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Thief In The Night 2012 Edition By Frank DiMora


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    • Emanuela on August 24, 2012 at 8:28 pm
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    We are and have been experiencing global warming for a long time now. Dr Suzuki tried to warn people about what is and has been happening to this planet of ours for a very long time but did people listen to him? No of course not they kept right on doing the things he was urging them to stop doing. He gave us ideas that would help this planet alas greed of the industries and governments only care about short term benifits, they pretend to care and they pretend to do things about it. That is they just show as if they are trying to do something when in fact it is the opposite that they are doing. The earth goes through cycles and what ever happens is due to that fact and not to any so called god that was a ficticious piece of literature that was man made. Take a look at Krisna, Horus, Mithra, Budda, Jesus and many, many others. We have seen that there is no evidence for the historicity of Christian founder, that the earliest christian proponents were as a whole either utterly credulous or astoundingly deceitful, and that said “defenders of the faith” were compelled under incessant charges of fraud to admit that Christianity was a rehash of older religions. It has been demonstrated that the world into which Christianity was born was filled with assorted gods and goddesses, as opposed to a monotheistic vacuum. In fact, in their fabulous exploits and wonderous powers many of these gods and goddesses are virtually the same as the Christ character, as attested to by the Christian apologists themselves. In further inspecting this issue we find that “Jesus Christ” is in fact a compilation of these various gods, who were worshipped and whose dramas were regularly played out by the ancient peoples long before the Christian era. Although many people have the impression that the ancient world consisted of unconnected nations and tribes, the truth is that during the era Jesus allegedly lived there was a trade and brotherhood network that stretched from Europe to China. This information network included the Library of Alexandria and had access to numerous oral traditions and manuscripts that told THE SAME NARRATIVE PORTRAYED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT with different place names and ethnicity for the characters. In actuality, the legend of Jesus nearly identically parallels the story of Krishna, for example, even in detail, with the Indian myth dating to at least as far back as 1400 BCE. Even greater antiquity can be attributed to the well-woven Horus myth of Egypt, which also is practically identical to the Christian version but which preceded it by THOUSANDS OF YEARS. The Jesus story incorporated elements from the tale of other dieties recorded in the widespread area of the ancient world, including several of the world saviours, most or all of whom predate the Christian myth, as some of them are found in parts of the world purportedly unkown at the time; however, it is certain that a fair number of these deities were utilized. THus, we find the same tales around the world about a variety of godmen and sons of God, a number of whom also had virgin births or were of divine origin; were born no or near December 25th in a cave or underground; were baptized; worked miracles and marvels; held high morals, were compassionate, toiled for humanity and healed the sick; were the basis of soul-salvation and / or were called ‘Savior, Redeemer.

    • Emanuela on August 24, 2012 at 8:39 pm
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    An important aspect to consider when thinking about the answer to this question is: what does heat do to earth? Heat is the energy which drives all of the earth system, be it the inner heat of the earth that drives tectonics, volcanics etc or the heat from the sun which drives weather, ocean circulation and biological productivity.
    This second type of heat, that from the sun, is what is being “added” by “global warming”. More heat is not actually being added, but rather less is escaping. The CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs some of the heat that would otherwise radiate back to space, and re emits it back to earth.
    This process leads to there being more heat available to drive the systems on earth. The two biggest effects of this are that:
    less ice will form at the poles during winter
    The formation of winter ice and cold, salty water is what drives ocean circulation. If there is less ice, the circulation becomes weaker. If the climate gets so warm that there is NO ice forming, then the circulation will stop. this would leave us with stagnant oceans. There would be no oxygen circulated through the depths and hence any deep living organisms which depend on high levels of oxygen (like fish) will die.
    Europe is kept warm by warm water circulated to it from the equator via the “gulf stream”. If this were to halt, as occurred during the “younger dryas” around 17,000 years ago, then Europe would freeze, and would have a similar climate to that of Siberia.
    more energy is available to evaporate water from the oceans and drive storm activity (which are powered by water vapor in the atmosphere)
    More water vapor in the atmosphere makes storms more intense. Hurricane Katrina occurred when the sea surface temperature was allot higher than usual, providing much more water vapour to the atmosphere than usual. Similarly, the recent flooding in Australia is due to there being warmer waters around its northern coast (La Nina).
    With warmer temperatures, more intense and more frequent extreme weather will likely develop. This is happening because we made it happen and we continue to do so we are destroying the planet not God.

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