Bill Salus Author of Isralestine and Frank DiMora Author of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth are teaming up in Christ.

I have been blessed to announce the Lord has put Bill Salus in my life. This coming Thursday Bill and I will meet for the first time to do a youtube teaching on the last day signs. Mr. Salus is a well known prophecy teacher and has a wealth of knowledge.  Bill and I will cover a host of topics such as the signs of the Psalm 83 war, the coming Ezekiel 38 war, events being played out in Syria, Egypt, and Iran to name a few.  Mr. Salus has also informed me he will be attending my Palm Springs speaking engagement this coming Saturday. It will be my honor to have him there. I can honestly say that the way Bill and I have come together at this time in our ministries was no coincidence. I am sure Jesus will be using us to lead many to Christ.  I plan to have this meeting on video to share with you at my site shortly. I will post more information when it will be posted as soon as I can. 

I am truly humbled as to what Jesus is doing for me in order to wake up the sleeping Church and to alert the unsaved concerning these last day events.  Please pray for Mr. Salus and me as we come together to work for our Lord.



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