Will A currency reset take place? Prophecy News Saturday Dec. 7, 2013

Lindsey Williams on Goldseek Radio with Chris Waltzek – 4th December 2013 by ConspiracyMoviesOrg Lindsey Williams on GoldSeek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek on 4th December 2013 talking about a global currency reset that if the Elite have their way will take place within 90 days. He confirms this is not the collapse or a devaluation of the American dollar, but it will cause the dollar to lose its world reserve status. This will be the biggest financial event in the last 1,000 years from the prespective of Pastor Williams’ Elite friends. Every person on the globe will be affected. 204 nations have agreed with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to revalue their currencies to within 3 to 5% of each other based upon the assets of each country. This will end the currency wars and give the New World Order full control with a new gold backed currency. it will mean the US dollar will be reset down by 30% of its current value. He says that bank holidays are still another year off and that 30-50% of private, state and federal retirement funds are to be nationalised and/or confiscated between now and then. Pastor Williams also discusses the main reason for the dumbing down of America is the smart meter microwave technology being installed in every home, implemented to prevent people revolting over what the Elite are about to do with them. Lindsey Williams verified this information with research from Barrie Trower, a former microwave weapons expert. Lindsey also refers to an IMF meeting held on 9th October 2013, the minutes of which were recently released. The report is called “Taxing Times”. In this report the IMF recommends the USA does the following: Increase taxes; New capital controls; Sieze retirement funds and Bring the national debt down to pre-banking crisis 2007 levels. You can download the report here: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fm/2013/02/pdf/fm1302.pdf

Pastor Lindsey Williams also says to watch the news carefully over the next three months. He said that when you see that his source was right about the global currency reset, you will conclude that his Elite friend is also right about everything else too, including smart meters and what they are doing to our brains. Lindsey Williams repeats again to get out of paper assets at all costs. He announces his new DVD “Global Currency Reset” that is now available at Prophecy Club. It is available for express shipment now: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/global-currency-reset-dvd Chris Waltzek’s show can be listened to at the GoldSeek Radio website: http://www.goldseek.com


New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is sending out letters telling gun owners to turn over their rifles and shotguns — or else face the consequences. New York City’s ban on rifles and shotguns that hold more than five rounds is now being enforced, according to a letter the NYPD is sending out to targeted city gun owners   4.8

Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Central Oklahoma It was felt as far south as Wichita Falls, Texas, and as far north as Wichita, Kansas, Caruso said.   IRS Floats Rule Changes to Tip 2014 Elections The Internal Revenue Service quietly proposed new regulations aimed at 501(c)(4) organizations during the Thanksgiving recess that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, called “a crass political effort by the Administration to get what political advantage they can, when they can.”  

WTO agrees global trade deal worth $1tn Ministers from 159 countries have reached a deal intended to boost global trade at a meeting in Bali, Indonesia. The World Trade Organization’s first comprehensive agreement involves an effort to simplify the procedures for doing business across borders. There will also be improved duty-free access for goods sold by the world’s poorest countries.  

Syria conflict: Foreign jihadists ‘use Turkey safe houses’ Foreign jihadist fighters are using safe houses in southern Turkey to cross into Syria to fight against government forces, the BBC has learnt. A man running one such house near the border town of Reyhanli said more than 150 people – including up to 20 Britons – had used it in the past three months.

 US war veteran Merrill Newman released by North Korea North Korea has deported a US veteran of the Korean War who had been detained in the country since October. State news agency KCNA says Merrill Newman was expelled on “humanitarian grounds” after confessing to “crimes” in the 1950-53 war and “apologising”. Mr Newman, 85, had been held on charges of “hostile acts” against the North, while visiting as a tourist.  

Egypt’s police, ousted Morsi supporters clash Egyptian security forces fired tear gas Friday during clashes with rock-throwing supporters of the ousted Islamist president demonstrating in several districts across the country, officials said.  

Syrian nuns taken by rebels appear in video A group of Syrian Greek Orthodox nuns reportedly seized by rebels from a convent near Damascus denied in a video broadcast Friday that they had been kidnapped and said they were being held in a safe place.  

Israel refuses to compromise on Jordan Valley security Israel’s deputy defence minister ruled out Thursday any compromise on security in the Jordan Valley as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held security talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry. “The Americans are proposing joint control over the crossing points (into Jordan),” Danny Danon told Israel’s army radio.  

Syrian government accused of new poison gas attack Syria has been accused of using poison gas to attack a rebel-held town, despite agreeing to dismantle its chemical weapons and production facilities earlier this year, reports Reuters. Activists opposing the Assad regime tell Reuters that they found victims in the town Nabak who had swollen limbs and were foaming at the mouth.

  Killing Of Hezbollah Commander Leaves Group Without Military Mastermind The assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan al-Laqis by a small Sunni group this week has eliminated an effective and high-ranking operative who helped supply some of the most advanced military needs for the Shiite militia.  

06 Dec 13 Pope Francis at Mass: Praying is a bit like “annoying” God Pope Francis spoke on the theme of prayer on Thursday, saying when we pray it’s a bit like annoying God so that he listens to us. His remarks came during his homily at the morning mass in the Santa Marta guesthouse.  

White House Throws Staffers Under The Bus To Shield President From Kenyan Uncle Omar Bombshell On Thursday, The Boston Globe reported that Obama said he did live with his Kenyan uncle, Onyango “Omar” Obama, for three weeks just before young Barack began his career as a Harvard Law student. The White House had told the press in 2011 that the President had never met the man. That was an inadvertent lack of diligence on the part of Obama’s staff, said Press Secretary Jay Carney Thursday. “Back when this arose, [White House staff] looked at the record, including the President’s [autobiographical] book, and there was no evidence that they had met,” Carney said.  

Winter Storm Cleon: Snow, Ice from Plains to Northeast the third named winter storm of the 2013-14 season, has already dumped a swath of locally heavy snow from the Rockies to the Upper Midwest, and a stripe of snow, sleet and freezing rain from the Southern Plains to the Ohio Valley. Now, Cleon is delivering its final wintry punch – a significant swath of snow and ice from the Southern Plains to the Ohio Valley and interior Northeast as we close out the workweek.  

‘FSA’ says won’t attend Geneva talks In an interview with Press TV, Louay al-Mokdad, a spokesman for the so-called Free Syrian Army, said the group will not attend the Geneva talks unless the international community “gives guarantees” that President Bashar al-Assad will step down.  

Report: Scientists predict a century of global cooling Better start investing in some warm clothes because German scientists are predicting that the Earth will cool over the next century. German scientists found that two naturally occurring cycles will combine to lower global temperatures during the 21st century, eventually dropping to levels corresponding with the “little ice age” of 1870.  

NSA considered ‘unilateral spying’ on Australia, Canada, NZ citizens The NSA was prepared to secretly collect data on citizens of Australia, Canada and New Zealand – without the knowledge or consent of their governments, and despite the ‘Five Eyes’ joint spying program with those countries, a Snowden leak reveals.  

Sudan Reports Widespread Yellow Fever Outbreak, 14 Dead A total of 44 suspected cases and 14 deaths have been reported from October 3 to November 24, 2013 in the localities of Lagawa, Kailak, Muglad and Abyei in West Kordofan and Elreef Alshargi, Abu Gibaiha, Ghadir, Habila, Kadugli, Altadamon, Talodi and Aliri in South Kordofan.  


Kerry: We are closer to peace than we have been in years Kerry made his remarks at Ben-Gurion international Airport outside of Tel Aviv before taking off from Israel, after three meetings with Netanyahu and one with Abbas over the last two days.


  UPDATE 4-Hurricane-force winds wreak havoc in Britain, head to Europe Hurricane-force Storm Xaver blasted towards mainland Europe on Thursday after cutting transport and power in northern Britain and killing three people in what meteorologists warned could be the worst storm to hit the continent in years. British authorities said the Thames Barrier, designed to protect London from flooding during exceptional tides, would shut on Thursday night and warned of “the most serious coastal tidal surge for over 60 years in England”. Prime Minister David Cameron called two emergency meetings to discuss strategy.  

One of the Worst Ice Storms in Years to Unfold From Texas to Kentucky An ice storm will affect millions of people into Friday and threaten to cut power for hundreds of thousands from northern Texas to western Kentucky. Travel by vehicle or foot will be dangerous during and after the storm, due to icy roads and falling trees and power lines.

  Colima volcano (Western Mexico) activity update: explosions and lava flows Activity remains elevated. Strombolian-type explosions and lava flows / glowing lava avalanches on the upper slope continue.  

Al-Qaeda claims attack on Yemen defence ministry Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has said it was behind an attack on Yemen’s defence ministry on Thursday that left 52 people dead. The group’s media arm, al-Malahim, said the ministry complex in Sanaa had been targeted because US unmanned drones were being operated from there. The attack saw a suicide bomber ram an explosives-filled car into the main gate before gunmen launched an assault.  

Tidal surge hits east UK coastal towns after storm The tidal surge which hit the east coast of Britain has been described as the “most serious” for 60 years. Thousands were forced to abandon their homes as tides in parts of the North Sea reached higher levels than the devastating floods of 1953. Flood waters have receded in many areas but authorities are warning that high tides later on Friday could cause further damage.  

France goes to war in Africa to ‘save lives’ French President Francois Hollande has announced another military intervention in Africa, but plans to deploy an EU battle group are unlikely to go ahead. “This operation will be swift, it does not have the vocation to last long,” he said on Thursday (5 December) on plans to send soldiers to the Central African Republic (CAR).  

Hezbollah threatens to retaliate against Israel for assassination A Lebanese newspaper reported on Thursday that Hezbollah blames Israel for the assassination of Hassan al-Laqqis and will respond. Ibrahim al-Amin, editor-in-chief of the Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar, which tends to support the “axis of resistance” of Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, stated in an article titled “Hezbollah will respond” that all signs point to Israel for the assassination.  

Egypt reportedly to declare Muslim Brotherhood ‘terrorist organization’ Egyptian media reported Thursday that the government is preparing to deem the Muslim Brotherhood “a terrorist organization,” as pro-Morsi organizations sent out a call for protests to be held over the weekend. The Egyptian El-Watan newspaper …reported that interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi discussed in a closed meeting with a number of ministers a detailed directive that declares the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.  

A tale of two Kerrys The John Kerry that Israelis saw deliver a statement to the press following his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday was not the John Kerry that they saw a short month ago… That Kerry…was the Kerry threatening Israel with a third intifada if the talks with the Palestinians collapsed.

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