A very humble thanks to Jesus Christ from Frank DiMora


This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


From one of my readers: penny andaluz <prettypenelope@gmail.com>


I was blown away by a message I received today from Pastor Joshua wekesa who has just teamed up with the Last Chronicles Ministry team in Kenya.

Dear Prophet of God,
Thank you so much for your invitation letter for me to work with you, it has passed 10 years when God showed me in the vision, last days coming. I saw in the vision the big beast coming with big sword and cut the saints Necks, and behind him there was a very big darkness, and the lord Jesus tells me in that vision that i will preach the Gospel of the last days, then the Rapture will take place, also he gave me the book of Ezekiel 7:1-27. In that vision God tells me that the Silver and Gold will not be able to save people from the Lords wrath. God tells me in the vision that i will give you the Friend from U.S.A and you will join with them to preach the last days Gospel. From that time i was praying God to fulfill this vision, and i thank God know he has fulfilled. Often the prayers for 10 years God allowed me to start the church on Aug 2010 in Cheptais Mt Elgon. Last year God gave me the vision to start communication with you, and i saw in the vision we are preaching together as we will never preach again, and their was a big congregation of People. So i thank God to Join you in your Ministry, thank you so much for you to allow me to work with you in your ministry. It was last year when God showed me the Wedding of the Lamp of God taking place, and i was shocked, God tells me that, this is the right time for me to preach, because i have no other time. God Bless you and thank you so much again to allow me to work with you in this last time. Amen.
Pastor Joshua

Pastor Joshua wekesa email if you are lead to encourage him in his work for Christ. jwekesa07@yahoo.com

Photo Below is Pastor Joshua with my book and handing out Bibles.Picture 

FRANK!! FRANK!!!—- OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am getting spiritual goosebumps all over as I read the email from
Pastor Joshua!!!!!!!!

One thing I know is that Christians in other countries and especially
poor, poor countries, have an enormous faith  in God. They are often
targets of threats, daily harassment, beatings and murder for their
faith…and they KNOW this going in. But still they choose to love and
serve the Lord.

His dream BLEW me away !!!!  Dreams, plural!!! And that God keeps
updating him…and that he found you and you found him!!!!!!!
Frank , you are one of the quietest men of God around in some ways,
but in other ways you are BLAZING  a trail in these end days, without
any fanfare…but LOOK what the Lord is doing!!!!!!!!!!!

He brought you all together and prophecies are being fulfilled to
preach the gospel in all the world!!!
He brought you together to bring about the fulfillment of these dreams !!!!!!!!

Frank , I'd like to know if you've had any dreams over the years that
you have not shared that might be an encouragement to your readers?

WOW- can you make a fast you tube video about your ministry in a brief
nutshell  ( because people do not have very big attention spans
anymore! ) and  how you have partnered with these people and what they
have done through the Lords' blessings and share this recent email????
 Because it is SOOOO prophetic and gives such an update about the
SHORTNESS of the TIME we have left!!!!!!!  We could all be amazed at
the response  to such a youtube video and at the corresponding dreams
and visions that  others would let us know they have had that would be
confirmation of Pastor Joshuas' dreams..!!!

It is so interesting- I have been fasting 3-4 days and each night I
asked the Lord to show me when He was coming , not an exact date, but
a month , a year, or the season, like spring or fall. I woke up and
went to check emails and your post and the new earthquake lists and
this email from P.Joshua was there…talk about the lateness of the
hour!!!!!!! Is that my answer???

Oh, Frank!!! I am going to forward your email to more people that
usual and keep my prayers going!! I am very poor in the eyes of the
world , but I will start sending you $1.00 a month.  It is so
little…but I will mail it out as soon as I get the correct address.
I want you to put in your newsletter  ONLY you want to ) that a reader
is doing this , based on the lateness of the hour  , Pastor Joshuas'
message and the hard-working believers the Lord himself has teamed up
with you and that if each person that felt led to do so would send
$1.oo a month, there would be more books sent quickly to the brave new
Pastors!!!!! What do you think?

I know you NEVER ask for money and are careful and gracious about
that. But this is coming from me, a reader. I only pray the Lord would
flood me with more money so I can
send MORE !!!
I will tell you what- I am going out today to try to sell some things
to make some gas and food and car repair money. I will tithe 10% of
whatever the Lord blesses me with to you for this ministry!!!!! I am
really excited ,Frank !
I have supported Davey Wilkerson and the Times Square Church for a
long time , a few other int'l. ones and several local charities and a
mission. I only have a "widows' mite" but Jesus knows it comes from
joy and the desire to bless others , as I have been blessed. So I will
add your ministry to the list of legitimate places I give to.

Ok, Frank – I will make haste to go sell and ask the Lord to overflow
it today and let's see what miracles occur!

I apologize for the all-caps  but I am sooo excited , Frank!!!!!!
Penny 🙂


New Address: Ascent Ministries, C/O Timothy Moore, 824 West Granite, Siloam Springs AR 72761

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