For what it is worth/Aug. 17, 2012

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul. (Ezekiel 3:17-19)

On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest" (Isaiah 62:6)




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PZ SPECIALREPORT – The Russians Are Coming? Yea, But That's Not All – 08-18-12

The Russians Are Coming? Yea, But That's Not All

For the past few months I have been gettingreports that I have to say are a bit disturbing.

In fact mostpeople tend to blow this off and call in for the "Tin Foil Hat Brigade"

When so many are "poo-pooing" the information saying "surely this isn't true" then tossing it on the conspiracy pile, that is when I start todo some digging and see what is going on.

So what seems to behappening that no one wants to acknowledge?

It appears that Russianmilitary forces are being staged for what appears to be a possible US Invasion or UN Police action.

Yea, it sounds pretty far fetched and I do not want to believe it myself.

But several things took place yesterday that kind of raised my red flag level from "blow itoff" to "it is possible."

First I got the following from Steve Quail…

Spetsnaz Verification

russian_soldiers_are_the_best_in_the_worldAll of us have heard over the yearsrumors of foreign troops in the USA. I've always been reluctant to mention on-air because I have no way of verifying the reports. I received a calltoday from a long-time trusted Christian friend whom I have known for many years. The couple is wealthy and well-connected to movers and shakers inthe USA and Europe. Trust me, if they want to "name drop" it's not an exaggeration for them. I was was informed by the wife that they have a friend inDHS who promised to pass on anything significant that would be a sign for immediate preparation.

That agent called yesterday. He is hearing talk inside DHS that thousands of Sp….N…Z boys from that place connectedto Alaska have been infiltrating from Canada into USA throughout this summer. He estimated the number so far exceeds 20,000 commandos. He advised myfriends to take action immediately for food, water, ammo. I told her forget it! You need a plane ticket. The greatest shock to the American peoplewill not be the invasion, but the merger of DHS with the invaders. Then they will understand the purpose of the 750 million rounds of hollow pointammo. Marxist Communist Valery Jarrett is the real power in DHS – not Napolitano. The nation has been compromised and sold out. Colonel Lunev told mein 1999 that the Sp…N…Z…boys will start arriving in large numbers months before the war.


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The "Rick" that sent this is Rick Wiles of TrueNews. I have been on Rick's showseveral times and consider him a kindred spirit.

This in and ofitself, well hearing from someone who heard from someone who heard from a DHS official, yea can be hear say. And by itself, I would put that in thatcamp.

But when we start looking at a lot of what is going on aroundus, report after report, things like this get a little bit more credibility than if they were a stand alone report.

The second thing that happened yesterday, I discovered amovie trailer.

About 10 days ago the trailer for the remake of oneof my favorite movies of all time was released.

Red Dawn-

ABOUT – Red Dawn was released in 1984 where the United States isinvaded by the Soviet Union along with its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies. The story follows a group of American high school students who resist theoccupation with guerrilla warfare, calling themselves Wolverines, named after their high school mascot.

Many of you may remember this movie and the famous shout of defiance "WOLVERINES"!

This coming Thanksgiving the movie is going to be re-released.

You can watch the trailor here >>

So why is this such a big deal? I am one who believes that the powers that belike to "telegraph" of drop hints as to what they plan to take place or allow to take place. One can look at many major films out there and seecorrelations. Now is this exact science? No and in fact many would call it "tin foil hat" conspiracy stuff.

But when we start adding up reports, something in my gut does not feel right.

Just in the last few months the following has taken place.

1 – Russian Submarine in Gulf of Mexico Raises Concerns

The Russian Akula-class nuclear attack submarine ventured undetected in the Gulf ofMexico and was able to operate for weeks before being discovered only after it had left the area, raising concerns over gaps in U.S. patrols offAmerican coasts, according to reports in The Washington Free Beacon

Source –

2 – Russia Moves Nuclear Missiles to Cuba

A report out of Pravda quotes President Vladimir Putin as saying that Russiahas moved strategic nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to the United States’ continuing efforts to encircle Russia in EasternEurope.

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3 – Russian Troops to ‘Seize’ CIA Facility in Elaborate War Game… on U.S.Soil

According to reports, the U.S. and Russianmilitary will be engaging in an anti-terrorism exercise that will involve Russian paratroopers using U.S. weapons to “take and hold” themain facilities of the CIA and Denver International Airport in Colorado and the National Security Agency in Utah.

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4 – Russian Troops Coming to U.S. for Terror Drills, DoDConfirms

Russian "Airborne Assault Forces" will bearriving in Colorado this May for joint terror-war exercises with U.S. soldiers, according to U.S. officials and Russian military personnel cited inmedia reports. The Kremlin’s Defense Ministry and the U.S. Department of Defense both said it would be the first time in history that Americanand Russian airborne special operations troops would be training together on U.S. soil.

Source -

5 – The Bear at the Door – Russian nuclear bombers test U.S.air defenses in arctic war games during chilly Obama-Putin summit

Russian strategic nuclear bombers threatened U.S. airspace near Alaskaearlier this month and F-15 jets responded by intercepting the aircraft taking part in large-scale arctic war games, according to defenseofficials.

The Russian war games began the same day President Obamaand Russian President Vladimir Putin held a frosty summit meeting in Mexico June 18.

Source –

What really caught my attention in that report from Rick Wiles to Steve Quail was the following…

"The greatest shock to the American peoplewill not be the invasion, but the merger of DHS with the invaders."

I don't know about you but when I read this there was a "thud" that took place inuh. That thud is what I feel when things ring true. 

Something that I learned in reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes was this, “Once you eliminate the impossible, whateverremains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

Ibelieve that with the passage of the NDAA and it allowing the indefinite detainment of American citizens, under the laws of war has ended the debateover government intent in terms of domestic action.

When FBIDirector Robert Mueller’s admitted that he “did not know” if assassination programs would be used against American citizens alsoheaped evidence on the matter. (6)

You and I already know that ifyou are a bible believing christian, believe in bible prophecy, own guns, believe in the constitution, served in the military, etc, etc, ect, DHS haslabeled you as a potential treat and possible domestic terrorist. Local police departments no longer see the citizens as citizens, they have beentrained to view us as enemy combatants. In fact I have questioned several police officers personally on this and they have not disagreed.

In yesterday's PZ Breaking News I also noted the FEMA Contract needing tofeed 3,500,000 – 17,500,000 packaged meals and Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets.

If you missed that, you can read that report here >>>

Something is Going Down – Gov is GearingUp

When a country is quietly preparing for war, thefirst signs are usually revealed by a purchasing of armaments. If stockpiling is taking place without a warranted threat present then one has to beconcerned that the likelihood that  aggression might be internal. Since George W Bush and his getting rid of posse comitatus (using the militaryon US Soil) we have seen an ever growing military presence / training taking place in our own cities.

The primary office that is pushing and funding much of this across the nation is DHS.

We have all heard that DHS placed an order for over 450 million rounds of hollow point .40cal ammunition in April of this year. (1)

DHS also placed an orderfor over 7000 new semi-automatic combat rifles chambered in .223 (5.56 by 45mm NATO) immediately after (2)

Local police through programs like the 1033 Program which allows the Sect of Defense to distribute "surplus" tolocal police departments. Millions of dollars in free military equipment, including body armor, night vision equipment, APC's, aircraft, first aidsupplies, weapons, surveillance equipment, Kevlar helmets, gas masks and filters, vehicles, etc are being supplied. (3)

All of this equipment, though issued to state agencies, is still heavily tracked and regulated by the federal government,making it clear that these “gifts” come with strings attached (4)

And finally, new FAA regulations will soon allow the dispersion of tens of thousands of predator drones with armament capability inthe skies of the U.S. over the course of the next few years(5)

Now,anyone with an IQ over a soap dish would ask "who" is the government arming itself and also the local police to fight against?

The goal of the powers that be have been for several generations to bring down thisnation.

Why? because we are the last bastion of God fearing freedomthis world has. Eliminate the US, and the communist luciferian powers that be can rule the world.

This all falls right in line with what I believe to be the judging of our nation that I have been writing aboutfor the past 2-3 months.

God has been warning us and warning us. Hehas sent judgement after judgement. He has lifted His hedge of protection and we are standing at the threshold of being put in bondage.

Like ancient Israel when she turned her back against God, we have done the same thing. Israel and America are the onlytwo nations in man's history to be dedicated to Him. We are not in covenant, but we have been dedicated to Him.

The only thing that will turn this nation around, bring us to our knees and finally returnto God is the bloodshed of our own. If we do not repent because of that, we will surely see bondage.

The powers that be want us in bondage, they do not want us to return to God. They will do everything in theirpower to corrupt us, pollute our minds, tear apart our families, destroy our beliefs, degrade our God, grind us down till there is nothing left togrind.

Every 100 years we see Chaos enter the world. Everygeneration I believe that the enemy has his man waiting in the eves. The last one I believe was Adolf Hitler. The world loved him. In fact he was TimeMagazine's Man of the Year two times they loved him so much.

Ibelieve that the enemies man for this generation is also waiting in the eves to be revealed.

What prevented Hitler was America standing for what is right.

Today we no longer no what is right anymore.

In Isaiah 5 we read…

Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)  Woe unto them that call evilgood, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

We no longer know good. Today evil is good and good is evil.

We are standing at that crossroad once again. The powers that be want to see usfall.


Because if we do fall into bondage, they will usher in their ruler.

Who is that?

Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached bombay

Pleased to meet you

Hope youguessed my name, oh yeah

But what's puzzlingyou

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down,baby

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's confusing you

Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop isa criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me lucifer

Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meetme

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, umyeah

Lyrics – Sympathy For The Devil – RollingStones



By RayGano







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Africa Just Says "Nein" To The US Dollar: Time To Go Short The USDZMK And USDGHC?

By Zero Hedge

Last week we presented the aftermath [13]of the very muchunannounced "Conference of Beijing" as a result of which Africa has been slowly but surely converting to a continent controlled almost exclusively byChina. However, there was one thing missing: even as China has been virtually the sole source of infrastructure funding in Africa, the continent haslong been a legacy dollar preserve, which obviously means renminbi penetration and replacement would be problematic to say the least. As it turns out,this too is rapidly changing: as the WSJ reports [14], Africa is increasingly just saying "nein" to the USD.

"African countries are trying to shoo the U.S. dollar away, even if it means threatening tothrow people who use greenbacks in jail. Starting next year, Angola will require oil and gas companies to pay tax revenue and local contracts inkwanza, its currency, rather than dollars. Mozambique wants companies to exchange half of their export earnings for meticais, hoping to pull more ofthe wealth in vast coal and natural-gas deposits into the domestic economy. And Ghana is seeking similar ways to reinforce "the primacy of thedomestic currency," after the cedi plummeted more than 17% against the dollar in the first six months of this year.

The sternest steps come from Zambia, a copper-rich country in southern Africa where thecentral bank has banned dollar-denominated transactions. Offenders who are "quoting, paying or demanding to be paid or receiving foreign currency" canface a maximum 10 years in prison, the central bank said in a two-page directive in May." Is it time to dump the EUR in hopes of a short coveringrally that continues to be elusive (just as Germany wants) and buy Zambian Kwachas instead? We will wait for Tom Stolper to advise Goldman clients tosell the Zambian currency first, but at this rate the USDZMK [15]may well be the most profitable currency pair of the next 3-6 months.

Why is Africa angry at the one allmighty Greenback?

 The moves aim to strengthen thinly traded currencies and steer more capital into isolatedfinancial markets. But the new rules are an abrupt change for foreign and local companies used to doing business in U.S. dollars.

In other words, Africa is finally pushing for its own capital markets, rudimentaryas they may be. One wonders just who may be pulling the strings behind this very quiet but very crucial development. But one thing that is certain isthat the traditional operations for legacy companies in Africa is about to change for good:

 "There will be an adjustment period," said Mike Keenan, an African currencies analyst at Absa Capital, a South Africansubsidiary of Barclays PLC. "But the story with Africa and commodities has been one where the proceeds kind of circumvent the country. Theseauthorities are trying to clamp down on that."

 Zambia's centralbank sees upside to a strong and liquid kwacha.

 The move topromote the currency's use gives authorities leverage over monetary policy they lacked without control of the dominant market currency. The crackdownalso could bring local banks new business in hedging instruments and foreign-exchange transactions.
 "The kwacha is legal tender," said Caeser Siwale, chief executive in Zambia for Renaissance Capital, aninvestment bank. "There tends to be a different yardstick for us," with big companies expecting small economies like Zambia to live with a reliance onforeign currency that would never happen in Europe or China, he added.

 In Zambia, the measures appear to be working. Heightened demand for kwacha pushed the currency to its highest level in more than a year inJuly, when it reached 4,640 to the dollar. It has slipped a bit since then.

So why go long the ZMK (and short the USD)? Here's why.

 Fueling the demand were foreign-owned manufacturing and mining companies racing to acquire kwacha even as they asked the government toreconsider the policy. The companies complain it make operations more expensive and cumbersome.

 "It might be hard to find kwacha when you need it," said Frederick Bantubonse, general manager of Zambia's Chamber ofMines. Mining companies also are worried about the cost of hedging their copper production against kwacha volatility. The group has appealed togovernment to limit the types of transactions affected by the move.

 In the long run, strengthening the kwacha by decree will take less time than demonstrating political stability and a commitment to controllinginflation, said John K. Wakeman-Linn, mission chief for Zambia at the International Monetary Fund.

And while it is unlikely that the Kwacha has to fear becoming a carry currency, the short USDZMK may be at besta short-term trade. At least until China reveals its full plans.

In the long run, strengthening the kwacha by decree will take less time than demonstrating political stability and a commitment to controllinginflation, said John K. Wakeman-Linn, mission chief for Zambia at the International Monetary Fund.

 "I don't think it's necessarily an adverse policy, but I don't see it providing a lot of additional long-termconfidence in the kwacha, either," he said. "Regulation like this cannot substitute for policies that generate confidence in the market."

Those who are leery of going long just one African country can diversifytheir holdings. Into Ghanaian Cedis, aka GHS (1 year chart of USDGHC here [16]).

 Policy makers elsewhere in Africa are watching Zambia. Ghana, another fast-growing African economy with rich mineral deposits and anascent consumer class, also is seeking to boost its currency's value.

 Since May, Ghana's banks have had to keep all of their deposits at the central bank in cedi, rather than a mix of cedi and U.S. dollars. Theswitch encourages banks to seek deposits in cedi rather than foreign currency, according to Millison Narh, a deputy governor of the Bank ofGhana.

 The central bank's pro-cedi policies aim to make lifeeasier for people like Sterre Mkatini, who recently lugged a backpack filled with $8,000 worth of local currency to a nearby bank to pay one year'srent upfront. Many landlords demand such payments to sidestep high inflation.

Of course, there are risks:

 Kwaku Asente Addo, acashier at Penta Forex Bureau, isn't sure Ghana's government can or will do much to purge the greenback. "They can't do that; they're bluffing," hesaid.

Maybe they are. But if, indeed, China is pushing the strings,maybe they aren't.

Finally, here is the one currency to reallywatch:

 A central bank ceiling on over-the-counter dollartransactions at banks has sent Ghana's class of China-bound traders into street-side foreign-exchange bureaus that normally cater to fanny-pack-cladtourists. Chinese importers often show up just before flights back to China desperate to buy $100,000.

How long until China will welcome all African transactions to settle in CNY?

Either way, keep a close eye on Africa. Things are heating up there quickly.




Obama's Newest Executive Order Will Hand Over Total Control OfThe Internet To DHS!!!

In an event that was devoid of the usual pomp and circumstance, President Obama issued an Executive Order, (EO) thateffectively handed the Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) the ability to take complete control over the internet, according to reports fromVPNReviewz. According to privacy advocates like the EFF, EPIC, UsenetReviewz, and many others, this order gives the DHS the authority to take completecontrol of public, private, and non-profit facilities – giving them the ability to close off or limit any and all civilian communications.

On the National Communications Systems official website, the order is furtherelaborated on, saying that the infrastructure, "includes wireline, wireless, satellite, cable, and broadcasting, and provides the transport networksthat support the Internet and other key information systems." CEO of VPNReviewz, Michael Maxstead, agrees that the existing "Emergency Alert System"used in the US probably does need to be brought up to date to reflect existing technologies, but that, "This EO allows too much control over such alarge entity." He further goes on to wonder "And, what will the system be used for once it is completely in place?" He asks this because the orderallows the DHS to "prioritize" internet traffic.

In order toprioritize the traffic effectively, the controlling and monitoring agency would have to know the origination point, destination, identification, andtype of traffic. Essentially everything about the communication. Most of the EO is wrapped up in legalese detailing the agency that will be created,the fact that the EO is being issued under the authority of the National Security/Emergency Preparedness, NS/EP, (EO 13618) and what agencies will becontributing to the implementation of the additional measures.

Linkto the executive order:

– Pray that Americans will pay attention to this President's Executiveorders, and not blindly ignore them as if they didn't matter at all. While the verbiage of all Executive Orders is created to appear reasonable, thepotential for abuse in this one is enormous. Pray that God will undertake to remove this EO and those similar to it, and affirm the freedom of theInternet for all citizens.



Iran's Warning Says Missiles Could 'Lose Their Way' and StrikeArab Countries


By Aaron Klein

NEW YORK – Iran has warnedSaudi Arabia and Qatar that if either country allows Israel to use its airspace, Tehran may retaliate directly against those Gulf nations, accordingto informed Arab government officials speaking to WND.

One officialsaid that in talks with Gulf nations, Iran “hinted” that a couple of Iranian missiles “may lose their way” and strike Qatar,Saudi Arabia or any other Gulf nation that allows Israel to use its airspace in any attack against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Such threats may help to account for a reported change in SaudiArabia’s attitude toward an Israeli strike on Iran.

AaronKlein unveils Obama’s second-term plans in “Fool Me Twice,” available at WND’s Superstore

Last week, Israel’s Yedioth Aharonot newspaper reported Saudi Arabia informed theJewish state that it would intercept any Israeli aircraft crossing its airspace en route to Iran.

According to the report, the message was transmitted via the United States during talks with Obamaadministration officials in Jerusalem.

Saudi Arabia does notmaintain an open diplomatic relationship with Israel. But the Sunni Muslim country, together with Qatar, Jordan and other moderates, views itself asthreatened by the growing and opposing influence of Iran, dominated by Shiite Islam.

There have been multiple reports of Saudi cooperation with Israel on the Iranian nuclear issue.

There were claims in both 2009 and 2010 that then-Mossad chief Meir Dagan met with Saudiintelligence officials.

One report said Dagan went to Saudi Arabiain 2009 to gain assurances that the country would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets violating Saudi airspace during any raid on Iran’s nuclearplans. Both governments denied the reports.


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in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are
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If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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