Interview with Anslem Gunawickrema on the Works of the Holy Spirit in Bangladesh/The Faith Of Francis/ Oct. 11, 2012



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If you have any questions for Anslem Gunawickrema about witnessing in Bangladesh or are lead to help Anslem spread the Word of God or help support the new house we are building in Bangladesh for the children email Anslem at:

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I thank my Lord for men like Francis who are as Anslem said in the video, "The Real Deal". Francis has been a blessing to me in my ministry and I pray for him each day in the hopes that hearts will be touched and I will continue to be able to help Francis do the work of Christ.  Francis was days away from being left behind because the college required him to purchase the tools you see in the pictures. However, Jesus saw Francis' faith and did not let that happen. It is a lesson for all of us to wait in faith on Christ because His timing is always perfect.

Francis sent me a need today that I am praying the Lord will touch someone. Here is his email. 

Frank, Today I received a call very early in the morning from one of the Headteacher of the schools we had visited. When we visited his school,we gave out the few bibles we had and copies of your book to teachers. He is  requesting for 129 bibles for their students. The school had a population of 1500 students but, those who will be graduating to high school are 129. I don't have any bibles left with me. They won't mind even used up bibles. Any question contact Frank DiMora:

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