Jesus Asked And I Did Answer/March 4, 2013

bible1I have been been blessed by Jesus to has the chance to follow His directions and saw the results of what happened when I acted on what He asked me to do. I have page after page of accounts how Jesus worked to bring people to His salvation when I took the step out in faith to do what our Lard asked of me.  Today after sharing one account with my prayer group I was asked to write the account down so they could pass it along to others.  I was lead by the Holy Spirt to share not only that account but some other accounts as well. It is my hope that those who watch this video will be lead to listen and act on the voice of the Holy Spirt when He calls on you. I knew in my heart that Jesus is calling on people to do His work but many are brushing it off as thoughts coming from their own mind.  It’s time to take the step on in faith when you think you hear that voice.  Jesus will not let you down!


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