More Prophecy News For Aug. 29, 2013 (Obama & Pot)


Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug’s. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are.

 Headline: U.S. allows states to legalize recreational marijuana within limits
Drugs1 Many years ago I warned my wife we are going to see the day when drugs are made legal. Little by lttle that is exactly what we are witnessing. I want to thank President Obama for again showing us his true colors and, I don’t mean his skin color. What I am talking about is who he really is inside. This is the part that Christ is looking at and, it has become clear the man who claimed to be a Christian it not. The true followers of Christ would never do the things Obama has done. Besides working to divide up Israel he is bringing about a society much like Jesus warned about concerning Noah’s and Lot’s generation. Christ warned us in the Revelation our generation would be seen as the drug generation. We can see this from reading Rev. 9:21. Today we learned Obama is at it again. This time making it that much easier for people to some pot. The fact is we are all going to have to face Jesus for the things we do in this life. At this point knowing and seeing how Obama keeps doing the exact opposite of what is taught in the Bible I would not want to be in his shoes when he faces the judge! None of us should be surpurised to see the laws changed! As I said, I was expecting this to happen and now that we see this take place it is another sign from God’s word that we are moving quickly toward the beginning of the tribulation.
A man lights his pipe at the 4-20 pro-marijuana rally in Civic Center Park in downtown Denver April 20, 2013. REUTERS-Rick WilkingRussell Diercks smokes a half marijuana and tobacco joint inside of Frankie Sports Bar and Grill in Olympia, Washington in this file photo taken December 9, 2012. REUTERS-Nick Adams-FilesHu Barney (C), smokes a joint during 420Fest at the Luxe Nightclub in Seattle, Washington in this file photo April 20, 2013. REUTERS-Nick Adams-Files
1 of 4. A man lights his pipe at the 4/20 pro-marijuana rally in Civic Center Park in downtown Denver April 20, 2013.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In a move marijuana advocates hailed as a historic shift, the Obama administration on Thursday began giving U.S. states wide leeway to experiment with pot legalization and started by letting Colorado and Washington carry out new laws permitting recreational use.The Justice Department said it would refocus marijuana enforcement nationwide by bringing criminal charges only in eight defined areas – such as distribution to minors – and giving breathing room to users, growers and related businesses that have feared prosecution.The decisions end nearly a year of deliberation inside President Barack Obama’s administration about how to react to the growing movement for relaxed U.S. marijuana laws.Advocates for legalization welcomed the announcement as a major step toward ending what they called “marijuana prohibition.””Today’s announcement demonstrates the sort of political vision and foresight from the White House we’ve been seeking for a long time,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, an advocacy group

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