Working for Christ in Africa/April 18, 2012


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Ministry up-date: Once again I am honored to have received this photo from Pastor Titus in Kenya. I am doing all that I can to help Pastor Titus and, Pastor Wekesa along with many other Pastors in Africa that the Lord has given me to help. I am truly humbled to find out they named a Church after my ministry. I am even more humbled knowing these man are using my work for Christ to lead many to Salvation. If the Lord leads you to help in helping spread the Word in Africa please contact Timothy Moore at this email: We are providing Bibles, my book, The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth, and whatever else these men of God are in the need for. Timothy will assure you 100% goes to these Pastors! May I ask all of you who are walking in Christ and keeping on the watch to please pray for these pastors as they do the work in the field to bring Salvation to many who have not yet heard the Good News.


Brother Frank,

Please be in prayer for this crusade. We have forwarded them funds for a team of about 15. They will be doing house to house ministry during the day and service in the afternoon. I know God is going to do a great work there. I am expecting to see many saved, healed and delivered. I believe the Lord has really shown them that there is little time left to preach the gospel. His return is near, even at the door!


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