Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora for March 2, 2012


This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 3:1-4 Perilous Times and Perilous Men

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

Just how bad are the hearts of men becoming?  Take a look at this news!

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21: 25 roaring of the seas and waves (storms). If you read my book concerning huge storms that hit this time last year you will see this new year has again started off the same way.

 A car crosses a flooded causeway outside the town of Tumut, AustraliaHundreds evacuated as flood waters hit New South Wales

Sydney has experienced one of its wettest summers in decades and the rain has continued to fall at the start of autumn, leaving the city's biggest dam Warragamba set to overflow and vast areas of the state drenched. Among the worst affected areas is the town of Goulburn, close to the national capital Canberra, which despite being at risk of having no drinking water just six years ago, is now experiencing flooding.

Tornado Risk Analysis Model has gone the highest value for Friday Tornado Outbreak

From Report: "Friday's severe weather setup could contain long tracking violent tornadoes across the Ohio and Tennessee River Valley zones, into the Southern Gulf States."

 Keep in mind what Jesus said about how the last days signs would be seen? 

For nation [ethnos] shall rise against nation, and kingdom [basileia] against kingdom: and there shall be famines [limos], and pestilences [loimos], and earthquakes [seismos], in divers places. All these are the beginning of birth pains (Matthew 24:7-8).

The Greek words which identify the beginning signs:

ethnos: G1484 – ethnic group, as in tribal or civil war

basileia:G932 – kingdom with a king or ruler, a nation

limos: G3042 – famine

loimos: G3061 – pestilence, plague or pandemic

seismos: G4578 – commotion, a shaking to and fro of air, land or sea.

air: a gale, hurricane, tornado, typhoon or cyclone.

land: an earthquake, volcanic eruptions.

water: a tsunami, tidal wave

Now that you know exactly what Christ has warned us concerning these birth pains, let's visit this next report which shows us what direction we are headed concerning the last days signs of the roaring of the seas and waves.

The upcoming spring.
No one can accurately predict the numbers of tornadoes or casualties storms may cause this spring. We have already had more severe weather than we did last year. Take a look at the map below which shows the locations of reported tornadoes (red), wind damage (blue) and hail (green).


The information you read up to this point was taken before this next set of huge storms hit.

Four reported killed in Indiana as tornadoes sweep Midwest, South

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Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13: 16-17 is often the most talked about scriptures. Most people don't believe that one man can and will rule the entire world, but that is not what Jesus shows us in these verses.  Jesus makes it very clear that the Antichrist will be controlling what you can buy or sell during the final days prior to the Lord's second coming.  How are you going to eat anything if you can't buy or sell anything?  If you don't have money how are you going to get your food?  If you don't believe Jesus is the Savior and you therefore reject His free gift of salvation you will be one of the people who will be left behind when Christ removes His Church.  If this is where you are right now let me give you some advice, (you better start reading books on how to live off the land while people are hunting you down). If you are caught without the Antichrist's mark in your hand or forehead you will be given the chance to take it or refuse it.  If you take it you have sealed your eternity in hell! If you reject the mark of the Antichrist you will lose your head but at least you will enter into the Lord's Kingdom in heaven. (See Revelation 20:4)

At a time when we are witnessing all the last days signs that Jesus told us to look for do you think all the recent talk about global governance is just a coincidence?  Did any of you read what the former Communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev said not long ago?  Gorbachev "told an audience at Lafayette College on Wednesday night that the United States’ economic problems heralded the need for a new American “perestroika,” defined by a “new world order” and a system of “global governance”.


So here we go again, another report on global governance that is dealing with the food and water problems facing our world.

 UNEP Foresight Report.JPGUN to propose planetary regulations of water, food
"An environmental report issued by an agency of the United Nations last month has some critics sounding the alarm, saying it is a clarion call for "global governance" over how the Earth is managed."

Considering what Jesus has shown us in the Book of Revelation where we see the masses starving, and thirsty do you suppose the talk about global governance over food and water is pointing to fulfillment of Christ's warnings?  You better believe it is!  You had better take a good look again at how much the Earth's weather has changed over the past 10 years.  My book will document all the severe weather, the droughts, the water shortages, all of which have gotten worse over the years.  All I can say is, WAKE UP PEOPLE AND BELIEVE CHRIST'S WARNINGS BECAUSE YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. 

UK Prime Minister David Cameron By REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett

Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus: Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a citie, and it shalbe a ruinous heape. – King James Version (1611).  According to Isaiah and Jerehmiah 49: 24-27 Syria is going to be wiped out.  One of the headlines in the news today is Cameron says Syria will face 'day It is my hope that any of you who do not believe in the Word of God yet will run to Christ when you see this prophecy come to pass. Exactly how this prophecy will go down is unclear because there are many scenarios that could bring this prophecy to fulfillment. One such scenario is that Syria will atttack Israel to try and bring back the Middle East focus on Israel.  This is the leading scenario.  One reason why this is number one is  Syria's President Bashar Assad has stated that if anyoutside force attacks him, he will attack Israel. In any case, the UK leader is pointing to what the Lord has already shown us in His word.

It is my hope that any of you who do not believe in the Word of God yet will run to Christ when you see this prophecy come to pass. Exactly how this prophecy will go down is unclear because there are many scenarios that could bring this prophecy to fulfillment. One such scenario is that Syria will atttack Israel to try and bring back the Middle East focus on Israel.  This is the leading scenario.  One reason why this is number one is  Syria's President Bashar Assad has stated that if anyoutside force attacks him, he will attack Israel. In any case, the UK leader is pointing to what the Lord has already shown us in His word.

"British Prime Minister David Cameron called on Friday for a "day of reckoning" when the Syrian regime would be judged and held responsible for the violence during the year-long uprising against President Bashar Assad. "We need to start collecting the evidence now so that one day, no matter how long it takes, there will be a day of reckoning for this dreadful regime," Cameron told reporters as he arrived for the second day of a summit of EU leaders in Brussels."

Last Netanyahu-Obama meeting before Iran strike?

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war.  Everyone is sitting back waiting to see who is going to make the first move concerning the Iranian nuke problem.  One thing is for sure, the daily news is loaded with rumors of war, and for those who know God's Word it comes as no surprise, because this is one of the signs Jesus told us to look for.  The main question to be asking and watching is this.  Will an Israeli attack on Iran cause the Psalm 83 war to be launched against Israel as Iran's allies, all of which are named in Psalm 83, will act on behalf of Iran?  Jesus also made it clear that in the end times there would be wars. If either Israel or the US attacks Iran could it be the beginning of World War III?  All I can say is, if you aren't ready to meet Jesus today you are already in danger whether an attack happens or not.

The mainstream media this week made much of reports that Israel had refused a request to provide the US with advanced warning of any plans to strike Iran's nuclear facilities. But that may be just what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing as he prepares to depart for Washington this weekend. Some speculate that Monday's White House meeting may be the last face-to-face between Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama before an inevitable Israeli move on Iran. In the run-up to that the meeting, Obama Administration officials are talking tough on Iran, and suggesting that the earlier statement to the effect that the US would not back an Israeli strike were erroneous.

"It's absolutely clear that the president's policy is to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday. Clinton's statement was important in that she emphasized that, like Israel, the US is not willing to wait until Iran is actually building or fielding a nuclear weapon, but rather is determined to prevent Iran from even gaining the capability to do so. Also on Wednesday, US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz revealed to reporters that the US has prepared strike plans of its own, and will likely execute them if Israel goes to war with Iran."

If you are new to Bible prophecy you may not know that Russia is going to play a major role in the Ezekiel 38 war. This is the war that will come after the Psalm 83 war. Russia is going to lead the attack on Israel in this war and they as well as all of Russia's allies will be wiped out in this war. Those of us who know God's word about this coming war understand why Russia has come alongside Syria and Iran. The end times prophecies are taking shape. The final pieces to the last days prophecies are all coming into alignment. It is my prayer that today the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to what is about to happen!

Russian electronic station on Jabal Al Harrah

The Russians have upgraded their Jabal Al Harrah electronic and surveillance station south of Damascus opposite Israel’s Sea of Galilee, adding resources especially tailored to give Tehran early warning of an oncoming US or Israeli attack, debkafile’s US military sources report. Before it was boosted by extra advanced technology and manpower, the station covered civilian and military movements in northern Israel up to Tel Aviv, northern Jordan and western Iraq. Today, its range extends to all parts of Israel and Jordan, the Gulf of Aqaba and northern Saudi Arabia.

Part two of Moscow’s project for extending the range of its Middle East ears and eyes consisted of upgrading the Russian-equipped Syrian radar stationed on Lebanon’s Mount Sannine and connecting it to the Jabal Al Harrah facility in Syria. Russian technicians have completed this project too. Russia is now able to additionally track US and Israeli naval and aerial movements in the Eastern Mediterranean up to and including Cyprus and Greece.

According to our sources, the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kutznetsov’s stayed at the Syrian port of Tartus through most of January and up to mid-February and had the special mission of keeping an eye out for any Israeli preparations for attacking Iran, Syria or Hizballah. It filled the gap left by the Russian station south of Damascus which was fully occupied with feeding data on Syrian opposition movements to Bashar Assad and watching out for signs of foreign intervention, military or covert, against his regime.
The Russian vessel meanwhile followed increased traffic of US drones over Syria keeping track of the Syrian arsenal of missiles with chemical, biological and nerve gas warheads.

Washington disclosed on Feb. 25 that the US State Department had sent out warnings to six countries, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq, to beware of these deadly weapons. It was not clear whether the warning referred to a possible Assad regime’s decision to use WMD against those nations or the danger of their transfer to terrorists embedded within those countries.

More news on Israel and the US concerning a possible attack on Iran

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