Christians attacked again? Something is not right?/ Red flag war signs/Signs in the sky/Nov. 7, 2011


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Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days. If you haven’t received Jesus as your Savior yet you need to understand that the Antichrist is not only going to try and kill off all the Jews, and Christians, but he is also going to try to kill off anyone who does not follow him as a god.  If you have been watching the news over these past few years you would have to have noticed the increase in reports around the world like the one you are about to read.

“ABUJA, NIGERIA (Worthy News)– Islamic militants shouting "Allahu Akbar", or 'Allah is great', carried out coordinated gun and bomb attacks on churches and police stations in northern Nigeria, killing at least 150 people and injuring some 100 others, aid workers and witnesses confirmed Saturday, November 5.  Militant group Boko Haram, or 'Western education is a sin', claimed responsibility for what Nigeria's President leader Goodluck Jonathan described as a "heinous" violence in mainly Damaturu, capital of Yobe state.  Confirmation of the attacks Saturday, November 5,  came as frightened mourners tried to leave their homes to begin burying their dead.  Boko Haram, which seeks strict implementation of Shariah, or Islamic law, across the nation of more than 160 million people, pledged more attacks.  The Red Cross aid group and witnesses said fighting began Friday, November 4, around Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, when a car bomb exploded outside a three-story building used as a military office and barracks, with many uniformed security agents dying in the blasts.  Lieutenant Colonel Hassan Mohammed told reporters that the "suicide" attackers, driving a black sports utility vehicle, detonated their explosives near the gate of the building, used by the Joint Task Force (JTF), the military unit deployed to curb violence there.


Several other police stations, a bank and up to six churches were also attacked, residents and aid workers said. Among areas targeted by militants was the Jerusalem area, a predominantly Christian neighborhood, according to witnesses.”

Andy is my producer from the UK, and I noticed today someone sent me a video he did with Doctor Lynn Marzulli. This video was done earlier this year, but when you watch the video you will notice many of the things they warned about have now come true.  One example of this is, the many quakes that have just hit Oklahoma. Oklahoma is being affected my the New Madrid fault.


Prophecy Sign:  We are now seeing signs of the last wars God warned us about. What are they? They are the Ezekiel 38 war and the Psalm 83 war.  The Psalm war will be first.  If Israel attacks Iran over their nuclear bomb quest it won't turn out to be the Ezekiel war but it could launch the Psalm 83 war.  Today we see more tensions building in the Middle East.

   Nuclear-capable Kh-55 missile

“Tehran: For an Israeli attack, four Iranian missiles would hit a million Israelis”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) new agency Fars headlined a threat Sunday, Nov. 6: Four Iranian missiles can destroy tiny Israel, said the paper in Tehran's first reaction to the flood of conflicting reports about a possible Israel attack on Iran's nuclear sites. However, Iran's leaders are divided on how to assess the seriousness of an Israeli or American threat to their nuclear program and this is reflected in their various media. 

The writer of the Fars story is identified by debkafile's Iranian sources as Saad-allah Zarey, its senior military commentator and a crony of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He stressed that the four missiles capable of causing the Zionist entity a million casualties would be conventional.

According to those sources point that the experiences of the Gulf war show that this number of ordinary missiles could not cause anything like the damage calculated by the writer. What Zarey may be referring to are the stubborn rumors going around Western intelligence circles since early 2005 that during the breakup of the Soviet Union, Tehran laid hands on black market nuclear cruise missiles from the Ukraine and 3 to 5 more from Belarus.”


Condi Rice: 'I Have No Doubt Israel Will Defend Itself Against Iran'

“Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview that nuclear-armed Pakistan is the one place in the world “I worry a lot about.” Rice also says it’s “becoming clearer” to the Obama administration that the United States needs to get tougher with its adversaries after the Iranians “bit off” the hand of friendship that President Barack Obama originally extended. She confides that the “great weight of evidence” indicated that Saddam Hussein was not connected to the 9/11 attacks, and asserts that the Israelis “will defend themselves” if Iran acquires nuclear weapons — while acknowledging that an attack on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities is “easier said than done.”  Go to link and watch her video:

US believes Israel may soon attack Iran

A senior American military official on Friday told CNN that the Obama Administration is "absolutely concerned" that Israel may soon strike Iran's nuclear facilities.

The official insisted that the US itself has no intention of attacking Iran (though other reports suggest otherwise), and said there is no guarantee Israel will notify Washington before launching its own military operation.

Next week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is scheduled to publish a report that all but confirms Iran is building nuclear bombs. Many believe that report will mark the dreaded "point of no return" obligating Israel to use military intervention against the Iranian nuclear program, as did it against Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007.

In an interview with Israel's Channel 2 News on Friday, Israeli President Shimon Peres strongly hinted that Israel is closer than ever to striking Iran, and that the time for diplomatic efforts is nearly over.

"It seems Iran is moving closer to having a nuclear weapon," Peres said. "In the time that remains, we need to turn to the nations of the world and tell them that the time has come to fulfill their promise and their responsibility, which is about more than imposing sanctions. We must do what should be done to stop Iran."


President Bashar al-Assad saluting a crowd outside the governorate building of al-Raqqa, 550 kms northeast of the capital Damascus, after attending the Eid Al-Adha prayer at a mosque in the town One thing is for sure. Syria is named in the Psalm 83 war to join in the attack against Israel.  What you need to be watching for is something that would turn the present civil unrest in Syria around and focus the Arab attention back on to Israel.  What could do this?  If Israel did attack Iran it just might spark the change, and as I said earlier, it could launch the Arab attack on Israel, which if this did happen I firmly believe it would be the start of the Psalm 83 war.

“Arab League warns of disastrous consequences’ for the Middle East after Syria peace plan fails”  “The head of the Arab League warned of "disastrous consequences" for the Middle east on Sunday as the Assad regime heightened fears of civil war in Syria by inflicting a fresh round of bloodshed on its people.”


I don’t think there is any question that the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war are linked to each other even though they are fought at different times.  Iran is a major player in the Middle East now and has their feet in the territories in Israel. We see this for example in the Gaza.”  Iran’s President has been trying for a long time to bring on war between the Arabs and Israel.  He may get what he wishes very soon but the outcome of this war will not be something he will expect.  Israel may be out numbered as they were in the previous wars but they will win as they did in those previous wars. This will tick Iran’s President off and cause the second war, the Ezekiel war.  The bottom line is this. I really don’t think we are going to wait much longer to see the first war break out.   

Islamic Jihad rally“Iran Backs Islamic Jihad’s 8,000-Man Army in Gaza”

Hamas’ rival Islamic Jihad has built an 8,000-man army supported by Iran and “ready for martyrdom or victory. Martyrdom is more desirable." Hamas’ rival Islamic Jihad has built an 8,000-man army supported by Iran and “ready for martyrdom or victory.” “Martyrdom is the more desirable," it says. Its estimate of the number of terrorists trained for war against Israelis the first time Islamic Jihad has disclosed how many fighters it has. "We are proud and honored to say that the Islamic Republic of Iran gives us support and help," Abu Ahmed, the spokesman for Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades told Reuters in a rare interview. He denied that its weapons come from Iran and refused to comment on whether its fighters were trained by Iranians. Israeli intelligence officials previously have said that Hamas and other terrorists often travel to Iran, where Revolutionary Guards teach them. "What I will say is that we have every right to turn to every source of power for help," said Abu Ahmed. He told the interviewer that there is a demand from young people to join Islamic Jihad but that it “can't accept everyone … It is a question of quality, not quantity.”  Concerning Israel’s successful targeting of Islamic Jihad terrorists last week, Abu Ahmed commented, "It is a good feeling to be under drone attack. When we chose the path of resistance, we opted either for martyrdom or victory. Martyrdom is the more desirable.” Islamic Jihad has become more prominent by virtue of its not being in an official political role in Gaza, which officially is governed by Hamas.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (Many earthquakes)

5.6 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Three Earthquakes Shake Central Oklahoma*Oklahoma's largest quake in decades buckles highwayA 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook central Oklahoma late Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. What could be the largest temblor in the state's history damaged homes, shook buildings, caused cracks and rattled a college football stadium 50 miles from the epicenter.  The previous day, authorities said three earthquakes (4.7, 3.4, & 2.7) shook much of central Oklahoma and could be felt as far away as Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas.
Nov. 7, 2011 

*6.3 magnitude earthquake hits PakistanStrong tremors were felt in many parts of Pakistan when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the country on Monday afternoon Nov. 7, 2011 

*5.4 -magnitude quake hits border area of AfghanistanNov. 7, 2011 

*5.0-magnitude quake hits Mindanao, Philippines Nov. 7, 2011 

*5.7 earthquake strikes near Chilean cityThe U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7 has struck near to the port city of Antofagasta in northern Chile.Nov. 5, 2011

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 signs in the sky.

“ASTRONOMERS AROUND the world have readied their telescopes to catch a glimpse of a speeding ball of rock that will hurtle past the Earth tomorrow night.

Scientists say the asteroid, which is just under a half a kilometre wide, will pass inside the moon’s orbit and come within 319,000km of Earth at 23.28GMT. This is the closest a tracked object this size has come to the planet.

Nasa calculates the 400-metre wide asteroid, known as 2005 YU55, has roughly a one in 10 million chance of hitting Earth in the next century. A strike would unleash the equivalent of several thousand megatonnes of TNT.

The asteroid will not be visible to the naked eye, but astronomers will turn their telescopes on the rock to learn about its surface and chemical composition.

“Most of the asteroids we see are so far out that we only get a small amount of information from the light reflected off them,” said Kevin Yates, at the Near Earth Objects Information Centre at the National Space Centre in Leicester, England.

“Because this one is coming in so close we’ll be able to get more radar observations, which will give us a detailed surface map, and be able to get more of a chemical signature on the minerals.”

To read this entire report you will have to Google “The Irish Times  Monday, November 7, 2011. Google this headline: Astronomers focus on asteroid hurtling towards Earth

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