Israel loses Ariel Sharon now what?


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 Last week I put up a post giving an up-date on what the Chief Rabbi in all of Israel stated about Jesus Chtist.  If you watch the first part of my  video below I made last week you will learn why I gave the up-date about Kaduri.  The picture below is a photo of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri.  As you will see form the news today Ariel Sharon died today!  What could this mean?  There are two groups of people coming up with their oppinions. The first group will look at what has happened and say it is possible that Kaduri was visited by Christ in a dream and was told by Chirst He was the Messiah. This group will keep in mind that the Bible does say that in the last days old men will dream dreams.  Rabbi Kaduri was 108 years old when he said Jesus came to him in a dream.  Jesus came to Paul to reveal He was the Christ and Paul was a devaut Jew who lead because of his work lead many people to the Messiah Jesus.  So why not the Chief Rabbi in all of Israel. What better person to pick to show the world and other Jews that Jesus is in fact the true Messiah and will be coming back soon. This first group will hold on to the teaching of the Bible and believe old men today do have dreams that the Lord has sent. This group will also watch to see if this is a true prophecy. This group will not be closed minded but on the watch keeping in mind that Christ did say in the last days there would come false prophets.  There is a question I would ask.  Would the Chieft Rabbi in all Israel say Jesus is the Messiah if he didn’t believe the dream really came to him by Jesus?  The Rabbi must have been aware that any Jew who heard what he said about Jesus Christ would think he had lost his mind.   This could be the reason why Kaduri gave orders not to release his message until 1 year after his death. 

The second group of people who will hear this news will dismiss it as just another religious story and move on giving no thought that it just may be that Kaduri’s connection to Ariel Sharon may be the truth from the Lord.  Which ever group you find yourself in that fact is that 7 years after Kaduri gave the prophecy Ariel Sharon passed away.  All I can say is this, we all are going to find out if what Kaduri said was true. Keep in mind, Kaduri said Jesus told him when Ariel Sharon dies that will be the sign He would come back soon. 

news_thumb.jpgApril 30, 2007 Israel reported on Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri




Israel loses Ariel Sharon but no love lost from Arabs
Prophetic twist to Sharon’s imminent death

Sharon’s death is of interest to mystics in Israel as well as prophecy buffs around the world because of the prediction byKaduri. Carl Gallups authored the book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” and inspired a movie on the subject of the same name in late 2013. In 2007, Kaduri, the most famous rabbi in Israel’s modern history, at 108 years old, left a cryptic death note revealing the name of the long-awaited Messiah. Within a year after the rabbi’s death, the note was reported to have been verified as authentic by some of Kaduri’s closest followers and then placed on Kaduri’s own website. The purported Kaduri message proclaimed that Messiah’s name was Yehoshua, or Jesus. It shocked the religious world. Shortly thereafter the furor began. The note immediately disappeared from Kaduri’s website. The media refused to report further on the matter.


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