Rebuilding Nero’s Palace/Saturday June 23, 2012

 I know I am on a break but I had to give you this news concerning Nero's Palace.



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Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 17 show us the last world Empire to rule the world at the time Jesus Christ returns will be a revived Roman Empire.  The European Union is the Western leg of the Old Roman Empire.  I find it interesting that Italy is in the process of rebuilding Nero’s Palace.   I am sure some may say that the palace is being rebuilt for when the Antichrist takes control of this revived Roman Empire.  Everyone who has studied about the first Roman Empire know that Nero had his heart set on killing all the Christians. Those who know God's Word know that the Antichrist aim will again be focused on the Christians.  However, during the last 3 and a half years of the 7 year tribulation the Antichrist will attack anyone who doesn't worship him and do not take his mark.  The Discovery News stated, “Notorious for being a cruel megalomaniac tyrant who persecuted early Christians, had his stepbrother, two of his wives and even his own mother murdered, Rome's fifth emperor, Nero, has never been held dear in Roman history.”Discovery News

Do I think the Antichrist may choose to live in Nero's Palace?  Anything is possible. The only way people will find this answer is if they are left behind after the Lord removes His Chrurch.  For those who are left behind they will find out exactly where the Antichrist is living. 

Nero's Palace: Terror in the Lap of Luxury




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