is not an exception.we praying for safety and peace..we are also praying that the lord is going to provide our boys with school fees so that they can be able to sit for the exam with the rest of the students..failure to do the exam they will be forced to repeat the whole year which is a burden at their age.

The shipment of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth and the Lord’s Bibles have made it into Francis’s hands, thank Jesus!



    • Rose Berko on March 2, 2013 at 12:44 am
    • Reply

    How exciting dear Frank ,pray God uses me too. I am not a good speaker but pray I become one..PRAISE GOD

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