Increase in knowledge/Another huge quake/Headed for India/April 17, 2012


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora



Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:3 The Lord told Daniel the last generation would be known for their increase in knowledge. Here is an example of what our generation has given us.



Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 the Lord told us that one of the last days signs would be "great earthquakes".  I hope you have been watching the news lately because we are in the midst of some huge quakes. There was another big quake today.

SANTIAGO, Chile –  A strong magnitude-6.7 earthquake shook central Chile late Monday, prompting authorities to order the evacuation of a stretch of coastline and causing hundreds of people in the capital to flee buildings in panic. There were no reports of major damage, but authorities in the port city of Valparaiso said a 72-year-old man died of a heart attack during the quake. The earthquake was felt for almost a minute in Valparaiso and the capital, Santiago. The U.S. Geological Survey initially put the quake's magnitude at 6.5 but later raised it to 6.7. Its epicenter was 26 miles northeast of Valparaiso, and it had a depth of 23 miles. It struck just minutes before midnight local time   

Luke 21: 26-
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

 Not only was there a 6.7 quake today but look at some of the other quakes that are very strong quakes.

MAP  6.2   2012/04/17 19:03:55   -59.099    -16.693  1.0   EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
MAP  5.6   2012/04/17 08:51:26   -31.785   -177.286  15.1   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.8   2012/04/17 07:13:50    -5.474    147.097  208.2   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.1   2012/04/17 04:03:17   -32.630    -71.620  36.6   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP  6.7   2012/04/17 03:50:17   -32.701    -71.484  37.0   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2012/04/17 03:24:25    5.362    94.626  41.7   NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA

More news from the Chucks desk. I have some things here that you've got to see if you haven't already.   These are the some of the most exciting days I've ever experienced in my whole entire life.  Bible prophecy is literally jumping off the pages and manifesting itself in our daily news outlets.   The birth pangs (Matt 24:8) are really picking up!!  It's so easy to see why Paul wrote that "the day" wouldn't overtake us like a thief if we are watching and remaining sober (1 Thess 5:4-6).  How is it possible for someone who is watching, as you and I and many others are doing, to not see that something of major prophetic importance is getting ready to take place.  One would have to be as blind as a bat not to see it!
I watched your update today and you hit it right on the head with the birth pangs.  And then I thought I should send you these things so that you can share them with others if you'd like.  What makes it even more exciting is that it isn't just one or even two people who are talking about Ezekiel 38 and the Rapture of the Church but it's coming from all directions!  Every endtime teacher/scholar and watchman out there is saying the same exact thing about Ezekiel 38 and the signs in the sun, moon and stars.  You can't even put your finger on just one sign because they're all coming together!  
2012 Something is Going On!
Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 15, 2012
The Hal Lindsey Report – April 13, 2012
Northern Invaders


Anyone who comes to my site knows I do not ask anyone for funds for  my ministry.  When I see someone I know who is in the ministry that is a man after the Lord's own heart like David was, and he is in need of help to carry out his commission for the Lord, I want to do what I can to make his needs known. 

Picture of Anslem Gunawickremas my Friend and partner in the Lord's work.

Anslem Gunawickrema and I meet every Tuesday for prayer and, I have seen how the Lord has blessed his work for Him.  If anyone is lead to help Anslem reach many people in India please contact him. The email below is from Anslem.

Subject: Help For Bangladesh

Trust This mail finds you doing well?
I'm Taking a missions trip to Bangladesh this coming july and i'm really excited about the oppernity to share God's Word and Love with the People..  I'll be visiting Sri Lanka in June and taking off to Bangladesh from there and return to SL and be back in USA in August
I'm believing God to take some support (financial) to extend the love of God and encourage them in their Faith. I'll be working through the Nazarene Church in Bangladesh and they do a lot of humanitarian work to reach out to people. To name a few, Feeding the poor, Taking care of poor mum's and educating them with the basics to earn a living.,providing shelter for them, Education for children and feeding them during school hrs. (for some, that's the only meal they get) buying domestic animals for families like, cows/goat's etc., Building houses/bath rooms (above pictures are the types of houses they build).
Costs are
400$ to build a house
75$ to build a bathroom
150 for a cow
75 for goat
10$ dozen of chicks
40$ feed a child for a month…
I would like you to consider to partner with me in this project in any form (Amount) you can and i'm sure your donation will make a difference in some one's life. Put a smile. feed a hungry stomach. And when we do so in the Name of the Lord, Jesus said "You did it to me (HIM)" What an awesome opportunity to minister to the Lord and the reward is even Greater!. Pls pray and seek God how you can be part of this.
When I confirmed to them I'm coming to Bangladesh, I did not have any money with me, but God miraculously  did provide $3500/- for take care of my rent and for the ticket to Bangladesh and back. PTL. I'm Sure with you standing with me, We can make it happen. I'm also believing for some funds for my living expenses in Bangladesh for travelling,stay etc..
All your Donations will be Tax deductable and pls write your cheques to "Trinity Church of the Nazarene" Bangladesh Fund and mail to reach me before and of May. The Church will sent your receipts in Due time.(Pls make sure to include your mailing address) If you are supporting me with my expenses, The church can not give you a tax deductable receipt, but Im praying God will reward to 100 fold as he promises in his word. For me "Anslem Gunawickrema"
Pls note my mailing address,
Anslem Gunawickrema
226 B, North C Street
Lompoc. 93436
805 294 0048
I'm so great full that I can trust you and share with you my passion in helping and reaching out to people and thank you in advance for your support in Prayers and Financial support. I will give a a details feedback when I return from the trip in August.

Thank you.
God Bless you


I will be giving Anslem some of my books to take with him to India and I know the Lord will do some great things through Anslem as he is one of the boldest people for the Lord that I know.  Frank



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