Are you Rapture ready yet?/Front Cover is missing?/Last Chronicles Missions to Mt Elgon Kenya with Pastor Joshua Wekesa/Aug. 4, 2012

Aug4abcdefghjpgI noticed today that the front cover of my book has been removed for everyone of my posts. I have written Typepad as to how this could have happened since I did not do it?  I put up the front cover again to this post and hopefully Typepad will help me in getting the rest of the posts put up as they were.




    Franks back cover                                               

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 1, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora


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Prophecy Sign: The Ezekiel 38 war. Russia leads an attack on Israel in the last days and one of the main allies of Russia is Iran. Now you know why Russia and Iran are the closest of partners! If you missed what I warned about war breaking out during the Feast of Trumpets in September you may want to go to yesterday's post. and read it especially after you see the video below. We know war is coming because God's gave us all the details of these wars. One of the wars is as you can see above, the Ezekiel 38 war. Get your ready to see major propheices come to pass shortly!




Message from Pastor Joshua in Kenya

Dear man of God,

I would like to inform you that what God can do NO man can do. Surely God is working in Mt. Elgon. The crusade have been wonderful. Inline, so many people have received healing and salvation and they have requested me to start a new church there. So pray for me so that in the mere future God willing we are going to plant a church at the very place.

Some people came from Uganda Border and they also requested the same that is to plant another church there.

Next week, I will be at Marigo market for another crusade.So I need your prayers. So Frank inform your readers to be ready because Jesus is coming soon. When God joined me with you he told me that I will preach in last days and many people will be saved then the rapture will take place and now he has fulfilled. 

God bless you. 

Yours pastor Joshua Wekesa.

Please find the Photos attached to the mail.








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Message from Francis Njoroge in Africa


today am very sorrowful after spending the whole day with my fellow students in an academic trip.sorrowful  not because of choice,but something struck me in the middle of the many jokes and fun that is associated with young people.just in the middle of it,words of apostle Paul to timothy (a young man) 2 timothy 2:23 pinned me..i felt burdened and i read the book of 1 Corinthians 5:6. 

If Gods standards of holiness are the same,if His true word remains true,,which i believe,then we need to radically change our casualty with which we treat our walk with Christ as young people.many are the times that we compromise a lot with sin or so we are ignorant of it.but this is the season that we cannot afford to be intermediate.from my little engineering skills,i realize that in the kingdom of God is just like the logic is either one or zero(1or 0 )..there is no compromising at all .you are either in or are either a mirror image of Christ or not.since Christ is holy we too ought to be holy in order to be part of the ruptured saints. 

It is time to get rid of those things that might make the whole batch of our life defiled.any yeast in our life should be discarded.the yeast of misleading friends,the yeast of lies,the yeast of worldliness.any form of yeast.1 cor 5:7….get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch…this the typical mirror image of what we should be.there is no shortcut to this..consider this,His coming is typified with the times of Noah time,the animals entered in His coming it will also be in twos the bride and the bridegroom.there is no a third is you and HIM.if you have to entered with HIM,then your steps must be synchronous. 

For along time we have been operating in the outer courts,but now we can go to the inner courts and serve Him better.but in the inner courts there is no leavened bread.there is no yeast.if then we are a royal priesthood,we have to get rid of all form of yeast 1peter 2.mark you,even a little yeast corrupts the whole even terrified when writing this that the lord will help us get rid of all the yeast that might work the whole writing this to unburden my heart. 

For a very long time i thought that when the rapture of the church takes place,there will be much tension and chaos.chaos from the parents whose children are missing, chaos from prison warden for missing prisoners etc…but i realized that though people will realize that the Rapture has taken place,the number will be so small to alarm anybody.everything will go on as usual and the govt will give a very satisfying statement on the missing people.that is the narrow gate and the narrow path.that is the unleavened bread,the white garment. 

May the lord help us to get rid of the yeast in our life.we have no time to try things.

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