“All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone”/Israel demands nuclear ultimatum for Iran/THE RED FLAG/AUG. 13, 2012



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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!   Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


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100_dollar_bill_fire_hc.gifThe book ofDaniel chapters 2 and 7 show us in the last days one man will control theworld. We see in Revelation 6:5-6 that food will cost an entire days’ wages. Jesuswarns us in Revelation chapter 13 the Antichrist will control the world'seconomy. We know this because the Lord tells us no one will be able to buy orsell unless they take the mark of the beast.  What does this say?  Itsays something will happen that will cause the entire world to hand the world'seconomic system to one person.  We have been warning the US dollar is collapsing and this crash would alone set the motion for the rise of the Antichrist as the world looks for something to take them out of choas.  Here is another sign of our impending economic collapse. Guys, it is OVER. I know that many of you are still cowering in normalcy bias, unable to deal with reality, unable to face the world as it is, but you have GOT to snap out of it. The marketplace is DESTROYED. You reall need to do your research on what is really going down in the market. All legal protections are now officially gone. In recent days, for example, it’s come to light that the government has secretly called on the country’s five major banks to prepare themselves for collapse by creating stress recovery plans to be used in the event of worst case scenarios.

Headline: Warning: Get Your Money Out: “All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone”



From time to time the Lord will lay something on my heart which I can't shake off until I warn His people concerning what He laid on my heart. Last year the day for Japan had a 7.2 quake Jesus made it clear to me to it was time to put up a red flag to warn the people about some huge quakes that were coming. Our Lord even showed me why the quakes were coming which I also warned you about. One day after I was told to keep the red flag up Japan had a massive 8.9 quake. When people saw what I wrote the day before and saw the quake hit the next day my viewer ship went through the roof. Below is what I warned you in that post last year.


Yesterday I wrote you the following.  Prophecy Sign: About a week and a half ago I wrote you warning you that another huge earthquake was on the way.  In that post I stated the following: “You may be wondering why the red flag is up?  This is to warn you to watch for another huge quake to hit. If the birth pains are getting worse, we should start seeing even bigger quakes, the "great earthquakes".   In Luke 21:11 Jesus warned the following: “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.”  “I am going to keep the red flag up because you all need to see that Christ’s words should not be taken lightly.  We are in those end times birth pains and you will see more of these huge quakes in the near future.  Christ wants you to believe in Him but much more than that, He wants you to receive Him as your Lord so He can keep you from entering the seven year tribulation.” (End quote).  One day after I issued this warning look at what happen

By the way, I am warning you, more great greats are coming.

BREAKING: 8.9 Earthquake Hits Japan, Followed by Tsunami




A few days ago the Lord again laid on my heart that it was time to raise the red flag again because more strong quakes were coming.  This is what I wrote you on Aug. 11th 2012:

For the past few days I have had a strong feeling that we were going to see some strong earthquakes shortly. Two days ago this feeling was so strong I put up the red flag .  Yesterday I couldn't shake the feeling and I was lead to warn you again to watch the news for these strong quakes so I again told you I was raising the red flag.  Below is what I wrote you yesterday.

Last week the LA area had a quake and there is now a new swarm of quakes today in the LA area.  Wish I could tell you if this round of quakes is a signal the "great quake is coming" but, I got earthquake insurance do this strong feeling a major quake will hit soon! All I can tell you is the "great quakes are coming" because, this is one of Christ's last days signs. I am putting up the red flag to warn you to watch for these quakes to hit soon. I can not help shaking the feeling the birth pains are going to increase again and the earthquakes will be part of these next round of quakes.

Guess what?  Take a look at what happened in Iran a short time ago. Iran just has not one very strong quake but two of them!


The earthquakes the Lord laid on my heart to warn you about started two days after I warned you and today their was another strong quake in China!

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake shook northwest China's Xinjiang-Uighur region Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which was measured by China's earthquake networks center at magnitude 6.2, struck at 6:47 p.m. local time. 


More news came in today concerning Iran's earthquake.

Headline: Iran earthquake kills 306, injures 3,037

The toll from the two earthquakes that struck Iran has risen to 306 dead and 3,037 injured, Iranian Health Minister Marziyeh Vahid Dastjerdi said Monday. Dastjerdi told Iranian lawmakers Monday 116 aftershocks have been registered in the country's East Azerbaijan province since 6.4- and 6.3-magnitude earthquakes rumbled Saturday, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported.

Since the Lord warned me about the coming quakes a few days ago look at the number of strong quakes that have hit. These quakes are in red.

MAP 6.3
  35.681   82.516 11.0 XINJIANG-XIZANG BORDER

MAP 5.1  2012/08/11
  38.399   46.720 9.7 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 5.3  2012/08/11
  52.192   -31.414 10.3 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.0  2012/08/11
  38.275   46.617 10.0 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 6.3
  38.324   46.759 9.8 NORTHWESTERN
MAP 6.4
  38.322   46.888 9.9 NORTHWESTERN
MAP 5.3  2012/08/11
  39.960   78.140 25.2 SOUTHERN XINJIANG,

MAP 6.2
  52.658 -167.425 12.9 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS,
MAP 5.2  2012/08/10
-42.742   -83.143 10.3 WEST CHILE RISE
MAP 5.0  2012/08/10
  12.055   -88.093 36.9 NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP 5.3  2012/08/10
  1.934   97.012 23.3 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
MAP 5.0  2012/08/10
  1.398   126.940 61.6 MOLUCCA SEA



Below is one of my videos which I talk about the coming quakes




Everyone who love Christ should take the scripture Jesus gave us to heart.

When I talk to people I can see who is following the Lord and, who isn't and, that goes for people who call themselves Christians.  All you have to do is ask this question. Do you think things will get better around the world or worse?  Anyone who is standing on the watch and loves Christ knows what He said concerning how events would go down during the time of the end. Birth pains only get more intense until the baby is delivered and this is how things are today. This post had to do with the birth pains of earthquakes. Now I ask you. Do you think more huge quakes are coming soon?  I promise you they are based on what Christ tells us. Fact is we even see one of these huge quakes showing up during the Ezekiel war which is steaming toward us.  All this can be depressing if you are not one of the Lord's children. His children know by these last days signs we are going home soon and that causes great excitement not depression.  

 Israel believes it could carry out strikes on Iran with under 500 civilian fatalitiesAs long as I am on the subject of quakes, the quake in the Ezekiel war as I said is steaming toward us. The news every day points to war between Israel and Iran. There will be a great shaking in the land when this Ezekiel war breaks out but there are a few things that may happen before that great shaking takes place. First, we are looking for something major to happen between Israel and Iran that will cause the Psalm 83 nations to try to destroy Israel. An Israei attack on Iran to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb just may be the match to light that fire.  How much longer will Israel wait for the UN to force Iran to stop their nuclear quest for the N. bomb?  Looks like that answer is not long. Today news from the Middle East ran a report entitled: "Israel demands nuclear ultimatum for Iran".  Israel knows they must act soon or face Iran's President who has swarn to wipe out Israel. Israel's Prime Ministry knows Iran can't wait to use a weapon of mass destruction against Israel and he will be forced to attack Iran alone if need be. Now to the news!

Israel believes it could carry out strikes on Iran with under 500 civilian fatalitiesIt emerged that new intelligence shared with Israel by the West indicated that Iran had moved several steps closer to developing a nuclear warhead that could be fitted on the Shahab-3 missile.

According to an unidentified official, new intelligence obtained by Israel, the United States and other Western states shows that Iran's development of a nuclear weapon is progressing far beyond the scope reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Tehran has made significant progress towards assembling a nuclear warhead for a Shahab-3 missile, which has a range of nearly 1,000 miles, putting the whole of Israel, including the Dimona nuclear reactor in the southern Negev desert, within the Islamic republic's range. Danny Ayalon, Israel's deputy foreign minister, called on the Western powers to declare that the negotiations with Iran, conducted by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, had failed.

He called for Iran to be presented with an ultimatum of a "few weeks" to cease its nuclear programme.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, issued a public warning that Tehran must not be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb. "Every threat against the home front is dwarfed by one threat. Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon," he told ministers at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in

Look at past history when it comes down to Israel's warnings on the quest for a nuclear bomb concerning Iraq and Syria. Israel issued similar warnings to each one of these nations before it launched it's jets to wipe those nuclear plants. When it comes to Israel's security they can't afford to mess around. They learned that lesson from Hitler. All eyes are on Israel. One thing to look for is this. If Israel sends in their jets and takes out the plants were the bomb is being built you can count on world oppinion coming against Israel like never before. This of course would also help fulfill Zechariah 12:3 where we see all the world coming against Israel. Here is the bottom line. Something major is about to take place in the Middle East! Keep on the watch.  The second report below gives more information on what Israel is doing to get ready for a strike on Iran.


 Israeli soldiers watch as a missile is launched from the Iron Dome defence system in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva in March 2012. Israel on Sunday began testing an SMS system for warning the public of an imminent missile attack as chatter over a possible strike on Iran dominated the Israeli press headlines. (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)Headline: Israel tests SMS missile alerts as Iran chatter grows

Israel on Sunday began testing an SMS system for warning the public of an imminent missile attack as chatter over a possible strike on Iran dominated the Israeli press headlines. As testing began, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had chalked up "a significant improvement" in its home front defence capabilities, mentioning its highly-vaunted anti-missile systems such as Iron Dome and Arrow

If you are new to prophecy you need to know Russia will lead the Ezekiel 38 war against Israel. It is no coincidence that in the last few years Russia has built new Navy ports in Syria and Libya. Syria is directly North of Israel and in Ezkiel's prophecy we are told the Ezekiel war will come from forces from the North. Libya of course is one of the nations God told us that would side with Russia in the attack on Israel.  It is no coincidence that Russia has also taken the lead in helping Iran build their nuclear plants that are leading to a Iranian weapon of mess destruction. It is also no coincidence that Russia is the midst of building up their military. These actions if you believe the Word of God in Ezekiel 38 are actions taking place to get ready for the Ezekiel war of which Russia's forces along with everyone else that attacks Israel will be themselves wiped out by the Lord.  These news reports are really giving you a glimpse of the future. If you haven't read Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 it would be a good idea before this war breaks out.


Russia’s air force will get 1,600 new warplanes and choppers by 2020, announced President Vladimir Putin. The program will cost Moscow some US $723 billion. ­“We are talking primarily about providing our forces with state-of-the-art modern technology,” Putin said at an air show in the Moscow Region ahead of the 100th anniversary of the country's air force. “Over 600 new warplanes and 1,000 helicopters will come into service by 2020 – not mentioning the upgrade to already existing systems.”

Putin thanked industry workers and officers for helping the aviation “endure the difficult times of the 1990’s and early 2000’s.” He also added that the role of a strengthened air force in Russia’s armed forces will be increasing. The renovation will primarily cover the long-range strategic aviation,
tactical aviation, army air force, combined with the introduction of high-precision armament, electronic warfare defense systems, and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft systems. Speaking at the air show, Putin pointed out that much of this planned work  has already begun.


Now I want to turn your attention to the Psalm 83 war which will take place before the Ezekiel 38 war. At the beginning of 2012 when Egypt started its civil unrest against the current Egyptian government I told you exactly what was going to happen and who would end up taking over the government. Everything I warned you was based on what I know from God's word. All I did was put two and two together from what Jesus had shown me via His Word.  At the beginning of this year Isaiah chapter 19 started to be fulfilled.  Below is one of the warnings I gave you.


Frank's warning on June 13, 2011 concerning who would win Egypt's election and why.

"Most people watching the signs of the last days couldn’t figure out how Egypt would come into play as one of the nations who are to attack Israel.  I kept wondering myself what is going to happen that will
cause Egypt to break off their peace treaty with Israel, which they both put in place in 1979?  As of June, 2011, we no longer have to guess, because we have seen how the break up has occurred, and we see the tensions mounting between Israel and Egypt.   In January of 2011, when I saw the riots against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, I warned everyone at my prophecy site to watch for the Muslim Brotherhood to make moves to take power.  Unlike Mubarak, who was friends with Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood would make moves to destroy Israel.  When the riots first broke out the Muslim Brotherhood told the world they would not seek to take power in Egypt, but just as I warned, that is exactly what they are up to.  I quote, “A senior member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said he would
run for president as an independent, a move that could draw votes from backers of the Islamist group that has said it will not field a candidate. Secular groups, and the West, are concerned about how much power the Brotherhood may gain after the first elections since the toppling of president Hosni Mubarak. Decades of authoritarian rule, has curbed the development of potential rivals” (thedailynewsegypt.com May 13, 2011).  If after all the information I have given you showing God’s warning about Egypt  doesn’t convince you,  maybe these next few reports will cause you to see the Lord’s truth concerning these matters of the future."

Frank's Warning comes to pass June 18, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood supporters celebrate Egyptian election (win – video)

Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood celebrate in Tahrir Square, Cairo – the centre of last year's revolution – after the party's presidential candidate, Mohamed Morsi, claimed victory in the runoff with 51.8% of the vote. Supporters said the moment marked the transfer of power from the military to civilians"




This is where it gets good. Take a look at today's news concerning what just happen in Egypt?



There is more to this report but it does appear Egypt is getting the cruel leader God warned us about.  Like I said, if you know God's word you can tell others what will happen before it take place.



Now I want to switch to another warning I have been giving you. This warning concerns the food prices going up and what the higher food prices are leading to. If you are in Christ and reading His Word you know where these higher food prices are going. If you aren't in Christ you won't have a clue what the outcome of these events will be until you actually arrive there.  I can't recall the number of time I posted warnings for you to watch the news and you will see that prices of food will keep skyrocketing.  Below I listed just a few of these warnings starting as far back as 2008. You will see why I am giving you this info when I connect the dots for you concerning today's news.

Warning from my July 22, 2008 post. Today is July 22, 2008. I wanted you to
read what I wrote you on my April 8, 2008 post concerning food prices and what
will take place in the near future. “On my post of April 8, 2008 I warned that
you would begin to witness social unrest because of food. A week later the news
agencies began reporting on riots taking place in many poor nations. When you
click to the links below you will witness what I warned is already here and
getting worse. I warned you, you would see higher prices of food keep climbing
and, now every night news agencies are also reporting that is exactly what is
taking place.


Warning from my Oct. 14, 2011 Prices keep skyrocketing as I warned you based on the word of
God. During the 7 year tribulation prices will skyrocket even higher, and the
sun will beat down even worse than it is now, and if you think droughts, and
famines are bad now, trust what Christ is showing you, you haven’t seen anything
yet! http://frankdimora.typepad.com/the_last_chronicles/2011/10/news-before-the-weekend-oct-14-2011.html


Warning from my July, 20, 2012  How many times will I have to issue warnings that the prices
of food will keep rising before you will really begin to take notice. Year in
and year out I tell you the prices of food will skyrocket and year in and year
out that is exactly what you see in the news. Today's news is a continuation of
what I have been warning you about. http://frankdimora.typepad.com/the_last_chronicles/2012/07/o-httpvideoftcomv1742259074001.html

My latest warning Aug. 9, 2012: Each year just as I have warned you food prices are going up.


There is more to this report but the bottom line is nations around the world have taken notice to what has happen in the past concerning higer food prices. IE the many riots that broke out in the nations because people could not afford to buy food.  The Lord told us in Matthew chapter 24 we would see kingdom come against kingdom. Higer food prices is one of the ways this prophecy is coming to pass and the nations are worried we will see a repeat.  They would be correct!


As time goes by the people who are coming to my site are having their eyes opened up to what the Holy Spirit is showing them. People are writing me telling me they have been saved via this ministry and that brings me great joy knowing I have been blessed to lead many people right into the arms of Christ. However, there is still work to do done and my labor for Christ will continue until my Father Jesus says it's  time to come home or until I hear that trumpet blow and we are raptured to Christ Jesus.  You can help lead people to Christ just by sending everyone you know to this site.  Are you concerned what your family and friends will think of you if you send them to my site?  No Christian should ever be ashamed of what Christ has shown us and has told us to look for in these last days.  If you find yourself ashamed to talk about Christ or, for that matter even recommend people who will, you need to read what Jesus says about this.


Message from Pastor Joshua Wekesa who is a partner with me in the Last Chronicles Missions.

Dear man of God,

This is a full report of our crusade in Mt.Elgon, Marigo market  surely many people have received Jesus Christ and healing and many people have joined my church you can see two photos showing my church and other photos are showing about the crusade. I really need your prayers ,next month i will be in Uganda border for another crusade. God bless you.


Pst. Joshua Wekesa.

Quake1abcdejpg Quake1abcdejpgh


 Download 8-13-12 (1)

Pray for Billy



Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Aug. 12,2012 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 12, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora 


Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you! 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.


If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.

IMG_0270 http://www.theedgeam.com/perspectives/last_chronicles/index.htm


What it will be like when the rapture hits. Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf 

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download UN VOLEUR DANS LA NUITwith-israel-youre-messing-with-usa/#ixzz1YZ2wxuHp

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