RESTING/Message From Amy on the Coming Psalm 83 WAR/Pastor Fiaz in accident/June 19, 2012



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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 14, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

In 36 years of my ministry I have never taken more than a week off. Recently the Lord has shown me that it is time I pull back and rest, a real rest.  As a result of getting confirmation that I do need to take time off, I have finally entered all the new material I have for my newest up-dated edition of my book.  You have no idea how hard it is going to be to take a real rest. All I have ever known since receiving Jesus as my Lord was to press on in the Lord's work.

I thank the Lord for my close Brothers and Sisters in the Lord who have seen up close that I need time off and have asked me to rest.  Trust me when I say I will miss you all while taking time, real time with Christ. I am sure my wife will be very happy to have me around and focus my attention on her.  My heart and prays will not leave any of you as I love all who the Lord has allowed me to share His Words and His warnings.  The only way I will write anything or, make another video during my break will be if I see major signs Israel is about to be attacked again which, I believe will lead to the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war.

God Bless

See you in a month if God will's



Prophecy Sign:1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”


FROM AMY: We have some rocket firing going on between Israel, Gaza & Egypt.  All the information will be on the update.  To re-cap:  On Saturday, during the Egyptian elections, rockets were fired from the Sinai.  The IDF moved some tanks closer to the boarder.  Then on Monday, some Egyptians snuck across the boarder and killed some construction workers.  This morning an Al Qaeda group called Mujahedeen Shura Council of Jerusalem took credit. This morning, Hamas hit them with 17 missiles.  The situation is on-going.  If any other countries become involved or this escalates past today, I will let you know ASAP 🙂

In Jesus- Amy



Frank's warning on June 13, 2011 concerning who would win Egypt's election and why.

"Most people watching the signs of the last days couldn’t figure out how Egypt would come into play as one of the nations who are to attack Israel.  I kept wondering myself what is going to happen that will cause Egypt to break off their peace treaty with Israel, which they both put in place in 1979?  As of June, 2011, we no longer have to guess, because we have seen how the break up has occurred, and we see the tensions mounting between Israel and Egypt.   In January of 2011, when I saw the riots against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, I warned everyone at my prophecy site to watch for the Muslim Brotherhood to make moves to take power.  Unlike Mubarak, who was friends with Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood would make moves to destroy Israel.  When the riots first broke out the Muslim Brotherhood told the world they would not seek to take power in Egypt, but just as I warned, that is exactly what they are up to.  I quote, “A senior member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said he would run for president as an independent, a move that could draw votes from backers of the Islamist group that has said it will not field a candidate. Secular groups, and the West, are concerned about how much power the Brotherhood may gain after the first elections since the toppling of president Hosni Mubarak. Decades of authoritarian rule, has curbed the development of potential rivals” ( May 13, 2011).  If after all the information I have given you showing God’s warning about Egypt  doesn’t convince you,  maybe these next few reports will cause you to see the Lord’s truth concerning these matters of the future."

Frank's Warning comes to pass June 18, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood supporters celebrate Egyptian election (win – video)

Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood celebrate in Tahrir Square, Cairo – the centre of last year's
revolution – after the party's presidential candidate, Mohamed Morsi, claimed victory in the runoff with 51.8% of the vote. Supporters said the moment marked the transfer of power from the military to civilians


IDF tanks move closer to Egypt border,7340,L-4243969,00.html


Hamas renews rocket fire from Gaza; 23 missiles explode in southern Israel


*IDF: Terrorists killed in Gaza fired rocket at Negev The terrorists who were killed during an Israel AirForce strike in Gaza Monday evening were behind the launching of a rockettowards the Negev region earlier in the day. June 18, 2012,7340,L-4244165,00.html *Rocket explodes in Sderot (9:46 pm) June 18, 2012,7340,L-4244177,00.html

*IAF attacks terrorists near Gaza fence (12:56am)

*4 rockets fired at Ashkelon area (7:08am)

*4 Qassams land in Eshkol Regional Council (2:45pm)

Amy’sComment: On the map below, the Eshkol Region runs fromthe border of Gaza down to Beersheba.

*IDF instructs Eshkol Regional Council to enter fortified spaces(2:57pm)

*2 Qassams explode in south (3:19pm) *IAF attacks target in Gaza Strip (3:23pm) *3 Qassams hit Negev (4:37pm)

*Gaza rocket hits Hof Ashkelon RegionalCouncil (6:33pm)

*5 rockets explode in Negev (6:40pm) *IDF nabs Palestinian carrying 3 pipe bombs (7:04pm)

*2 rockets land in Sdot Negev (7:31pm) *2 rockets hit western Negev (7:59pm) June 19, 2012,7340,L-4244222,00.html,7340,L-4244251,00.html,7340,L-4244493,00.html,7340,L-4244521,00.html,7340,L-4244531,00.html,7340,L-4244535,00.html,7340,L-4244571,00.html,7340,L-4244639,00.html,7340,L-4244644,00.html,7340,L-4244655,00.html,7340,L-4244661,00.html,7340,L-4244671,00.html

Amy’s Comment:I like YNet since it has minute by minute updates; however these areother news sources that have more condensed stories:,2506,L-4244543,00.html

*Israel rushes to complete 229-kilometer fence along Egypt border Israel has accelerated efforts to complete its security barrier along the border with Egypt. Officials said the Defense Ministry has ordered round-the-clock work to finish the 229-kilometer border fence with Egypt. The officials said more than 180 kilometers of the barrier have been completed, with the remaining construction expected to finish by October. “We’re racing against the clock, improving techniques as we work all night in some instances,” Bezalel Treiber, head ofthe Defense Ministry project, said. June 19, 2012


Blessing from the Lord

One thing about your book is that it is very detailed and up to date with the current world events pointing to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I can't compare this book to any other l have read on Eschatology. Am a teacher of a bible college here in Eldoret. Your book is a great blessing to my students both at school and for their personal nourishment.

I have used it to preach in churches and colleges. The results have been awesome. A number have given their lives to Jesus. I intent to use it a lot as l speak to high school and university students this July and August.

You are a gift to the body of Christ.

God bless you.

Enock Burudi(Pastor)




Satan trying to stop Pastor Fiaz's work in Pakistan would you like to help? Pray for fast recovery!

Message from Pastor FIAZ ANWAR
Today my friend and  I were going to preach in Ghondalwala. I was riding the bike. I was going in speed. And I can't understand there is sand on road. When we reach on sand our bike slipped. We are normally injured. And bike head light and right indicates has broken. I can't understand why this happen. We came from house with prayer. Please keep me, bike and all road in your prayers. Your brother Fiaz
Thank you very much dear sister for your prayers. I know this was enemy work. Enemy doesn't  want me to work for God. But I fight with him with help of Christ. Christ is with me, I can overcome him. There is pain in my right leg and also hand. When bike fall it fall in right side.  Today I will go to Dr. I have spent 7 dollars on head light and indicator. But thanks God all other things like projector and computer are ok. Always keep me in your prayer.




Photo below is of Olson Dormeille.

DiMora Ministry helping in Uganda with Olson Dormeille caretaker of orphange in Haiti.. Please pray the Lord touches the hearts so we can keep feeding and Leading many to Christ in Uganda. We are sending food, Bibles, and my books to not only feed the body but to feed the spirit. 


DiMora Ministry is growing and the needs are many. I pray the Lord touches your hearts to help. Ascent Ministry and, DiMora Ministry have teamed up to do the work of the Lord.

BeansBeans for the kids in Uganda.

Download List of Pastors 2012 June


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