One world currency coming?/What may bring on the Psalm 83 war?/More signs of the Ezekiel war/Signs of America’s decline/Nov. 2, 2011

Up-date on our work in Africa

Bro. Frank,
I just read your post with the photos of the Lord's work in Turbo. It just blows me away every time I think about how God has blessed us to be able to be a part of winning souls for Christ in Africa.
I can't wait to get to heaven to see how many have been saved through our obedience to His call. We are laying up our treasures in heaven!
 I will be sending the funds to Titus to purchase a new amplifier and speaker along with the funds you sent to Turbo to complete the building. They should soon be back on the road doing crusades. I think Titus is planning one soon at Mt. Elgon which is in the North close to Uganda. We are going to plan on planting a new church there after the crusade. Titus mentioned that he had three preachers that he is currently working with and training, one of which will probably go there to be the new pastor of the new chruch.


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438, USA



The video below did not have sound so I did it again which you just watched.


 If you missed my post concerning the Pope working for a One World Government you should read it. The headline to the Business Insider report is entitled: “WHOOPS! Vatican Lets Slip Plans For One World Government”. Here is the link.



How long do you think the PLO is going to wait for the Israeli government to hand over East Jerusalem to them?  Don’t you understand that the PLO knows what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu means in this quote. “All who love Jerusalem should learn from Gandhi,” Netanyahu said. “We must protect its unity, stop those who try to rewrite its history, and remind the world over and over again that Jerusalem was never the capital of any other nation.” 

Netanyahu has no plans of ever turning East Jerusalem over to the PLO or anyone else for that matter.  Knowing that the Prime Minister has made this issue over Jerusalem very clear, and has now given the okay for 2,000 more homes, it is a clear message to the PLO they are never going to retake East Jerusalem.  The only way the PLO and their Arab allies will ever have a chance to make East Jerusalem their capital is by war, and we already know where that leads to!  As you can see from my video it will lead to the Psalm 83 war.  What are the chances of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war to retake East Jerusalem?  After you read Zechariah 12:3 you'll learn the chance of that happening is 0.


Is Israel getting ready to attack Iran?  Not only is Israel warning Iran they will attack them if they don’t stop their nuclear program, but as you can see from this section of a new Reuter’s report, Israel is testing what I believe will be one of the weapons they may use in that attack.  “The noon launch near Tel Aviv, which had not been announced in advance, coincided with a week-long surge of speculation in local media that Netanyahu was working to secure cabinet consensus for an attack on Israel's arch-foe. Netanyahu's office declined comment on the reports, which were unsourced and unconfirmed, and which some commentators suggested might be disinformation designed to jolt war-wary foreign powers into stepping up sanctions against Tehran.”  “

"This is an impressive technological achievement and an important step in Israel's advances in the realms of missiles and space, which has been a long time in the planning," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a statement. Israel Radio's military affairs correspondent, who is regularly briefed by top officials on Defense matters, said a "ballistic missile" had been launched. The term generally applies to long-range missiles for delivering warheads. Israel is widely assumed to have such weapons, known as Jerichos, as well as Shavit rockets for putting satellites into orbit. It has also, with U.S. help, been upgrading its Arrow aerial shield, which uses interceptor missiles to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles above the atmosphere.”


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (many earthquakes). Here are the quakes that hit at least 5.0 and higher today so far. 

MAP  6.2   2011/11/02 14:59:26   -55.303   -128.795  1.1   PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.0   2011/11/02 06:33:29    -0.039    123.413  130.8   SULAWESI, INDONESIA

 Here one of yesterday’s reports on earthquakes. The headline to this report reads, “Earthquakes Today: Mexico, Chile, China and Japan Get Struck By Quakes”

 Prophecy Sign: Signs of II Timothy 3:1-6

Elderly Man Allegedly Beaten To Death At Lakewood Walmart

Suspect In Custody After Smashing Up Sacramento Starbucks Store


Keep on the watch with me.

Ministry information


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Oct. 28, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. The book download is FREE.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora


Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.



    • christopher osborn on April 3, 2012 at 9:47 pm
    • Reply

    lisen i am a regular guy .well i think i am to be frank they speek of one world currency comming yet we the people all over the world carry it on us almost every day …you laugh .i laugh back book a rent a car ,or a flight if you dont have your plastic digital money card on you you its tough yes ….its been here for a whyle its the visa card you hold in your pocket or your master card etc .do the world a favor tell othere the end is alot closer then they think that is not the end of this planet just the plague of man walking on it and destroying it .god is good at what he does the funny part is regardless on what you call hem or what book you read every book has a begining ,a middle ….and yes my good man a end …

  1. Jeff,
    Below is what I put up at my site after reading your email.
    “This message is for Jeff Vincent who left me a comment which I removed. I want to thank you Jeff for bringing to my attention that some one, I am not sure how, placed a photo that was not something that a Christian would put up his site. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I removed this picture and I am trying to find out from my web site host how someone was able to do this. I am sorry if the picture offended anyone but I assure you I did not put that picture up at my site.”
    The message below is what I wrote my web host service people.
    I was up-set to say the least that someone placed this un Godly picture
    up at my site!
    Dear Typepad,
    Someone emailed me and was up set that there was a picture
    of a man who was spreading his ass cheeks a part. It was sick!
    I did not put this photo up and I was wondering how someone
    could have done this. I deleted the picture but would like to
    know how they did it. The person left me a comment and was
    up set with me for hot linking and that is why he put the picture
    on my site. Can you help me to so this never happens again?

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