Greeks claim Ark of the Covenant/More sea life dying off/The mega storms/Disease/Nov. 10, 2011

Please check in alittle later as more news will be added to what is already posted today.


There are so many needs that I can not meet.  I am asking you to pray with me to some how get $1,050 to Pastor Brurudi to replace the things that were stolen from him.  Many seats were taken from the Church, and the music equipment also. Here is a email I just got from him.  If you would like to email Pastor Burudi I gave his email address below.  By the way, sh 100,000 is equal to $1, 050 US dollars.


We lost half the seats which were previously 56. Our big challenge however is with the instruments ie amplifier and keyboard which would cost about sh 100,000
God bless you

Enock Burudi <>









Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

                  Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732 Lompoc Ca. 93438


Ark of the Covenant. (FORTEAN PICTURE LIBRARY)

I was sent more news on this find and I hope they are true. I am sure we will hear more about this if in fact it is the truth! I will report more as the news comes in.

As far as I am concerned this news is not 100% for sure!  We may find out that the Ark was not found yet, so let us keep that in the back of our minds until it is confirmed for sure.


More news about this last days one world false church.

“Pope meets with Israeli Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders”

Council of Religious Leaders in Israel delegation visits Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican; group aims to raise awareness of need for interfaith dialogue.

By The Associated Press Tags: Jewish World Nazis Islam

"A delegation of Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Druze religious leaders in Israel met Thursday with Pope Benedict XVI in a high-profile display of their efforts to promote interfaith peace initiatives in the region.

The Council of Religious Leaders in Israel was created in 2007 in Jerusalem to bring together Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders in Israel to raise awareness about the need for interfaith dialogue and cooperation in the Israel."

Pope Benedict XVI meets with Jewish, Muslim, chrisitan leaders - Reuters -  November 20 2011

Pope Benedict XVI (C) poses with members of the Israeli Religious Council during a private meeting at the Vatican, November 10, 2011. Photo by: Reuters

The homeless shelter that Occupy Atlanta protesters have been camping out in has been confirmed for housing two cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis. (credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13 you will find the last days sign of disease.

ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) – The home base for Occupy Atlanta has tested positive for tuberculosis.

The Fulton County Health Department confirmed Wednesday that residents at the homeless shelter where protesters have been occupying have contracted the drug-resistant disease. WGCL reports that a health department spokeswoman said there is a possibility that both Occupy Atlanta protesters and the homeless people in the shelter may still be at risk since tuberculosis is contracted through air contact.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 sign of increase in knowledge. Click to link and watch:

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